Using Google SketchUp In The Classroom

Using Google SketchUp In The Classroom

Another #eduonair  session that shows how SketchUp can be used to create 3d models. 

It's also a great tool for illustrators. If you want to see some really interesting uses for SketchUp, check out Jim Leggitt's blog.  

Session Description:
The goal of this presentation will be to introduce how participants can use the free Google SketchUp 3-D Software program. Participants will learn how to download and install the program, how to get started right-away using it with their students. We will show examples of how teachers are using SketchUp in the classroom for all of the core subjects. Resources for classroom ideas and more will be given. Finally I will give a demonstration on how to create 3-D buildings of your school or community that can be uploaded to Google Earth.

For more Education on Air sessions: eduonair


  1. Mark Mitchell this is an excellent tool for creating props and locations for your illustrations.

  2. I'm watching on youtube from my google+ stream.  Can you explain the difference between this and Cacao ?   I thik that's the cloud-tool that Google endorsed or has in the hanogout extensions.

  3. Did Trimble purchase SketchUp from Google?

  4. Yes, Bob Podesta they did.  They discsused that a little earlier.

  5. Thank you Michael Ellis , i am speeding through my stream and didn't stop to watch the video...

  6. it was a cool video though.  worth watching if you're interested in using creative tools to teach kids.

  7. Bob Podesta yes they did. The hangout might have been before the transition.

  8. No they discussed the buyout in the video..   It wasn't completely consumated yet but had been announced by then and was planned.

  9. Michael Ellis I haven't used Cacoo much but from what I remember it had mostly 2D options. SketchUp lets you create 3D models and you have options of adding different textures, lighting options etc. Here are some examples:

  10. Yeah, I used it before google sold it.   I must admit, I struggled.  although drawing things was intuitive enough - I didn't have ttrouble with the computer part of the skill.  I struggled iwth the creative part, how to draw things.  It wasn't any easier for me on the computer than it is when I have a paper and pencil.  I found stick figures was all I could muster, so I didn't get hooked on it.    I wish I'd had this teacher when I was in school - or in fact if I could even follow his class NOW, I could still be taught to do this stuff, I think.

  11. Michael Ellis I not good at drawing things either. I don't think I practice enough ;-D 

    Mark Mitchell has some really cool tips on his blog on how to get started.


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