And here's how you can enable the Send Message option in your profile.

And here's how you can enable the Send Message option in your profile.

#protips #plustips


  1. Even if you are old to Google+, you need to set the option once again because whatever you set earlier has recently been reset. I believe it was cleared, probably when Google revamps the privacy settings last month.

    In general, everybody should allow everybody to message them. There is no reason not to. If you are fed up with somebody, you can ignore or block him.

  2. Hey Alex Fung my settings weren't reset. It's been the same for a few months now. If yours changed, and you don't remember making those changes, please send in feedback.

    +1 to letting anyone message you. I haven't had any unwanted messages (well not too many) and it's saved my friends a lot of time in figuring how to message me.

  3. It won't work... I keep selecting "Allow people to send you a message from your profile" and yet, I keep checking via another profile and the little message icon is never there!!! (And yes, it's set to public)

    How can I get people to contact me..... :(

  4. I cannot find the "Edit Profile" button. I have a HOME button pull down that has PROFILE along with SETTINGS. PROFILE takes me to my profile. SETTINGS takes me to settings but I see no CHANGE CONTACT SETTINGS. What am I missing?


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