Originally shared by Ingress
A strong performance by the Enlightened at the Primary Site in Milan. Although they continue to trail, they outperformed their opponents this Measurement thanks in large part to a combination of Links and Anchored Fields.
Gdansk remains a bastion for the Resistance. If the Enlightened continue to push in Milan, this Site could become an Achilles heel for them.
Porto is under Resistance control as well, but the margin is thinner - a single strong Measurement by either Faction could change the state of play significantly.
Sofia is fiercely contested. The Enlightened currently lead, but a dogged Resistance is chasing them, just breaths behind. This Site could go either way at the next Measurement.
At M2, the Resistance lead the Anomaly by 902, a healthy but surmountable margin for an Anomaly of this scale.
#Abaddon 05 - Cumulative Summary of Anomaly Conditions at M2:
Milan - R:1472 - E:1096
Gdansk - R:675 - E:228
Porto - R:237 - E:132
Sofia - R:146 - E:172
Total - R:2530 - E:1628
#Abaddon: Milan - Measurement 2 Report
The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 708 to 656.
The Resistance currently control this Primary Site, leading by 376.
Portals Owned - RES: 54 - ENL: 45 - [Value: 4 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 20 - ENL: 18 - [Value: 16 each]
"Links Created - RES: 15 - ENL: 19
[Values: 15 to 29 = 120, 30 to 49 = 250, >50 = 500]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 2 - ENL: 5
[Values: 5 to 14 = 120, 15 to 24 = 250, >25 = 500]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 216 - ENL: 180
Volatile Portals - RES: 320 - ENL: 288
Links - RES: 120 - ENL: 120
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 120
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 656 - Enlightened - 708
Total for this Primary Site:
Resistance - 1472 - Enlightened - 1096
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 1:42 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: y]"fYgx9Qp###1:42###Q.UrW8Z/C!vwr,Wf
SHA256 of Padded String: 3f26348369968245b11bb51fd8ec6a7f637266c98c42904815745329eb4e815e
Portal Ownership Details
E - Antonio Canova Dimorò Qui
E - Arcatelle
E - Arco in Piazza Diaz
E - Assuesce Unus Esse
E - Basilica Di San Lorenzo
E - Basilica San Lorenzo Maggiore
E - Biblioteca Sormani
E - Ca' Granda
E - Carro Trainato Da Leoni
E - Casa Natale di G.B. Monteggia
E - Cavallo di Missori
E - Chiesetta dell'Annunciata
E - Composizione Di Pietra
E - Edificio Storico Corso Italia
E - Fortino
E - Il Volto Della Patrona
E - Lapide al patriota
E - Leonardo Il Genio
E - Madonna Con Bambino All'angolo
E - Madonna di Via Chiaravalle
E - Madonna Di Vicolo Pusterla
E - Milano - Chiesa di San Calimero
E - Milano - Corso Italia
E - Milano - San Bernardino alle o
E - Milano - San Bernardino alle o
E - Milano - Soldato Sinistra
E - Monumento Arma dei Carabinieri
E - Monumento Colonne
E - Murale Di Fiore
E - Murales G. Verdi
E - Palazzo Del Comune Di Milano
E - Palazzo Meroni
E - Piazza Erculea
E - Portale Della Madonna
E - Poste Via Albricci
E - Residenza Universitaria
E - Ruderi Chiesa di San Giovanni in Conca
E - Saint Antonio
E - Santo Vendicatore
E - Soldato Destro
E - Statua A San Nazaro
E - Tempio Valdese
E - Torre di Santa Sofia
E - Touring Club HQ
E - Vergine Del Gelsomino
E VOL - Ai Caduti della Resistenza
E VOL - Antiche Mura Romane
E VOL - Bocconi
E VOL - Chiesa Santa Eufemia
E VOL - Chiesa Santa Maria del Rosario
E VOL - Clock
E VOL - Commemorazione Al Generale Dalla Chiesa
E VOL - Drago Verde
E VOL - Fregio Di Via Tadino, 29
E VOL - Love Therapy
E VOL - Mosaico Carnevalesco
E VOL - Mural Manija
E VOL - Piazzetta Della Guastalla
E VOL - Sa.Ba.&Tu Tortona
E VOL - Serrature Del Corso
E VOL - Statua in Guastalla
E VOL - Tucano
E VOL - Via Cesare Battisti [7/05]
N - Chiesa S. Nazaro
N - Palazzo Con Cariatidi E Colonne
N - Porta Ticinese
N - Scudo Museo
N - Statua di Costantino
N - Statue via Porta Romana
N VOL - Piscina Roberto Cozzi
R - A S.Ambrogio De' Disciplini
R - A Salvator Mazza
R - Affresco Ospedale
R - Antica Farmacia Foglia
R - Arco San Lorenzo
R - Area Bimbi Guastalla
R - Campanile
R - Carlo Porta - Statua
R - Casa Del Mutilato
R - Chiesa di Sant'Alessandro
R - Chiesa di Sant'Eufemia
R - Colonna Del Verziere
R - Cristo Compagnone
R - Ernst & Young
R - Fondazione Ca' Granda
R - Giochi
R - Istituto Tecnico Carlo Cattaneo
R - L'uomo Nella Cozza
R - La Creazione
R - La Peschiera Della Guastalla
R - Lapide Umberto Giordano
R - Largo Carrobio
R - Leone Alato
R - Libreria Malavasi
R - Milan - Archeologia - Fognatura Romana
R - Milano - Chiesa di Santo Stefa
R - Milano - Chiesa Via San Calimero
R - Milano City Hall
R - Monumento A San Lorenzo
R - Murales Hamburger
R - Murales Morte Al Capitalismo
R - Palazzo Annoni
R - Palazzo Borgazzi
R - Palazzo Dell'ex Scuole Arcimbolde
R - Palazzo Erba Odescalchi
R - Palazzo INPS
R - Portale Della Madonna
R - Porticato In Via Sant'Antonio
R - Portone Santa Sofia
R - San Francesco Da Merate
R - Santuario Di Maria SS Bambina
R - Sinagoga, Via Della Guastalla
R - Statua dei Bersaglieri
R - Statua di Andrea Verga
R - Statua di San Pietro da Merate
R - Teatro Lirico
R - The Elephant
R - The Wall of Dolls
R - Torre Velasca
R - Università Degli Studi
R - Università Statale
R - Universitá Statale Milano
R - Uomo DIO 1889
R - Villa Zaccaria
R VOL - Al Patriota Gustavo Modena
R VOL - Chiesa Via Lazio
R VOL - Drago Verde Via Romano
R VOL - Forme Geometriche
R VOL - Fregio In Terracotta Di Ca Granda
R VOL - Gargoile
R VOL - Graffiti Under The Green
R VOL - Ieda
R VOL - Il Grifone
R VOL - King with Beer
R VOL - Marmo Di Rigo
R VOL - MILANO - edicola Del Peperone
R VOL - Milano - Scultura Corso di Porta Romana
R VOL - Murales Bimbi
R VOL - Palazzo Storico Comunale
R VOL - Porta Nascosta
R VOL - Spirito Ecologico - Versione Rosa
R VOL - statua
R VOL - Statua di donna
R VOL - Villa Maestosa S. M. del Carso
#Abaddon: Gdansk - Measurement 2 Report
The Resistance captured this Measurement, 150 to 80.
The Resistance currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 447.
Portals Owned - RES: 27 - ENL: 20 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 12 - ENL: 5 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 8 - ENL: 3
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 54 - ENL: 40
Volatile Portals - RES: 96 - ENL: 40
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 150 - Enlightened - 80
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 675 - Enlightened - 228
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 3:43 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: >p7F)EG\6w!|uurF@S###3:43###@ny
Portal Ownership Details
E - "Pod łososiem"
E - Biblioteka Publiczna 13
E - Dawny kosciol sw. Ducha
E - Dyrekcja Okregu Poczt i Telegr. R.P.
E - Famous Americans
E - Figura Św.Jana
E - Instytut Archeologi i Etnologii PAN
E - Kamienica w guldeny gdańskie
E - Oborniki
E - Obrońcom Poczty Polskiej
E - Osrodek Kultury Morskiej
E - Ozdobne Wykończenie Elewacji
E - Pamieci Hansa Wichmanna
E - Panorama Gdańska Street Art
E - Poczta
E - Pomnik Obrońców Poczty Polskie
E - Pomnik Ofiar Eksterminacji na Wolyniu
E - Portal Jakuba i Aneczki
E - Tym co za polskość Gdańska
E - Z kotem na ramieniu
E VOL - Brama Straganiarska
E VOL - Gdański Żuraw
E VOL - Jan Heweliusz
E VOL - Pomnik Obrońców Poczty Polskiej
E VOL - Schron Wartownia 6
N - Kobieta ze statkiem na glowie street art
N - Pomnik komandora Tadeusza Ziół
N VOL - Stare Miasto (Old Town), Gdańsk
R - Baszta Łabędź
R - Blue Trees
R - Brama Swietojanska
R - Bunkier klubogaleria
R - Carved Facade
R - Dom "Pod Żółwiem"
R - Dom Augusta Budnowskiego - mistrza kowalskiego
R - Dom K. C. Mrongowiusza
R - Dom Lecha Bądkowskiego
R - Dom Stanislawa Michalowskiego
R - Dwaj faceci z beczułkami
R - Dąb Dwudziestolecia
R - Fahrenheit Hotel
R - Głowa na filarze
R - Honorowy Obywatel Miasta Gdańska
R - Kościół NMP w Gdańsku.
R - Książęta Pomorza Gdańskiego
R - Maszt Webbed
R - Old Trading Hall
R - Pomnik poległych za polskość G
R - Płaskorzeźba "Statek"
R - Spichlerz "Pod Jeleniem"
R - Statue for Defenders of Polish
R - The Gate of the Holy
R - Trzecie podwórko
R - Virtuti Militari
R - Żółty Mini Wiatrak
R VOL - Ciuchcia
R VOL - Czołg w Parku Steffensa
R VOL - Drzewo Rąk Na Schodach
R VOL - Krewetka
R VOL - Nowy Plac Zabaw
R VOL - Old Hospital
R VOL - Plac Zabaw
R VOL - Plac Zabaw
R VOL - Pomnik Kapelana Solidarności
R VOL - Statue
R VOL - Wictorian Lady
R VOL - Ćwicz Mózg!
#Abaddon: Porto - Measurement 2 Report
The Resistance captured this Measurement, 112 to 56.
The Resistance currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 105.
Portals Owned - RES: 24 - ENL: 8 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 8 - ENL: 5 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 4 - ENL: 0
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 48 - ENL: 16
Volatile Portals - RES: 64 - ENL: 40
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 112 - Enlightened - 56
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 237 - Enlightened - 132
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 5:18 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: ###5:18###NJO[kOL>hX}3
Portal Ownership Details
E - Busto Antonio Nobre
E - Dom António Ferreira Gomes 201
E - Edifício Antigo
E - Galerías de Paris
E - Hazul
E - Júlio Dinis
E - Quiosque - Praça Carlos Alberto
E - Ramalho Ortigão
E VOL - Calçada Da Igreja Do Marquês
E VOL - Fonte da Sociedade Protectora dos Animais
E VOL - Fonte Largo Maternidade
E VOL - Igreja do Largo da Ramalda Alta
E VOL - Rodinha de S. Pedro
N - Faculdade de Ciências
N - Fundação Dr. Luís de Araújo
N - Jardim da Cordoaria
N - Jardim da Cordoaria - Lago
R - Armazens Cunhas
R - Busto de Guilherme Gomes Fernandes
R - Café Progresso
R - Café ncora D'Ouro
R - Cair a Rir
R - Casa Oriental
R - Companhia União de Crédito Popular
R - Confiança
R - Depósito de Água dos Leões
R - Elevador dos Clérigos
R - Felicidade
R - Fonte dos Leões
R - GNR - Comando Territorial do Porto
R - Igreja das Carmelitas and Igreja do Carmo
R - Junta de Freguesia da Vitória
R - No Justice No Peace
R - Ordem do Carmo
R - Palacete Viscondes de Balsemão
R - Red Lips
R - Solar Moinho de Vento
R - Teatro Carlos Alberto
R - Torre dos Clérigos
R - Treze a rir uns dos outros
R VOL - Art Paint
R VOL - Coreto - Cordoaria
R VOL - Costa Café - Clérigos
R VOL - Fonte de uma Taça
R VOL - Ganimedes - la escultura
R VOL - Igreja Evangélica Batista de Cedofeita
R VOL - Monumento: aos Mortos da Grand
R VOL - mural SC Vasco da Gama
#Abaddon: Sofia - Measurement 2 Report
The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 72 to 60.
The Enlightened currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 26.
Portals Owned - RES: 2 - ENL: 20 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 7 - ENL: 4 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 4 - ENL: 40
Volatile Portals - RES: 56 - ENL: 32
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 60 - Enlightened - 72
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 146 - Enlightened - 172
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 4:21 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: {WUQn\ixYeJ###4:21###,VWJxynwBY?=+
SHA256 of Padded String: 7a42b940a76ca5d4772f516497cca6b6f280a0eecc8aea6fdfa0c274ec3af602
Portal Ownership Details
E - Criteria
E - Criteria Star
E - Foreign Doctors Monuments
E - Frank Graffiti
E - Sunny Flower Garden
E - The Sofia University 1 08.04.0
E - The Sofia University 2 08.04.0
E - Window Through Time
E - Winter in Sofia
E - Young Love
E - Архитектурни Детайли
E - Бебе по пишка
E - Борис И Славка Деневи
E - Владимир Топенчаров
E - Климент Охридски
E - Паметник на Св. Св. Кирил и Ме
E - руини
E - Стоунхендж в Докторската
E - Художествена Академия
E - Шипка 3
E VOL - Centaurus
E VOL - Modern Art
E VOL - Каката С Медуза На Главата
E VOL - Многоцветна пейка
N - Aliens Urn
N - Benches
N - Bulgarian-Russian Soldiers Monument
N - Детайл от сграда
N - Мемориал 20.10.2000
N - Фонтан В Докторската
R - Кораб
R VOL - Eco Time
R VOL - Kuzman Shaprev
R VOL - The Monument of "Saint Clement
R VOL - Waterfall
R VOL - Паметник на Васил Априлов
R VOL - Рицар
R VOL - Църква
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