via Niantic Project
On the ground in Milan, H. Richard Loeb has an epiphany...
Originally shared by H. Richard Loeb
If you haven't read @110350977702120778591's last post about her strange dream, do so now.
I'm on the ground in Milan, but I can't get this idea out of my head so I'm doing a quick post in between meeting an incredible array of Agents and Investigators.
Anyway. Remember the strange Glyph like Symbols @117792105926525258257 and @102598577258553073047 found in a supposed '13MAGNUS' cave in Arecibo? I couldn't help but connect that to Klue's vision of people lying in a circle.
Is this what #Abaddon is? Or should I be calling it ABADN?
More later. Measurement coming.
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