Interesting insights on how users consume information. Download the PDF for the detailed analysis.
Originally shared by Avinash Kaushik
The New Multi-Screen World: Infographic.
A really great, if a little self-serving, infographic from Google that shows the impact of multiple screens on user behavior, and the impact of digital content/experience on offline content consumption/behavior.
Almost all companies with large budgets ignore this reality (many of them actually execute marketing as if the Internet was not invented - but that's a story for anther day). Winning in this new world will require creativity, thinking very differently about marketing and engagement, and hyper fast execution.
Measurement will be a challenge, for now. My thoughts on what we can measure and what we can't are in this post: http://goo.gl/vempH
You can see the complete details of below report here: http://goo.gl/vIWOu You can also download the entire 48 page report with details on methodology and other context.
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