Doodle 4 Google India is back!

Doodle 4 Google India is back!
Alright folks, we know you all love our Google Doodles so once a year we let the most elite members of our Google family take over to make a very special doodle that is featured on Google India homepage on Children’s Day. 

Who are these elite members? They are the brightest young minds of India.. kids between the ages of 5-16!  This year we are looking for doodles around the theme of “Unity in Diversity”. So kids if you're reading this, get those crayons out and start Doodling! 

Parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts help us spread the word and send us doodles from any children you may know.

Check out what our winner from last year 7-year old Varsha Gupta from Ryan International School has to say about her beautiful entry in this video. 

More on our blog post:

