Hosting the Teach for India Fellows at the Google India office.

Hosting the Teach for India Fellows at the Google India office. Amazing group of enthusiastic volunteers. There's hope for #education  in India :-)

Originally shared by Teach For India

Do you have it in you to Teach for India? Join us...

The Teach For India Fellowship program is a 2 year full-time paid commitment in which we place the most promising graduates and professionals as full time teachers in under resourced and low income schools.

The Fellowship program is rigorous, challenging and provides Fellows an opportunity to develop themselves as leaders and simultaneously transform the lives of the children under their care. Prior to and during the two-year Fellowship, Teach For India provides Fellows with the technical skills and leadership training required to achieve the goals they have set for themselves and their students.

This training includes a 5 week, residential training Institute before they start teaching followed by on-going training and support throughout the two years delivered through conferences, training sessions, leadership forums, online resources and on the ground mentoring by a Program Manager. In the 2nd year of the program, each Fellow undertakes an assignment called the 'Be The Change' project wherein they ideate, plan and execute a project that benefits their classroom, the school or the society as a whole.

#teachforindia   #education


  1. An excellent initiative shared - building teaching capacity & capability for a skilled & employable future workforce #youth


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