Originally shared by Ingress
#ViaLux Denver, Portland and San Jose Final Score Report
After falling behind during the European Anomalies earlier today, the Enlightened returned the favor as #ViaLux struck the Americas.
While the Resistance pushed valiantly across all fronts, in particular the Cluster Battles in Portland and Denver, they were quite simply overwhelmed.
With commanding leads across the board, the Enlightened captured Denver, Portland and San Jose.
The #ViaLux series is currently tied, 7 to 7.
What will this mean for the Resistance New Wave’s ambitious plan to reawaken ADA? At the least, it seems likely they’ve hit a hurdle…
The Enlightened controlled Denver: 1144 to 527
The Enlightened controlled Portland: 634 to 294
The Enlightened controlled San Jose: 303 to 49
Find detailed and up-to-date scores at http://investigate.ingress.com/via-lux-scoreboard/
View detailed Shard Tracking information at: http://thrakazog.com/via_lux/
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