Awesome Op by ResistanceLK.
Merry XMas, Agents ;-)
Originally shared by Fayas Ismail
Smurfs say Merry Christmas - Let’s celebrate
Late November: beginning of excitements to welcome the month of happiness, December. People start to decorate to celebrate Christmas. #ResistanceLK was ready to do our part to decorate the scanner. So let’s plan, decorate and celebrate.
Plan: Call the Santa Claus
The idea to bring the Santa to scanner was born to @SHANA30000BC #TheMastermind and it was in November of 2014. He initiated the plan with his fellows and hoped to execute it. But the Santa was busy. The lack of time to refine the plan and inclement weather caused it to be halted till the next season.
He was ready with an idea to make a Xmas tree field art across the Southern half of the Island. Of course it’s a place with a high density of portals and a highly active Ingress region in Sri Lanka, which means dozens of blockers. The root of the tree was to be placed in the Western Coast, growing towards East and the top touching the Eastern coast. Blueprints were made, initial plan was mapped. When the plan was ported to Intel Map, OMG! my eyes and jaws were wide open :O. How are we gonna manage the hell of blockers? We need more agent power and they need to be spread out across everywhere. But the hope still stood strongly, we can do this. Discussions were started, communication channels were created to make it real. Since it’s a field art coordination, highly vigilant Intel Operation and Mission control are the key to success. I was a field agent in our first ever field, had a little experience on field art OP. Agents @navin83 @dinmil(Dinusha Wijesinghe) @PA9 who were behind the #ALDPI “A Little Diamond in the Pearl Island” Operation were brought to lead and supervise the Xmas Tree #TheMasterminds. We had a hard-fought situation to find reindeers to pull the sleigh of Santa. We managed to find smurfs finally.
After some changes to the initial plan and last minute refinements, agents gathered for a small briefing on 21st of November. Portal keys were exchanged months ago and some remaining were completed at the briefing session. Operation time and date fixed to Sunday, 29th of November at early morning 01:00 am. All set and good to go. Agents were dispatched to assigned locations on Saturday. It’s time to pull the sleigh.
Execution: Pull the Sleigh
Date: 29th November 2015
Time: 12:30 am
The reindeers were set in motion to pull the links and create fields.. Intel Operators were on duty for last few days on shift basis to observe the territory and to identify the raising blockers, it was a big challenge for us to find agents to clear blockers, but we managed with on field teams and few blocker breaking teams. Even the Operation time was set at 01:00 am we were pushed to start it prior because of increased blockers, trouble was all blockers in Blue except 2 Green. So JARVISing them may seem fishy to frogs and was a risk to the OP. But we took the risk.
On 27th Evening, a blocker in Kuruwita was taken down by @Flashsk. Another 2 blockers in UpCountry railway line were planned to be taken down by agent @ET3RNiTY while on his way from Badulla to Kandy, Portals were Idalgashinna Railway Station & Railway Station Nanuoya. Unfortunately he faced bad network reception at Idalgashinna Railway Station & unable to do it as we thought. But he succeeded at Railway Station Nanuoya, unofficial start of OP. After the initial failed attempt, Idalgashinna Railway Station portal assigned to legendary agent @navin83. His itinerary was to Haputale as reindeer to pull the Sleigh, accompanied by agent @Dpython. When they tried to JARVIS it failed to complete due to an unknown error for both of them. They went to Haputale without JARVISing and back to the portal in the next train to complete the task. Agent @nuwana took down a friendly blocker in Meegoda by the noon.
By the late evening of 28th most of the hard to reach blockers were cleared, few remained. Another set of blockers in Gampola and surroundings were cleared by Kandy warriors in the evening. A set of blockers were there at Ginigathena @Dtcyclone @RipperSmash @CrashrayBurner who were on return journey after visiting @misteranonymous in Hambantota changed their route through Ginigathena & Nuwara Eliya to break blockers. Remained blockers in Nuwara Eliya town which were borned later was handled by @ChaThuraNgaSL. Other blockers were kept as safe guards, to be taken on time. @RaN9O & @kg900 JARVISed a portal with potential blockers in Tissamaharama just before they leaved to anchor. Nothern part of the country covered by @SakuHAKER & @SriPasan they made blocker to Trincomalee since unusual frog activities in North of the island.
Operation started at 12:30 am, 29th Sunday Early morning. @SHANA30000BC and @Sakkaraya joined together and took the responsibility to clean up Low Level Road up to Awissawella and stationing at Kaluaggala Church. Meanwhile the blockers in Kandy City were raised rapidly and blocked our path. Kandy warriors were already mobilised. Soon after discussions with Kandy warriors and Mission Control, Agent @Crashrayburner at Galagedara was ordered to link Water Tower Pasikuda at 12:48 am and move forward to Kandy City to clear the path for incoming to Galagedara from Victoria Reservoir. at 12:53 am @Nand3 JARVISed the blocker at Turtle Sculpture portal in Karapitiya, Galle. Within this time frame, @suchetha @oddnari @pubu & @ashpul cleaned the Highlevel road and made way to the links. At 01:05 am agent @thinir who was sleeping on top of Public Library Udawala portal took down the blockers and the next second @akunlimited & @ElrondSL made the first link of the OP from Sri Gnanawimala Thissa Thero Statue, Balapitiya to Statue of Gnanaseeha Thero, Ratnapura. Then @prakash9 & @hydra005 linked Buddha Statue Madampe to Statue of Gnanaseeha Thero, Ratnapura & another link to Poddala Buddha Statue. Agents @chathuwn & @AsithAstro were at Poddala Buddha Statue made the link to Statue of Gnanaseeha Thero and complete the trunk of the tree.
@navin83 JARVISed the Haputale Railway Station and cleared the path. @CluZuu linked Madampe Buddha Statue and Haputale Bus Stand from Jayanthimapiyapura Pandal. @Dpython completed the field by linking Madampe from Haputale. @Sakkaraya and @SHANA30000BC who were already stationed at Kaluaggala Church made the links to Ratnapura and Nawalapitiya Railway Station. @Flashsk Completed field from Nawalapitiya to Ratnapura. From Haputale @navin83 & @hydra005 from Madampe linked Nawalapitiya to complete the fields. Since this fields bottom half of the Tree has been done. Meanwhile @jeewaM worked tirelessly in rain around Badulla town to clear friendly blockers and made the pathway.
The show time for YTG Kings started here after. They needed to make way to 2 links, the guard the anchor portal Dharmasiri Senanayake Statue and clean the potential blockers from Galigamuwa to Warakapola. Agent @sandiR lead the team with @nkari @EASamith7 @namals @DneRoyality. Two blockers in Udukumbura and Nelumdeniya was handled by @namals and @nkari. In Galigamuwa @sandiR managed to take down 3 friendlies to make the path. @EASamith and @DneRoyality stationed at Warakapola to link. @DneRoyality successfully made the link to Nawalapitiya as soon as the blockers down. @Diyabariayaz who was at Victoria Reservoir linked to Warakapola, Nawalapitiya and fielded. Agents @kg900 & @RaN9O Prepared the portal in Thanamanvila and made the links to Forest Junction Buddha Statue, Badulla and to Haputale and completed the fields. @Flashsk from Nawalapitiya and @Diyabariyaz at Victoria Reservoir linked to Badulla, completing ¾ of the OP and tree.
To complete the remaining phase agents who were in hideouts came out. @Djsithu made the link to Badulla at Water Tower, Pasikuda. @wasdkiller who were hiding behind Buddha Statue at Sudharmodhaya Temple in Buttala appeared to prepare the portal. He made the 2 links of him to Pasikuda and Badulla to end his long lonely journey in the mid night. The next minute link to Pasikuda made by the team at Victoria and @Djsithu was halted at the portal since a frog already staying in Pasikuda until the OP has been finished.
Agent @Dtcyclone who was at Galegedara now in town to clear the blockers in Kandy with @CrashrayBurner. They cleared all the possible blockers as soon as they can. When the Intel confirmed that frog blockers were dead, at 01:31 am “link!” command sent to @ET3RNiTY stationed at Victoria Reservoir. He made the final link of the OP and completing the glowing Xmas tree field art. #GooseBumps
End of the Operation giving the name to Resistance Sri Lanka who have done 2nd ever field art in Sri Lanka. Proudly Resistance did the first ever field art as well. Hail ResistanceLK! Celebration Begins. Merry Christmas from ResistanceLK!!!
Agents Involved: The Reindeers
On field agents
Balapitiya: @akunlimited(Amila Prasanna), @ElrondSL(Binara Buddhika Athukorala)
Poddala: @AsithAstro(Asith Maduranga), @chathuwn(Chathuranga Deraniyagala)
Kaluaggala: @Sakkaraya(Pubudu Senavirathna), @SHANA30000BC(Sivalingam Prashanth)
Ratnapura: @ashpul(Ashan Srilal), @oddnari(Caustic Cookie), @suchetha(Suchetha Wijenayake), @pubu(pubudu fernando)
Madampe: @hydra005(Yashira Perera), @Prakash9(Prakash Welagedare)
Padanagala: @CluZuu(Ravinga Wickramanayaka)
Warakapola: @DneRoyalty, @EASamith7(Samith Udayasiri), @namals, @nkari(Nalin Ariyaratne), @sandiR(Sachinda Karunarathna)
Nawalapitiya: @Flashsk(+Samith Weerasinghe), @GladiatorSL
Haputale: @Dpython(Mahesh Atapattu), @navin83(Navin Gunaratne)
Thanamanwila: @kg900(kavindu gayantha) @RaN9O(Ramal madushaka)
Galagedara: @Dtcyclone(Dasun Thilina) @CrashrayBurner
Victoria Reservoir: @Diyabariayaz, @ET3RNiTY(Tharindu Dissanayake) @JackalSL(Panchala Weerakoon)
Badulla:* @jeewaM(Jeewantha De Silva)
Buttala: @wasdkiller(Kushan Gunasekera)
Pasikuda: @Djsithu(Sithu Dj)
Cleaning Blockers
@Nand3(Darshana Nandasiri)
@thinir(Thilanka Niroshana)
Intel & Mission control
@cc89(Chathura Chamikara)
@Dumira(Dumira Athukorala)
@nufm(Mohamed Nufail)
@PA9(Pasindu Wanniarachchi)
@simfyz (myself)
@U1traStrike(Chamikara R)
@xCl0uDY(Shan Fidelius)
@XtrikerVibes(vibeesh balan) from Indian Resistance.
>> Agent who were part of the initial mission planned last year and unable to make it this year. It was December 22nd last year when the Operation was called off because of inclement weather and lack of time. The agents involved last year & missed this year are: @NuSmurf(nuwan gunawardena) @TheconquererSL(Rajitha Jayapadma) @Kevin9(Charles Aneslem) @Batzee(Amalan Dhananjayan) @Tshangar(Thayaashangar Theivendran).
>> Resistance agents of India, Maldives and Indonesia who came to help us to blanket the country to provide tunnel to clean blockers and stop raising blockers. Unfortunately called off at last minute due a blocker from an inaccessible portal in India. Special mention for agents from Acech. @firah39 @grounde @jo4g63t & @scremento
>> Blocker clearing teams and agents. We can’t complete this without your great immersive ground support.
>> Agents who were interested to be a part of this and unable to make it with OP date.
>> Andreas Hetz & IIDSC Project Team for providing live recording and Intel footage.
Reporting for Resistance Sri Lanka a.k.a ResistanceLK, this is agent @simfyz. Merry Christmas once again!
#SitRep #Ingress #Resistance #SriLanka #lka #Xmas #seasons #greetings #fieldart #OP
Ingress Niantic Project Anne Beuttenmüller Pooja Srinivas Susanna Moyer Hank Johnson Matilde Tusberti Resistance Global News Network #RGNN

Merry XMas, Agents ;-)
Originally shared by Fayas Ismail
Smurfs say Merry Christmas - Let’s celebrate
Late November: beginning of excitements to welcome the month of happiness, December. People start to decorate to celebrate Christmas. #ResistanceLK was ready to do our part to decorate the scanner. So let’s plan, decorate and celebrate.
Plan: Call the Santa Claus
The idea to bring the Santa to scanner was born to @SHANA30000BC #TheMastermind and it was in November of 2014. He initiated the plan with his fellows and hoped to execute it. But the Santa was busy. The lack of time to refine the plan and inclement weather caused it to be halted till the next season.
He was ready with an idea to make a Xmas tree field art across the Southern half of the Island. Of course it’s a place with a high density of portals and a highly active Ingress region in Sri Lanka, which means dozens of blockers. The root of the tree was to be placed in the Western Coast, growing towards East and the top touching the Eastern coast. Blueprints were made, initial plan was mapped. When the plan was ported to Intel Map, OMG! my eyes and jaws were wide open :O. How are we gonna manage the hell of blockers? We need more agent power and they need to be spread out across everywhere. But the hope still stood strongly, we can do this. Discussions were started, communication channels were created to make it real. Since it’s a field art coordination, highly vigilant Intel Operation and Mission control are the key to success. I was a field agent in our first ever field, had a little experience on field art OP. Agents @navin83 @dinmil(Dinusha Wijesinghe) @PA9 who were behind the #ALDPI “A Little Diamond in the Pearl Island” Operation were brought to lead and supervise the Xmas Tree #TheMasterminds. We had a hard-fought situation to find reindeers to pull the sleigh of Santa. We managed to find smurfs finally.
After some changes to the initial plan and last minute refinements, agents gathered for a small briefing on 21st of November. Portal keys were exchanged months ago and some remaining were completed at the briefing session. Operation time and date fixed to Sunday, 29th of November at early morning 01:00 am. All set and good to go. Agents were dispatched to assigned locations on Saturday. It’s time to pull the sleigh.
Execution: Pull the Sleigh
Date: 29th November 2015
Time: 12:30 am
The reindeers were set in motion to pull the links and create fields.. Intel Operators were on duty for last few days on shift basis to observe the territory and to identify the raising blockers, it was a big challenge for us to find agents to clear blockers, but we managed with on field teams and few blocker breaking teams. Even the Operation time was set at 01:00 am we were pushed to start it prior because of increased blockers, trouble was all blockers in Blue except 2 Green. So JARVISing them may seem fishy to frogs and was a risk to the OP. But we took the risk.
On 27th Evening, a blocker in Kuruwita was taken down by @Flashsk. Another 2 blockers in UpCountry railway line were planned to be taken down by agent @ET3RNiTY while on his way from Badulla to Kandy, Portals were Idalgashinna Railway Station & Railway Station Nanuoya. Unfortunately he faced bad network reception at Idalgashinna Railway Station & unable to do it as we thought. But he succeeded at Railway Station Nanuoya, unofficial start of OP. After the initial failed attempt, Idalgashinna Railway Station portal assigned to legendary agent @navin83. His itinerary was to Haputale as reindeer to pull the Sleigh, accompanied by agent @Dpython. When they tried to JARVIS it failed to complete due to an unknown error for both of them. They went to Haputale without JARVISing and back to the portal in the next train to complete the task. Agent @nuwana took down a friendly blocker in Meegoda by the noon.
By the late evening of 28th most of the hard to reach blockers were cleared, few remained. Another set of blockers in Gampola and surroundings were cleared by Kandy warriors in the evening. A set of blockers were there at Ginigathena @Dtcyclone @RipperSmash @CrashrayBurner who were on return journey after visiting @misteranonymous in Hambantota changed their route through Ginigathena & Nuwara Eliya to break blockers. Remained blockers in Nuwara Eliya town which were borned later was handled by @ChaThuraNgaSL. Other blockers were kept as safe guards, to be taken on time. @RaN9O & @kg900 JARVISed a portal with potential blockers in Tissamaharama just before they leaved to anchor. Nothern part of the country covered by @SakuHAKER & @SriPasan they made blocker to Trincomalee since unusual frog activities in North of the island.
Operation started at 12:30 am, 29th Sunday Early morning. @SHANA30000BC and @Sakkaraya joined together and took the responsibility to clean up Low Level Road up to Awissawella and stationing at Kaluaggala Church. Meanwhile the blockers in Kandy City were raised rapidly and blocked our path. Kandy warriors were already mobilised. Soon after discussions with Kandy warriors and Mission Control, Agent @Crashrayburner at Galagedara was ordered to link Water Tower Pasikuda at 12:48 am and move forward to Kandy City to clear the path for incoming to Galagedara from Victoria Reservoir. at 12:53 am @Nand3 JARVISed the blocker at Turtle Sculpture portal in Karapitiya, Galle. Within this time frame, @suchetha @oddnari @pubu & @ashpul cleaned the Highlevel road and made way to the links. At 01:05 am agent @thinir who was sleeping on top of Public Library Udawala portal took down the blockers and the next second @akunlimited & @ElrondSL made the first link of the OP from Sri Gnanawimala Thissa Thero Statue, Balapitiya to Statue of Gnanaseeha Thero, Ratnapura. Then @prakash9 & @hydra005 linked Buddha Statue Madampe to Statue of Gnanaseeha Thero, Ratnapura & another link to Poddala Buddha Statue. Agents @chathuwn & @AsithAstro were at Poddala Buddha Statue made the link to Statue of Gnanaseeha Thero and complete the trunk of the tree.
@navin83 JARVISed the Haputale Railway Station and cleared the path. @CluZuu linked Madampe Buddha Statue and Haputale Bus Stand from Jayanthimapiyapura Pandal. @Dpython completed the field by linking Madampe from Haputale. @Sakkaraya and @SHANA30000BC who were already stationed at Kaluaggala Church made the links to Ratnapura and Nawalapitiya Railway Station. @Flashsk Completed field from Nawalapitiya to Ratnapura. From Haputale @navin83 & @hydra005 from Madampe linked Nawalapitiya to complete the fields. Since this fields bottom half of the Tree has been done. Meanwhile @jeewaM worked tirelessly in rain around Badulla town to clear friendly blockers and made the pathway.
The show time for YTG Kings started here after. They needed to make way to 2 links, the guard the anchor portal Dharmasiri Senanayake Statue and clean the potential blockers from Galigamuwa to Warakapola. Agent @sandiR lead the team with @nkari @EASamith7 @namals @DneRoyality. Two blockers in Udukumbura and Nelumdeniya was handled by @namals and @nkari. In Galigamuwa @sandiR managed to take down 3 friendlies to make the path. @EASamith and @DneRoyality stationed at Warakapola to link. @DneRoyality successfully made the link to Nawalapitiya as soon as the blockers down. @Diyabariayaz who was at Victoria Reservoir linked to Warakapola, Nawalapitiya and fielded. Agents @kg900 & @RaN9O Prepared the portal in Thanamanvila and made the links to Forest Junction Buddha Statue, Badulla and to Haputale and completed the fields. @Flashsk from Nawalapitiya and @Diyabariyaz at Victoria Reservoir linked to Badulla, completing ¾ of the OP and tree.
To complete the remaining phase agents who were in hideouts came out. @Djsithu made the link to Badulla at Water Tower, Pasikuda. @wasdkiller who were hiding behind Buddha Statue at Sudharmodhaya Temple in Buttala appeared to prepare the portal. He made the 2 links of him to Pasikuda and Badulla to end his long lonely journey in the mid night. The next minute link to Pasikuda made by the team at Victoria and @Djsithu was halted at the portal since a frog already staying in Pasikuda until the OP has been finished.
Agent @Dtcyclone who was at Galegedara now in town to clear the blockers in Kandy with @CrashrayBurner. They cleared all the possible blockers as soon as they can. When the Intel confirmed that frog blockers were dead, at 01:31 am “link!” command sent to @ET3RNiTY stationed at Victoria Reservoir. He made the final link of the OP and completing the glowing Xmas tree field art. #GooseBumps
End of the Operation giving the name to Resistance Sri Lanka who have done 2nd ever field art in Sri Lanka. Proudly Resistance did the first ever field art as well. Hail ResistanceLK! Celebration Begins. Merry Christmas from ResistanceLK!!!
Agents Involved: The Reindeers
On field agents
Balapitiya: @akunlimited(Amila Prasanna), @ElrondSL(Binara Buddhika Athukorala)
Poddala: @AsithAstro(Asith Maduranga), @chathuwn(Chathuranga Deraniyagala)
Kaluaggala: @Sakkaraya(Pubudu Senavirathna), @SHANA30000BC(Sivalingam Prashanth)
Ratnapura: @ashpul(Ashan Srilal), @oddnari(Caustic Cookie), @suchetha(Suchetha Wijenayake), @pubu(pubudu fernando)
Madampe: @hydra005(Yashira Perera), @Prakash9(Prakash Welagedare)
Padanagala: @CluZuu(Ravinga Wickramanayaka)
Warakapola: @DneRoyalty, @EASamith7(Samith Udayasiri), @namals, @nkari(Nalin Ariyaratne), @sandiR(Sachinda Karunarathna)
Nawalapitiya: @Flashsk(+Samith Weerasinghe), @GladiatorSL
Haputale: @Dpython(Mahesh Atapattu), @navin83(Navin Gunaratne)
Thanamanwila: @kg900(kavindu gayantha) @RaN9O(Ramal madushaka)
Galagedara: @Dtcyclone(Dasun Thilina) @CrashrayBurner
Victoria Reservoir: @Diyabariayaz, @ET3RNiTY(Tharindu Dissanayake) @JackalSL(Panchala Weerakoon)
Badulla:* @jeewaM(Jeewantha De Silva)
Buttala: @wasdkiller(Kushan Gunasekera)
Pasikuda: @Djsithu(Sithu Dj)
Cleaning Blockers
@Nand3(Darshana Nandasiri)
@thinir(Thilanka Niroshana)
Intel & Mission control
@cc89(Chathura Chamikara)
@Dumira(Dumira Athukorala)
@nufm(Mohamed Nufail)
@PA9(Pasindu Wanniarachchi)
@simfyz (myself)
@U1traStrike(Chamikara R)
@xCl0uDY(Shan Fidelius)
@XtrikerVibes(vibeesh balan) from Indian Resistance.
>> Agent who were part of the initial mission planned last year and unable to make it this year. It was December 22nd last year when the Operation was called off because of inclement weather and lack of time. The agents involved last year & missed this year are: @NuSmurf(nuwan gunawardena) @TheconquererSL(Rajitha Jayapadma) @Kevin9(Charles Aneslem) @Batzee(Amalan Dhananjayan) @Tshangar(Thayaashangar Theivendran).
>> Resistance agents of India, Maldives and Indonesia who came to help us to blanket the country to provide tunnel to clean blockers and stop raising blockers. Unfortunately called off at last minute due a blocker from an inaccessible portal in India. Special mention for agents from Acech. @firah39 @grounde @jo4g63t & @scremento
>> Blocker clearing teams and agents. We can’t complete this without your great immersive ground support.
>> Agents who were interested to be a part of this and unable to make it with OP date.
>> Andreas Hetz & IIDSC Project Team for providing live recording and Intel footage.
Reporting for Resistance Sri Lanka a.k.a ResistanceLK, this is agent @simfyz. Merry Christmas once again!
#SitRep #Ingress #Resistance #SriLanka #lka #Xmas #seasons #greetings #fieldart #OP
Ingress Niantic Project Anne Beuttenmüller Pooja Srinivas Susanna Moyer Hank Johnson Matilde Tusberti Resistance Global News Network #RGNN

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