Hi there!

Originally shared by Andrew Krug

Hi there! Been a while. It's time for the November Ingress Prime AMA! You know the drill. Post your questions now about Ingress Prime in the comments!

I will reach out to the experts on staff if I can't answer something myself. This means it may take a while before I publish the answers. At the rate this week is going, it might be late next week before the answers are published.


#1: Don't ask me about your personal situation. I don't have access to the ticketing system.
#2: Read the previous AMA's. A repeat question is likely to go unanswered and we both will be frustrated. 
#3: Abide by Wheaton’s Law. Trolling and abuse of this AMA will likely get your comment(s) deleted and you blocked.

Josh Stock's curated archive of all the past AMA's:

GCM AMA G+ Collection of Posts: 
