Love Hangouts? Here are a few apps to help you make the most of your public and private hangouts.

Love Hangouts? Here are a few apps to help you make the most of your public and private hangouts. 

#protips   #hangoutapps   #CoolHangouts


  1. its sad that none of these apps can be used with brand pages where they would be most useful

  2. ur the queen of feature requests.. ill +1 it

  3. not at all! sheesh Pooja Srinivas there is no winning with u :P

  4. Direct that to the queen of hangouts Tiffany Henry. She needs assistants to submit her feature requests ;-P

  5. Thanks for the mention of Pro Studio, Pooja Srinivas. In coming weeks I'll be working to implement some lower-third functionality. Please note that Gerwin Sturm's Hangout Comment Tracker  also has a stand-alone version, so you can use it along with another extension.

  6. That sounds great Chad LaFarge - will keep an eye on the page for updates.

    I've added Greg's app on the page too. Is that the right link for the standalone version?


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