The Resistance emerge from a well performed measurement in Milan - casting a Strategic Field overhead to further...

Originally shared by Ingress
The Resistance emerge from a well performed measurement in Milan - casting a Strategic Field overhead to further bolster an already strong position. In Gdansk their grip on the Anomaly remains firm, and Porto also seems to be establishing a comfortable margin for the Blue Faction.
Sofia remains contested, but is slowly stabilizing under Enlightened control.
5 XM Shards have exhibited significant movement. 4 out of Porto, which are now in Azores, and on in Sofia, which has made some traction on a southern vector.
One Measurement remains, and Roland Jarvis’s fate hangs in the balance. The Resistance currently lead this Anomaly by 1426 -- a strong position to be in at M3.
#Abaddon 05 - Cumulative Summary of Anomaly Conditions at M3:
Milan - R:2270 - E:1444
Gdansk - R:821 - E:324
Porto - R:349 - E:186
Sofia - R:232 - E:292
Total - R:3672 - E:2246
#Abaddon: Milan - Measurement 3 Report
The Resistance captured this Measurement, 798 to 348.
The Resistance currently control this Primary Site, leading by 826.
Portals Owned - RES: 57 - ENL: 43 - [Value: 4 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 28 - ENL: 11 - [Value: 16 each]
"Links Created - RES: 2 - ENL: 3
[Values: 15 to 29 = 120, 30 to 49 = 250, >50 = 500]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 1
[Values: 5 to 14 = 120, 15 to 24 = 250, >25 = 500]"
"Strategic Field - RES
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 228 - ENL: 172
Volatile Portals - RES: 448 - ENL: 176
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 122 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 798 - Enlightened - 348
Total for this Primary Site:
Resistance - 2270 - Enlightened - 1444
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 6:09 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: ###6:09###>?Ki
Portal Ownership Details
E - Antigua E Moderna
E - Arco
E - Banca D'Italia
E - Bassorilievo in San Babila
E - Bassorilievo Lupa
E - Busto Emilio De Marchi
E - Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour
E - Casa Crespi
E - Federico Ozanam
E - Fontana Piazza San Babila
E - Gazebo P.ta Venezia
E - Gazzetta Store
E - Giochi d'acqua in S. Babila
E - Giuseppe Balzaretti
E - Giuseppe Giacosa
E - Lampione Umano
E - Mendeleev
E - Modern Art Structure
E - Obelisco
E - Palazzo Andreani
E - Palazzo Berri Meregalli
E - Palazzo Cusini
E - Palazzo Melzi di Cusano
E - Palazzo Saporiti
E - Palazzo Serbelloni
E - Porta Venezia Planetario
E - Poste Corsia Dei Servi
E - Regolo
E - Renato Litta
E - santa maria della passione - retro
E - Scivolo Legno
E - Statue of Filippo Garcano
E - Statue of Giuseppe Dezza creat
E - Statue Scialle
E - Stemma Araldico
E - Targa Francesco Restrelli
E - The 4 Knights of the Apocalyps
E - Torretta Nascosta
E - Trenino Dei Giardini
E - Ulisse Salis
E - Via Della Spiga
E - Villa Via Mascagni Milano
E - Wood Castle
E VOL - Conca del Naviglio
E VOL - David As Atlas
E VOL - giardini pubblici
E VOL - Gorni Kramer
E VOL - O Vesuvio A Milano
E VOL - Parco Giochi via Cesariano
E VOL - Piazza Dei Volontari
E VOL - Portale Arabeggiante Con Colonne
E VOL - Societa Filalura Cascami Seta
E VOL - Targa Papaveri
E VOL - Uomini Colonna
N - Chiesa Ortodossa Sant Ambrogio
N - Ernesto Teodoro Moneta
N - Fontana Parco Palestro
N - Obelisco Parco Palestro
N - Targa A Lucio Fontana
R - Angioletti
R - Automobile Club
R - Balcone Con Bassorilievi
R - Bassorilievo Lupa - Porta Orientale
R - Bilancia
R - Calice Di Pietra
R - Carlo Porta
R - Casa Berchet
R - Casa dello scrittore Luigi Santucci
R - Centro Congressi Milano
R - Chiesa di San Babila Milan
R - Colonna di Piazza San Babila
R - Colonna Indro Montanelli
R - Conservatorio
R - Contro Gli Austriaci
R - corso venezia
R - Deer Statue
R - Dettaglio Casa Berri Meregalli
R - Dino Paleolab Venezia
R - Direzione Regionale Delle Entrate Per La Lombardia
R - Donna E Uomo
R - Emilio Morosini
R - Entrata Seminario Arcivescovile
R - Fontana Venezia
R - Gli Italiani
R - Gothic Relic Tiscornia
R - In Memoria Dei Martiri Della Mafia
R - Ingresso Palazzo Bellini
R - Iron Gazebo
R - Istituto dei Ciechi
R - Luciano Manara
R - Luigi E Baldo Rossi
R - Milano-Giardini Pubblici Monta
R - Monumento ad Antonio Stoppani
R - Moore Sculpture
R - Museo Di Storia Contemporanea
R - Orecchio Citofono
R - Palazzo Bovara
R - Palazzo Dugnani
R - Palazzo Durini-Caproni di Taliedo
R - Palazzo Fidia
R - Palazzo Fontana Silvestri
R - palazzo neoclassico
R - Palazzo Ricamato Donizetti
R - Porta Dei Guerrieri
R - Porta Venezia - Giardini Pubblici
R - San Pietro In Gessate
R - Santa Maria della Sanità, Milan
R - Scienze Politiche Economiche E Sociali
R - Scivolo Giallo Venezia
R - Senza Deviare
R - Statua Antonio Rosmini
R - Statue of Christopher Columbus
R - Statues on the roof of the Mus
R - Targa Alberto Brasili
R - Vaso Indro Montanelli
R - Villa Necchi Campiglio
R VOL - Altorilievo epoca fascista
R VOL - Chiesa Via Senato
R VOL - corso venezia
R VOL - Crazy Captain Graffiti
R VOL - Fish
R VOL - Graffito Del Pesce Dagli Occhioni Dolci
R VOL - Happy Birds
R VOL - Italia Lex
R VOL - Jungle Baby Park
R VOL - La Faccia Del Drago
R VOL - La Porta Della Giustizia
R VOL - Leviathan Murales
R VOL - Mural Sculpture
R VOL - Murales Farmacia
R VOL - Music on the Street
R VOL - Pianeti Di Colore Graffiti
R VOL - Portale Aeronautica
R VOL - Pyramid at Gregorio Mendel Park
R VOL - Rocca Vera
R VOL - Santa Maria della Passione
R VOL - Smorfia
R VOL - Stampante A Mano
R VOL - Statue of Giuseppe Sirtori
R VOL - Targa A Enrico Guastalla - Anima E Mente Italiana......
R VOL - Twin Fish
R VOL - Wall Art
R VOL - Yeti Mangiabanane
#Abaddon: Gdansk - Measurement 3 Report
The Resistance captured this Measurement, 146 to 96.
The Resistance currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 497.
Portals Owned - RES: 33 - ENL: 16 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 10 - ENL: 8 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 2 - ENL: 0
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 1 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 66 - ENL: 32
Volatile Portals - RES: 80 - ENL: 64
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 146 - Enlightened - 96
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 821 - Enlightened - 324
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 1:38 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: g"BwV^lKZTD###1:38###Zbt{3oZ)OvZF
SHA256 of Padded String: b16463e45b143c875f34a2c3831ced6bc1e88cfb9aaa5f52f6b09658e5f64332
Portal Ownership Details
E - Bazylika Mariacka
E - Bazylika Mariacka Miniatura
E - Bożek winorośli
E - Dariusz Kobzdej
E - Fontanna "Wodopój"
E - Guardian of Mariacki Church
E - Love Tree
E - Muzeum Polskiego Rocka
E - Owl in Cage
E - Plac im. Dariusza Kobzdeja
E - Plyta "Zwiastowanie NMP"
E - Safari Grafitti
E - Swietopelk II - Duke of Pomera
E - Toaleta miejska
E - Volne Miasto Model
E - Zeus
E VOL - Alien
E VOL - Cztery Cherubinki
E VOL - Herb Ferberów
E VOL - Kamienica Bvni Tvska
E VOL - Monument of Jan III Sobieski
E VOL - Siedlce Mural
E VOL - Spichlerz "Pod Koroną"
E VOL - Unfinished Sculpture
N - Zespół Kamieniczek
R - Amorek
R - Armata
R - Baszta Jacek
R - Baszta Latarniana
R - Baszta na Podmurzu
R - Biblioteka
R - Brama obok Kościoła Mariackiego
R - Dom Schopenhauerów
R - Drzwi ul. Grobla I
R - Florian Ceynowa Płaskorzeźba
R - Fontanna Czterech Kwartałów
R - Fontanna przy Świętopełku II
R - Gazeta Gdańska
R - Gdzie jestes?
R - Hala Targowa
R - Kamiennica ul. Grobla I/Szeroka
R - Kamienny Lew
R - Kamień Z Lwem Granit
R - Kaplica Królewska i Bazylika Mariacka
R - Kosciol sw Mikolaja
R - Kura
R - Kwiat Życia i Pokoju
R - Pomnik Jana III Sobieskiego
R - Płyta "Chrystus Pantokrator"
R - Rzygacz
R - Sanktuarium Zwycięskiej Matki Boskiej Różańcowej
R - Stare Miasto (Old Town), Gdańsk
R - Teatr Wybrzeże
R - Wielka Zbrojownia (od ul. Piwnej)
R - Wieża Bazyliki Mariackiej
R - Wooden Woman
R - Zebra - Street Art
R - Światowy Związek Żołnierzy AK
R VOL - Anno 1970
R VOL - Black Anker
R VOL - Bociek
R VOL - Dupoślizg
R VOL - Galeria Salvator Zaroślak
R VOL - Graffiti na Młyńskiej
R VOL - Heart Mural GUMed
R VOL - Krzyz Przy Kosciele
R VOL - Neptun Mural
R VOL - Ruiny bramy kolejowej
#Abaddon: Porto - Measurement 3 Report
The Resistance captured this Measurement, 112 to 54.
The Resistance currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 163.
Portals Owned - RES: 20 - ENL: 11 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 9 - ENL: 4 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 3 - ENL: 7
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 1 - ENL: 3
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 40 - ENL: 22
Volatile Portals - RES: 72 - ENL: 32
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 112 - Enlightened - 54
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 349 - Enlightened - 186
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 7:42 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: 8xHU|X9Yef1###7:42###m(I|27]n'|tuO>up
SHA256 of Padded String: bbe104550ffa08f54c855e8a932a776107e6a3bd90fe18be6b0c28bbe90420d0
Portal Ownership Details
E - Entrada da Casa Amarela
E - Estátua Antiga at Palácio de Cristal
E - Estátua ao Inverno
E - Fonte Palácio Cristal
E - Fonte Sentimento
E - jardins cristal
E - Ruínas Perdidas
E - Stones Are Back In Town
E - Ternura
E - Vaso de Cristal 2
E - Vista do Jardim I
E VOL - Abel Salazar
E VOL - Banco de Cristal
E VOL - Cabine Telefónica Aliados 2
E VOL - The 3 Medusa
N - Cave e Fonte
N - Fontanário
N - Fonte e Jardim
N - Menino do Ganso
R - Anfiteatro Palácio Cristal
R - Busto Adelino Amaro Da Costa
R - Cara de Pedra - Stone Face 201
R - Cubic
R - Deusa Cavalgando Cavalo de Our
R - Entrada do Museu Romântico
R - Estátua à Primavera
R - Fonte do Pavão
R - Gallery and Library of Cristal Palace
R - Igreja Palácio Cristal
R - Jardim do Labirinto
R - Jardim e Fonte
R - Lily Fountain
R - Open Mouth Lion Fountain
R - Outono
R - Pedra Da Mulher
R - Ruinas de Pilar
R - The Garden of Twin Cities
R - The Gemini
R - Unknown Cloister Badge
R VOL - Anjos e Azulejos
R VOL - Cubo (Porto)
R VOL - Estátua ao Verão
R VOL - Fontanario
R VOL - Fonte Romântica
R VOL - Hanzul Work Lucity 67
R VOL - Jardim Sentimentos
R VOL - Lift Faria Guimarães
R VOL - Menina A Tomar Banho
#Abaddon: Sofia - Measurement 3 Report
The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 120 to 86.
The Enlightened currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 60.
Portals Owned - RES: 15 - ENL: 14 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 7 - ENL: 4 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 1 - ENL: 26
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 4
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 30 - ENL: 28
Volatile Portals - RES: 56 - ENL: 32
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 60
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 86 - Enlightened - 120
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 232 - Enlightened - 292
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 1:12 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: 7}i+N1QJ"AyQq###1:12###pk,a70<
SHA256 of Padded String: 1684629c7ed4de2dfe63f69c0afcc839f03afd38dcd4844de96608cc178809b4
Portal Ownership Details
E - Camera Dragon
E - Garbage Bin Artwork
E - Hedgehog Sculptures
E - Kolonki
E - New York Mural
E - Religion Elephant
E - Symbol of Bulgarian Sportsmanship
E - The Spy Hippo
E - Underpass Art Installation
E - Vapski Graffiti
E - Баскетболиста
E - Дърпаница
E - Камили
E - Мечка
E VOL - facecontrol
E VOL - Ride Side
E VOL - Доктор Петър Берон
E VOL - Паметник На Българо-съветската Дружба
N - Borissova Garden 05.11.08
N - Memorial To Daniel Neef 1843 - 1900
N - Stepping Stones Monument
N - Чешма
R - Break Point Grafitti
R - Angel Ghost
R - Athlete Statue
R - Georgi Rakovski Monument 01.04
R - Home Of Vizner & Beshevliev
R - Koncheta
R - Religion Turtle
R - Skate Ramp
R - Sport Statues
R - The Lion Sculpture
R - The Tsar Boris III Memorial
R - Николай Хайтов
R - паметник на Йордан Йовков
R - Паметник На П.К. Яворов
R - Стадион "Васил Левски"
R VOL - Hummingbird Mural
R VOL - Ivan Lazarovs house with statue
R VOL - Ivan Vazov Grave * Гробът на И
R VOL - The Old Teacher
R VOL - Динозавър с топка
R VOL - Поетите Славейкови
R VOL - Стефан Танев
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