#Abaddon continues.

Originally shared by Ingress

#Abaddon continues. As the first XM Anomaly strikes, the Enlightened take an early lead. They currently hold the upper hand across all four Sites, but the Resistance are not far behind. A massive Resistance Field op blanketed New Taipei City and Manila, allowing them to keep pace their opponents. The Enlightened fielded Bangkok, and leveraged it to extend an already strong lead. Two of the XM Shards appear to be on the move, one in Bangkok and the other in Manila. 

Overall it looks like we have an exciting day ahead. Stay tuned.

#Abaddon 01: Cumulative Summary of Anomaly Conditions at M1:
New Taipei City - R:919 - E:1164
Bangkok - R:46 - E:284
Manila - R:77 - E:112
Sydney - R:106 - E:158
Total - R:1148 - E:1718

#Abaddon: New Taipei City - Measurement 1 Report

The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 1164 to 919.
The Enlightened currently control this Primary Site, leading by 245.

Portals Owned - RES: 80 - ENL: 91 - [Value: 4 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 12 - ENL: 50 - [Value: 16 each]
"Links Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0 
[Values: 15 to 29 = 120, 30 to 49 = 250, >50 = 500]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 120, 15 to 24 = 250, >25 = 500]"
"Strategic Field - RES
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"

Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 320 - ENL: 364
Volatile Portals - RES: 192 - ENL: 800
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 407 - ENL: 0

Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 919 - Enlightened - 1164

Total for this Primary Site:
Resistance - 919 - Enlightened - 1164

Measurement Time Details:
Original: 1:48 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: )5)o1*E|#i"W,++--1:48---txP2
SHA256 of Padded String: 01b4176ba88b002493d839f6504a08a792b8a4a02839a7119267c5e2a2361b8b

Portal Ownership Details

E - Art on Electric Box
E - Artistic Power Box
E - Hello Ki 讀冊
E - The Hands
E - Transformer Box (B5634 BD63)
E - 一對高高變電箱
E - 中國青年救國團新北市團務指導委員會
E - 九鯉湖仙公祖
E - 交通安全宣導碑
E - 亭子
E - 六角形
E - 劍擊
E - 北門舊址
E - 古城地界
E - 古城界址
E - 噴水造景
E - 國光教會
E - 國光路小七變電箱
E - 國光路變電箱
E - 國光路金爐
E - 國畫變電箱
E - 大鑰匙裝置藝術
E - 山水變電箱
E - 崩壞圓圓
E - 巨形鳥籠
E - 彩繪變電箱B5636HA6617
E - 彩繪電箱
E - 彩色變電箱
E - 彩色變電箱
E - 彩色變電箱 國光路南側
E - 恩光淨信會
E - 指示牌
E - 捷運板橋站1號出口
E - 搖到外婆橋
E - 搶球
E - 教會
E - 新板萬坪都會公園
E - 星星步道
E - 東門地下道瓷磚藝術畫
E - 板中仙人掌變電箱
E - 板中景觀公佈欄
E - 板橋中正路不曉得第幾個電箱
E - 板橋扶輪公園誌
E - 板橋捷運3號出口
E - 板橋接雲寺龍塔
E - 板橋林家花園
E - 板橋漢生郵局
E - 板橋站前1A出口
E - 板橋站前噴水池
E - 板橋車站煙囪
E - 板橋車站站前廣場
E - 板橋香爐
E - 板橋鹿
E - 林家花園誌
E - 林本源園邸·來青閣
E - 氣球牆
E - 汲古書屋
E - 海景彩繪變電箱
E - 海灘電箱
E - 淡水紅毛城
E - 減碳宣言
E - 烏來纜車
E - 熱氣球山水壁畫
E - 牛紋座椅
E - 牛與鶴
E - 百年建築
E - 石門-石門洞
E - 福德宮
E - 肥牛雕石椅
E - 自強3
E - 花好月園人壽
E - 藝術繪
E - 蝸牛
E - 變電
E - 變電
E - 變電
E - 變電
E - 變電
E - 變電箱
E - 變電箱
E - 變電箱
E - 變電箱的啦
E - 走路人
E - 跳水
E - 載著回憶起飛
E - 農夫與牛
E - 運動圖騰
E - 長頸鹿
E - 雪松變電箱
E - 香爐
E - 高架電箱
E VOL - 737變電箱
E VOL - B5733彩繪電箱
E VOL - Bon Voyage
E VOL - Алтарь
E VOL - 功夫茶
E VOL - 午夜的遊樂場
E VOL - 南雅公園
E VOL - 南雅新橋
E VOL - 古城地磚
E VOL - 唔銅雕像
E VOL - 國光休憩中心
E VOL - 圖書館前石獅子
E VOL - 堡壘
E VOL - 壁畫
E VOL - 天主堂壁畫
E VOL - 奉慈宮
E VOL - 女人路燈
E VOL - 好時髦農會
E VOL - 山山西變電箱
E VOL - 彩繪塗鴉
E VOL - 彩繪變電箱
E VOL - 彩繪變電箱
E VOL - 彩繪變電箱
E VOL - 彩繪電箱 CE39
E VOL - 彩色變電箱
E VOL - 指標
E VOL - 新店浮雕
E VOL - 景觀橋平臺地面裝飾
E VOL - 板信公園
E VOL - 板橋中正路337曼谷甸泰式指壓
E VOL - 板橋區環河公園
E VOL - 板橋新都廳
E VOL - 板橋觀光夜市地磚
E VOL - 板橋體育場聖火台
E VOL - 水晶柱
E VOL - 水車上的小確幸
E VOL - 海藍ㄇ
E VOL - 環球板橋車站店
E VOL - 白色巨塔
E VOL - 空中花園天使舞台
E VOL - 羊咩咩
E VOL - 翡翠寶石柱
E VOL - 自強2
E VOL - 裝置藝術
E VOL - 觀景平臺隧道
E VOL - 變電電箱
E VOL - 貓熊把戲
E VOL - 雪山變電箱
E VOL - 飛揚的銀火
E VOL - 香酥芝麻球
N - Rainproof Pavilion
N - 三角亭
N - 傳奇變電箱
N - 往東門地下道
N - 時鐘塔
N - 松樹電線桿
N - 板橋大觀書社
N - 板橋孔廟
N - 林家花園電箱
N - 石桌
N - 社區金爐
N - 花花彩繪電壓箱
N - 變店
N - 變電箱 田園
N VOL - 北門街夜市
N VOL - 消防館圖標
N VOL - 綠色森林電源供應站
R - B5634BD3135
R - Electric Box Art
R - 中藥變電箱
R - 來青閣
R - 北極壇金亭
R - 北極壇香爐
R - 又是變電箱 這次比較高
R - 古城界址地磚
R - 壁畫
R - 天橋下
R - 射擊
R - 小公園娛樂設施
R - 小精靈
R - 山水畫
R - 帆船
R - 平安禮拜堂
R - 建國里碑
R - 彩繪電箱
R - 彩繪電箱
R - 彩繪電箱 GC7023
R - 彩繪電箱B5735AA31
R - 彩色變電箱
R - 接雲寺公車站
R - 文化路鬱金香電箱
R - 新北市立圖書館 板橋分館
R - 月波水月
R - 板中福德宮
R - 板橋中正路巷子裡電箱
R - 板橋分局後門
R - 板橋古城門舊址地圖
R - 板橋接源堂
R - 板橋林家花園
R - 板橋漢生西路 變電箱
R - 板橋站前地浮雕
R - 板橋第二運動場
R - 板橋自強教會電箱
R - 林園街龍龜
R - 橋下箱
R - 歡樂動物
R - 涼亭
R - 漂亮牆
R - 漏窗藝術-花瓶
R - 熊熊貓
R - 白鴿飛向太陽
R - 看板界借跨一下的二樓半電箱
R - 石觀音
R - 米妮與高飛
R - 維尼與朋友
R - 自強1
R - 自強基督教浸禮聖經會
R - 自行車
R - 萬坪公園噴水池
R - 觀音竹
R - 解脫門
R - 變電
R - 變電
R - 變電
R - 變電桿
R - 變電箱
R - 變電箱
R - 變電箱
R - 變電箱
R - 變電箱
R - 變電箱B5636HA96
R - 變電箱B5734AC4032
R - 變電箱吼 
R - 變電箱哦
R - 起跑圖騰
R - 起跳圖騰
R - 運動圖騰
R - 運動圖騰
R - 邊電
R - 鐵捲門狼狗
R - 電磁鐵盒b5736aa
R - 電箱五連棟
R - 電箱又是你
R - 韓門武集
R - 香玉簃
R - 香菇
R - 高高喇叭變電箱
R VOL - 人本互動凝聚關懷
R VOL - 地下詭異小丑鏡子
R VOL - 大樓廣場
R VOL - 廣信天師府
R VOL - 彩繪變電箱
R VOL - 恐龍溜滑梯
R VOL - 林家花園彩繪變電箱一
R VOL - 王母娘娘
R VOL - 變電
R VOL - 豐年國小海底世界
R VOL - 高壓變電箱拉
R VOL - 鰻味屋前大龍珠

#Abaddon: Bangkok - Measurement 1 Report

The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 284 to 46.
The Enlightened currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 238.

Portals Owned - RES: 15 - ENL: 36 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 2 - ENL: 17 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 13 
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 7
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - ENL
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"

Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 30 - ENL: 72
Volatile Portals - RES: 16 - ENL: 136
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 60
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 16

Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 46 - Enlightened - 284

Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 46 - Enlightened - 284

Measurement Time Details:
Original: 4:39 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: !h;jgrw*-t-4---4:39---zaQNY~,
SHA256 of Padded String: 4f92d12344d85627de0bf8092574554c09e82434cbaa9118c7ac1d4c2f540854

Portal Ownership Details

E - Antique Map of Chula
E - Bukruk2013
E - Busy City Graffiti
E - Canon EOS 1DX Camera Sculpture
E - Colorfull Eagle Graffiti
E - Dental Care Statue
E - Digital Gate Way Little House
E - Digital gateway on the floor
E - Double Heart Graffiti
E - Faculty of Pharmacy
E - Golden Fish Graffiti
E - Graffiti Mob Birds
E - Graffiti Saddo-bukruk
E - Grafitity the Variation
E - I Love Pets
E - J&M Cards Graffiti
E - Jer 80
E - Jon Snow & Tyrion Lannister
E - Novotel Hotel -Siam Square
E - Paya Satay
E - Phama Library
E - Pharmacies Fountain
E - Poochai Shrine
E - Red Garuda
E - Shrine at CU Veterinary school
E - Siam Kitt Tower
E - Siam Shrine
E - Sunglass Mania Graffiti
E - The Style Building
E - Thotsakan Giant Drawing
E - Walking Spider on the Wall
E - จุดลงนามถวายพระพร
E - ภาพแกะสลัก สกาลา 
E - ศูนย์หนังสือจุฬา
E - หอประวัติ และ หอเกียรติยศ คณะสัตวแพทยศาสตร์
E - เทพีตัวเกร็ง
E VOL - Camera Man
E VOL - Charoenpon Shrine
E VOL - Cultural Centre of Chulalongkorn University
E VOL - Digital Gateway at Siam Square
E VOL - Jim Thompson House
E VOL - Lit's Fountain
E VOL - New Siam Bonanza Wall Art
E VOL - Overpass Clock Tower
E VOL - Painted Wall in Veterinary Faculty
E VOL - Piin-Ha-Tai Pavillion
E VOL - Pink Shrine
E VOL - Siam Vintage Graffiti
E VOL - South Fountain at the Statue of Two Kings
E VOL - The National Stadium of Thailand
E VOL - Tribal Wood Statue
E VOL - White Water Tower
E VOL - Zebra Shrine at CU Dental School
N - 50 Eyes Pro
N - Black Butler
N - Heart Graffiti
N - Never Boy
N VOL - CU Waterwheel #2
N VOL - Kempinski Garden Obelisk
R - BTS Siam
R - BTS Siam (CEN)
R - Eye of Hearth's Wall
R - Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science
R - Phama Waterfall
R - Praying Wall Graffity
R - Santa Cat Graffiti
R - Siam Bonanza
R - Siam Square One
R - Space @ Siam
R - Stir Monkey
R - The Shower Art
R - True Coffee Graffiti
R - Wooden Cranes
R - แป้นบาสในคณะเภสัช
R VOL - Pagoda Billboard Ratchaprasong
R VOL - Painted Stones

#Abaddon: Manila - Measurement 1 Report

The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 112 to 77.
The Enlightened currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 35.

Portals Owned - RES: 7 - ENL: 24 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 3 - ENL: 8 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0 
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - RES
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"

Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 14 - ENL: 48
Volatile Portals - RES: 24 - ENL: 64
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 39 - ENL: 0

Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 77 - Enlightened - 112

Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 77 - Enlightened - 112

Measurement Time Details:
Original: 7:18 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: Hv^{Q---7:18---G0Eo,bZ"_u~U%
SHA256 of Padded String: 6e4c4edcc85e71eb3f92c7afebd1e78bc4f74528d1a22d90ab022fd3afdd2c7e

Portal Ownership Details

E - Ang Pagpapalaya Ng Maynila
E - Ayuntamiento
E - Ayuntamiento
E - Bahay Kubo
E - Bahay Tsinoy
E - Blue Grafitti
E - Father Jose A. Burgos
E - Fish in the Mermaid Fountain
E - Flame Trees
E - Intra Spot Skate Park
E - Memorare - Manila 1945
E - Memorare Foundation Marker
E - Padre Jose A. Burgos
E - Palacio Arzobispal
E - Palacio del Sana
E - Patio Sculpture
E - Plaza De Santo Tomas
E - Plazuela de Santa Isabel
E - Postigo Del Palacio
E - Solanda
E - Sto.  Tomas Grotto 
E - The Knights of Columbus
E - The Manila Cathedral
E - Totem of the Manila Collectible
E VOL - Baluartillo de San Francisco Javier
E VOL - Blessed Charles de Foucauld Center
E VOL - College of San Juan de Letran
E VOL - La Castellana
E VOL - Lion Guardian
E VOL - Manila City Mural
E VOL - Medio Baluarte de San Francisco
E VOL - Virgin Mary Grotto
N - Colegio de Santa Rosa
N - Former Palace of The Governor General
N - San Ignacio Church
N VOL - Birthplace of Columbianism in the Philippines
R - Ateneo de Manila
R - Colegio de Santa Isabel
R - First Diyosesano Seminary
R - Kalbong Leon
R - Ode to Persistence Shrine
R - Plaza de Roma
R - The Seafront Complex
R VOL - Casa Manila Patio
R VOL - Intramuros Graffiti Walls
R VOL - Plaza Willard

#Abaddon: Sydney - Measurement 1 Report

The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 158 to 106.
The Enlightened currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 52.

Portals Owned - RES: 25 - ENL: 27 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 7 - ENL: 13 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 4 - ENL: 9 
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"

Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 50 - ENL: 54
Volatile Portals - RES: 56 - ENL: 104
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0

Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 106 - Enlightened - 158

Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 106 - Enlightened - 158

Measurement Time Details:
Original: 4:38 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: z;zTW\Lx,`,cx"4:38-#
SHA256 of Padded String: d5b235cfe5d19eee7f0d6f89755098dd76d2332ca9edeb871920c44515f74bbe

Portal Ownership Details

E - 1941 Boardwalk Sign
E - Commemoration of Pyrmont Trams Statue
E - Darling Island Context
E - Darling Island Reclamation
E - Google Pipe Artwork
E - Hog in a Cage
E - Jones Bay International Passenger Terminal
E - Jones Bay Land Grant
E - Jones Bay Wharf
E - Jones Bay Wharf War Commemoration 
E - Jones Bay Wharf Waterfront
E - Lyric Theatre
E - Mummy Sculpture 
E - Picnic Shelter
E - Pirrama Park Sign
E - Purple Shoe Zumbawheel
E - Pyrmont Bay Marina
E - Pyrmont Bay Park
E - RAW Sculpture
E - Rooftop Sun Pattern
E - Signorelli's
E - Stairways to Work
E - The Australasian Steam Navigation Company - Darling Island
E - The Star
E - The Star Wall Fountain
E - Waterside Studio And Gallery
E - White Star Sculpture
E VOL - 3 Big Rusty Balls
E VOL - Aquarium Darling Harbour Ferry Wharf
E VOL - Bowl at Fig St. Park
E VOL - Darling Harbour Sign
E VOL - Darling Harbour Stepping Stones Fountain
E VOL - Darling Island Wharf Sign
E VOL - Home Club
E VOL - Metcalfe Park Sign
E VOL - Mick John Wayne Mural
E VOL - Pyrmont Coming and Going Statue
E VOL - Seven Network Headquarters
E VOL - Sydney Lights: Watery Orbits
E VOL - Wentworth Park
N - Australian National Maritime Museum Welcome Wall 
N - Crossing the Ditch Kayak
R - 1880's View of Sydney from Pyrmont
R - 1954 Boardwalk Sign
R - Antique Scales
R - Australasian Steam Navigation Company Propellers 
R - Australian National Maritime Museum Welcome Wall 
R - Ballaarat Park Darling Island
R - C.1950 Boardwalk Monument
R - Darling Island
R - Darling Island 1818 History 
R - Darling Island History
R - Darling Island Land Grants
R - Darling Island Recycling
R - Jones Bay Rail Link
R - Jones Bay Wharf Cargo Lift
R - Jones Bay Wharf Wool Bale Chutes
R - Life from a Suitcase
R - Maritime Heritage Centre
R - Operation Pilgrimage Time Capsule
R - Sydney City Map Information
R - Sydney Wharf Sign
R - The SubWharfyen
R - Trade War Immigrants and Tourists
R - TSS Kennedy
R - Vent Sculpture
R - Wooden Sculpture - Metcalfe Park
R VOL - Bird Sculpture
R VOL - DJ Decks
R VOL - Genesian Theatre
R VOL - Jones Bay Pier 19 to 21 Sign
R VOL - Old Rocks Building
R VOL - Tied to Tide
R VOL - Wharf 8+9 - A History

Photo by Agent 小可冰
