The Enlightened continue their fierce offensive in Okinawa -- a reminder while they are the underdog in this series,...

Originally shared by Ingress

The Enlightened continue their fierce offensive in Okinawa -- a reminder while they are the underdog in this series, they are far from defeated.

In Seoul, continued Field Cover assisted the Resistance in maintaining control of the site, where they have now have a strong lead that could last them through the final Measurement.

Singapore remains the most fiercely contested of the sites. The Enlightened threw a Strategic Field overhead and now lead by 31 after having trailed behind for the first two Measurements. 

In Wellington, the Resistance have been able to retain the significant gains they made in M2, but their Enlightened opponents are not far behind -- the situation remains dynamic.

The Enlightened lead on this Anomaly currently stands at 3177.

#Abaddon 04 - Cumulative Summary of Anomaly Conditions at M3:
Okinawa - R:2946 - E:6328
Seoul - R:337 - E:176
Singapore - R:204 - E:235
Wellington - R:406 - E:331

Total - R:3893 - E:7070

#Abaddon: Okinawa - Measurement 3 Report

The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 2216 to 890.
The Enlightened currently control this Primary Site, leading by 3382.

Portals Owned - RES: 22 - ENL: 152 - [Value: 4 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 27 - ENL: 38 - [Value: 16 each]
"Links Created - RES: 49 - ENL: 409 
[Values: 15 to 29 = 120, 30 to 49 = 250, >50 = 500]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 12 - ENL: 226
[Values: 5 to 14 = 120, 15 to 24 = 250, >25 = 500]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"

Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 88 - ENL: 608
Volatile Portals - RES: 432 - ENL: 608
Links - RES: 250 - ENL: 500
Anchored Fields - RES: 120 - ENL: 500
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0

Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 890 - Enlightened - 2216

Total for this Primary Site:
Resistance - 2946 - Enlightened - 6328

Measurement Time Details:
Original: 7:18 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: U3jA7Mg8"Kg--7:18---Q?~{Ho>EC2X)RT
SHA256 of Padded String: dd7999d331c95fa06eb05b83a4f4ea18a75d21a142d44e88e6f11072ce67d417

Portal Ownership Details

E -  六諭衍
E - Apa Guardian Shiisa
E - Asahigaoka Park
E - Birds 
E - Cafe Grune Mural
E - Caterpillar
E - Colorful slider
E - Daido Kasai Sculpture and Waterfall
E - flower mural bar
E - Former Bank of Japan Safe Monument
E - Gokoku Shrine
E - Guardian Shiisa of Livemax
E - Guarding Shissa
E - Historic Sites Kumemura
E - Kencho-mae Bridge
E - Kokusai Street West 県庁北口交差点 国際通り
E - KumeSon Memorial Ship Statue
E - Kumeya Shiisa
E - Kunindanakamichi
E - Lawson ローソン かりゆしLCH.泉崎
E - Lawson ローソン 国際通久茂地
E - Lawson ローソン 旭橋駅前
E - Lawson ローソン 那覇中学校前
E - Lawson ローソン 那覇久茂地三丁目
E - Lawson ローソン 那覇商業高校前
E - Lawson ローソン 那覇旭町
E - Lawson ローソン 那覇松山
E - Lawson ローソン 那覇若狭二丁目
E - Lawson ローソン 那覇西一丁目
E - l緑ヶ丘シーサー
E - Midorigaoka Park
E - Moja Carry
E - Monument For The Peace Celebrations
E - Monument of Permanent Peace "NAGUYAKE"
E - Monument to the Establishment of Fukushuen
E - Naha Bus Terminal
E - Naha City Kume
E - Naminoue street
E - nest風獅爺
E - Nissei Marine Sculpture
E - Okinawa Kokuzei Sougou Chou
E - Okinawa's Trademark
E - Palette Kumoji Fountain
E - Palette Tree
E - Remains Of Butokuden
E - Remains of Oyamise Trading Office
E - Remains of the Residence of Naha Ooamu 那覇大阿母屋敷跡
E - sango wall mural
E - Seas at of Asiago
E - Seas at of Sun Royal Hotel
E - Seesaa
E - Shiisa Guardian of Nomura Shouken
E - Shiisa Gurdian of Okinawa-Daikyo BLD
E - Shisa Face
E - Shisa Face 
E - Shisa Guardian of Okashigoten
E - Shisa of  Lions Mansion Izumisaki
E - Shisa of Bizfort
E - Shisa of Kokusai Street
E - Shisa Of Kumoji
E - Shisa of Lions Mansion Kumoji
E - Shisa Of Police Box 県庁前交番
E - Shisa the Okashi Goten
E - Sii-Saa of Daikyo Build
E - Site of The Yuna-nu Ka
E - Splash
E - Square Woman
E - Sumitomo Shiisa Guardian
E - Sunflower Structure
E - Tennis Playground
E - The Blue and Red Wood Pyramides
E - The Reflexology Passage
E - Tuzi Shisa
E - ultraman
E - Wakasa Seaside Park
E - Wakasa Seaside Park
E - White Shisa
E - Yuchi-nu-Sachi Site
E - あとから来る君たちへ
E - うみそらビーチ東屋
E - しまぶた屋
E - ゆいレール県庁前駅
E - アカデミー カイロプラクティック施術院
E - アルテビルティング那覇
E - イルカ噴水
E - オブジェ
E - キジムナーのキム君
E - キャプテンズ イン 国際通り店
E - シーサー
E - シーサー
E - ソシアルコアビル
E - ハイビスカス
E - バーベキューエリア東屋
E - マリンウェスト那覇ライオン
E - ヨーロピアンビル Heart
E - ルサンク旭橋シーサー
E - 三文珠公園
E - 久茂地ステンドグラス
E - 久茂地公園
E - 仲島の大石
E - 仲島小堀跡
E - 公園の遊具
E - 内兼久山跡
E - 十貫瀬橋
E - 南国市場 Nangokuichiba
E - 国際通り周辺市街地案内図
E - 大成至聖先師孔子造像
E - 対馬丸記念館
E - 島尻郡役所跡
E - 愛のシーサー
E - 新天地劇場跡
E - 旧泉崎橋跡
E - 旧泉崎橋跡
E - 旭橋駅
E - 景観賞
E - 東恩納寛惇生家跡
E - 東町郵便局
E - 松山公園
E - 松山地区案内図
E - 松田橋跡
E - 植え込みシーサー
E - 沖縄ジャッキーステーキハウス
E - 沖縄県立沖縄病院跡
E - 沖縄県電信電話発祥の地
E - 沖縄芝居顕彰碑
E - 沖繩守護者
E - 波の上ビーチ公園 Naminoue Beach Park 
E - 渡嘉敷三良の墓
E - 滑り台
E - 生誕之像
E - 白梅の乙女たち
E - 石巌當
E - 石川正道先生歌碑
E - 石敢富
E - 石敢當
E - 美栄橋公園
E - 美栄橋郵便局
E - 若松拝所
E - 若狭公民館
E - 若狭海浜公園
E - 若狭海浜公園周辺案内図
E - 辻公園
E - 辻南公園
E - 那覇バスターミナル
E - 那覇久米郵便局
E - 那覇市役所
E - 那覇市民憲章
E - 那覇市立尋常小学校 松山國民学校跡
E - 那覇駅跡
E - 鬼さん
E VOL - 2 lions
E VOL - Angama In Kokusai Street
E VOL - Bijutsuyanoto
E VOL - birds and animal mural
E VOL - brushing cat mural
E VOL - dragon wall art
E VOL - Eager Beaver
E VOL - Giant Maneki Neko Trio
E VOL - Ha-ri Mural
E VOL - Higawa Uganju Shirine
E VOL - Kamihara Dragon Fountain
E VOL - Lawson ローソン 那覇東町
E VOL - Lawson ローソン 那覇牧志公園前
E VOL - Lawson ローソン 那覇真嘉比入口
E VOL - MAP of the Distant Land
E VOL - Nishi Child Park
E VOL - Pirate Bull
E VOL - Red Pin
E VOL - Stone Tombs.
E VOL - Tabaru Park
E VOL - Taiheiyo Semento Umi Mural
E VOL - The Sea Flower Garden
E VOL - Yogi Minami Shiisa
E VOL - Yogi OdanHodoKyo Whale
E VOL - イルカプレート
E VOL - ペルリ提督上陸之地
E VOL - 久茂地チンマーサー
E VOL - 古の石碑
E VOL - 天妃宮跡
E VOL - 拓味 たぬき像
E VOL - 昭和映画看板
E VOL - 波之上のモアイ像
E VOL - 砂場の動物像 Stone Zoo
E VOL - 蔵の釜lion
E VOL - 重なりあう丸
E VOL - 阿手川公園コミュニティ花壇
E VOL - 鰓呼吸
N - SHOP くだものやさん
R - Airway Shiisa Guardian
R - Daiichi Seimei Shiisa Guardian
R - Go Go Curry Gorilla
R - Kids Playground
R - Lawson ローソン タイムスビル
R - Lawson ローソン 那覇久茂地二丁目
R - Lawson ローソン 那覇松山二丁目
R - Matuyama Koen Historical Gajimaru
R - Naminoue Beachside Park
R - Shell Shape Sculpture
R - Shiisa Guardian of Rihga Royal Gran Okinawa
R - Shrine
R - Tatoo AJITO
R - 久茂地橋
R - 傘東屋
R - 枝
R - 波の上緑地
R - 石獅子
R - 童逹の像
R - 緑ヶ丘公園
R - 緑ヶ丘公園の白い構造物
R - 辻原墓地跡
R VOL - Genki ni Asobou, Tanoshii Koen
R VOL - Guardian lion
R VOL - Guardian Shisa Lions No. 3
R VOL - ITO EN 那覇市社会福祉協議会 社会貢献自販機
R VOL - Jumbo Tours Mural
R VOL - kuda omoromachi
R VOL - Lawson ローソン 古蔵小学校前
R VOL - Lawson ローソン 那覇与儀
R VOL - Lonely Ishigantou
R VOL - Maki shi Midorigaoka Shi-sa
R VOL - makishi lion monument
R VOL - Nakaouji Nakamura Ke
R VOL - Permanent Peace Monument
R VOL - Running Men Okinawa
R VOL - Sugar Loaf Lookout Platform
R VOL - Tsuki No Orpheus 
R VOL - Yazuya no Megami
R VOL - じりつ
R VOL - アサヒナキマダラセセリ
R VOL - タカラマンション マキシー
R VOL - 亭
R VOL - 小禄でいご公園
R VOL - 小禄金城公園
R VOL - 沖縄海洋博覧会シーサー
R VOL - 消火栓
R VOL - 獅子車止め
R VOL - 真嘉比自治会館

#Abaddon: Seoul - Measurement 3 Report

The Resistance captured this Measurement, 116 to 46.
The Resistance currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 161.

Portals Owned - RES: 22 - ENL: 7 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 7 - ENL: 4 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0 
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - RES
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"

Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 44 - ENL: 14
Volatile Portals - RES: 56 - ENL: 32
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 16 - ENL: 0

Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 116 - Enlightened - 46

Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 337 - Enlightened - 176

Measurement Time Details:
Original: 7:02 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: Fs2D:dE0n.#\u-5ph6JcDio<--7:02---W%~M"
SHA256 of Padded String: fb4a40b2eb8c86bd5c9d5399a0b9d78ea565995a6fb7d2e6f8dddf48ac3dfca4

Portal Ownership Details

E - 건국대학교 동문회관
E - 건국대학교 서울캠퍼스 편액
E - 건국대학교 안내도
E - 건국대학교 창립자 동상
E - 건국대학교 황소상
E - 건국대학교 흔적1
E - 세 개의 삼차원 문들
E VOL - Playground
E VOL - 고양이의 빨간 꿈
E VOL - 새워진 그림
E VOL - 웅헌빌딩
R - BB까페
R - Carilah Llmu
R - Konkuk Hospital Ring Statue
R - V Sculpture
R - 건국대학교 고려시대 5층 석탑
R - 건국대학교 병원 신축 기념비
R - 건국대학교 비석
R - 건국대학교 비석
R - 건국대학교 비석들
R - 건국대학교 상허 유창석 선생
R - 건국대학교 상허박물관
R - 건국대학교 일감호 비석
R - 건국대학교 흔적2
R - 롯데시네마 달리는 자전거
R - 롯데시네마 달리는 자전거와 사람들
R - 롯데시네마 빨간차
R - 새천년관
R - 세계언어 문자 조형물  대표 비석
R - 이게뭘까요
R - 자주  정승
R - 컵 탑
R - 한반도의 통일 염원 비석
R VOL - 건국대학교 파이프조형
R VOL - 건대 기념탑
R VOL - 스타시티시계탑
R VOL - 자양6차현대아파트 조형물
R VOL - 큐브
R VOL - 큐브릭
R VOL - 홍예교

#Abaddon: Singapore - Measurement 3 Report

The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 93 to 60.
The Enlightened currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 31.

Portals Owned - RES: 10 - ENL: 16 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 5 - ENL: 5 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0 
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - ENL
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"

Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 20 - ENL: 32
Volatile Portals - RES: 40 - ENL: 40
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 21

Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 60 - Enlightened - 93

Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 204 - Enlightened - 235

Measurement Time Details:
Original: 1:44 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: 75c9k1:44-#SA@V[Ri/cSsS>PRc8
SHA256 of Padded String: 8deb6071b4b43528d41326ab63fa972a646ea1a82087b0704bcc2c210a144dad

Portal Ownership Details

E - A World United
E - ArtScience Museum @ MBS
E - Bird in Wood 
E - Direction Lion 
E - Flatten Croc
E - Icicle Tree
E - Louis Vuitton Glass Building
E - Love and Peace
E - Marina Bay City Gallery
E - National Geographic at ASM
E - Olympic Walk
E - Stilt Benches 
E - That's Where All My Spoons Went
E - This Way to the Stadium
E - Watering Cans Art
E - ライオンくん
E VOL - Dandelion
E VOL - Giant Lanterns
E VOL - Historic Lamps and Arch
E VOL - Riverwalk Fountain
E VOL - Sydney Lighting 
R - Avalon Glass Club
R - Crocodile from Dinosaurs Museum
R - England 2010
R - Marina Bay Promenade Installat
R - Racial Harmony Mural
R - Rain Oculus
R - Singapore ArtScience Museum
R - tAPY
R - The Helix Bridge
R - Youth Olympics Plague Peru
R VOL - Balanced square
R VOL - Dinosaur on Water
R VOL - Sook Ching Centre
R VOL - Telok Ayer Park
R VOL - The Arts House

#Abaddon: Wellington - Measurement 3 Report

The Resistance captured this Measurement, 98 to 78.
The Resistance currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 75.

Portals Owned - RES: 21 - ENL: 11 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 7 - ENL: 7 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 14 - ENL: 0 
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"

Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 42 - ENL: 22
Volatile Portals - RES: 56 - ENL: 56
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0

Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 98 - Enlightened - 78

Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 406 - Enlightened - 331

Measurement Time Details:
Original: 4:06 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: ajg---4:06---Z]}3ML8S9%hjY33/~{K8<-G
SHA256 of Padded String: 577327da67a32adc11008df47a3e370049a52bef8c8f1ecd92cfe4cf8964eb18

Portal Ownership Details

E - Circa Theatre
E - Dedication to Pamir
E - I Live at the Edge of the Universe
E - Lambton Harbour Development
E - Museum of Wellington City & Sea
E - Mv Goya Plaque
E - New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts
E - Paddy the Wanderer
E - Pier Pressure
E - Te Papa National Museum
E - Yet I Think, Having Used My Words
E VOL - I Cure the Wounds of Advertising
E VOL - Joan Evison Memorial
E VOL - Light Dances
E VOL - Plimmer's Oak
E VOL - Stained Glass Buildings
E VOL - Upside Down Batman
E VOL - Urban Forest
N - Boat For Hire
N - Spikey Gates
N - The Cranes
N - Wellington Workers Memorial
R - 1942 USMC Arrival Mural
R - Anchors Away
R - Blue Rain
R - Frank Kitts Park
R - Frank Kitts Sundial
R - Fruits of the Garden
R - Hikitia Floating Steam Crane
R - I Saw The Maori Jesus
R - Kiwi Walk Plaque
R - Kupe Statue
R - Red Dancer
R - Reflection
R - Returned Services Plaque
R - Solace in the Wind
R - Stothert And Pitt Crane 1951
R - The High Jump
R - The Queens Wharf Information Center
R - The Three Stones of Wisdom
R - Their Heads Bent
R - Wahine Mast
R - Waterfront Renaissance
R VOL - Frank Kitts Bungy
R VOL - Inverlochy Urban Art
R VOL - Red Bull Mural
R VOL - Sails on Queens Wharf
R VOL - Scarfies
R VOL - Seismic
R VOL - The Albatross
