Originally shared by Hangout Captions
Live transcription integration for your Hangouts
This is Naomi Black from the Google Accessibility team. I've been working with ace Hangout developers Robert Pitt, Mohammad Eshbeata, and Brian Aldridge on a new app to make communication between deaf and hearing participants easier in your Google+ Hangouts.
By adding the +Hangout Captions app, you can either connect live text from a professional transcriptionist to your Hangout, or type right into a text box yourself to transcribe a Hangout for your friends. Right now, we only support professional transcription through StreamText and our "do it yourself" Basic Transcription. This is an early look at the app so you can tell us what you think.
To find out more about the new +Hangout Captions app (and more importantly, try it out) check out the website: https://hangout-captions.appspot.com/
Or, try it right away by starting a Hangout with the app running by clicking this link: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/?gid=8064685913
Hopefully they can hook up the voice interpretation services used for Google search products to Hangouts. Would be highly valuable for searching them...
ReplyDeleteIf this is the beginning, one day Google will introduce a screen reader application.
ReplyDeleteThere already is one for chrome, Seppo Alaruikka
ReplyDeleteJoop Kiefte, that's quite incredible. Amazing, I have to add!