via Vic Gundotra
Originally shared by Kyle Klein
Suggest profile photos for your friends
Chances are you've got a favorite picture of a friend -- from a recent dinner, vacation, or party. As part of my Google internship, you can now suggest profile pictures for others!
As long as you’re in someone’s circles, just open their tagged photo in the lightbox, and click the profile icon next to their name. Your friend will receive the suggestion as a notification, and can immediately update their profile photo. Enjoy!

via Vic Gundotra
Originally shared by Kyle Klein
Suggest profile photos for your friends
Chances are you've got a favorite picture of a friend -- from a recent dinner, vacation, or party. As part of my Google internship, you can now suggest profile pictures for others!
As long as you’re in someone’s circles, just open their tagged photo in the lightbox, and click the profile icon next to their name. Your friend will receive the suggestion as a notification, and can immediately update their profile photo. Enjoy!

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