Agents, Magnus #44 has been moved by NIA Gamemasters to the Target Portal in Samara, Russia.

Originally shared by Ingress

Agents, Magnus #44 has been moved by NIA Gamemasters to the Target Portal in Samara, Russia.

Four minutes prior to Jump Time a bad actor created a secondary link which caused a Jump directly to the Target to fail.

NIA Gamemasters will continue to make a best effort to ensure that the actions of those who play fairly are protected. This may not always be viable but due diligence will be performed to the extent possible in all cases.

Trusted members of the community, Agents of both Factions, will be consulted in most cases, as was the case with Magnus #44. We are grateful for the input of Agents who put their Factions aside in assisting with this and future matters of integrity and fair-play.

Thank you.
