Testing the #DoShare extension - lets you schedule your posts and save drafts. Looks interesting.

Testing the #DoShare extension - lets you schedule your posts and save drafts. Looks interesting.

Install the extension here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/oglhhmnmdocfhmhlekfdecokagmbchnf/

Plus Do Share if you have any questions.

Originally shared by Tzafrir Rehan

#DoShare https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/oglhhmnmdocfhmhlekfdecokagmbchnf/


  1. Ugh. I feel like the snake just entered paradise. Now, every marketing guru and social media expert will be able to schedule lots and lots of "fascinating" content, just like on Twitter.

  2. Interesting Paul Young... hadn't thought of that. But if these are spammy posts, it wouldn't take too long before they get uncircled or someone reports them as spam.

  3. Pooja Srinivas that's what I was thinking. People on Gplus are smart. If it's abused , people will react.


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