#Abaddon 02
Originally shared by IngressThe Resistance strengthen their position in Hamburg, while the Enlightened seek to fortify Edinburgh (Enlightened Fields flew overhead) and Seville. In Zagreb, the tables have turned, with the Resistance making a comeback to take the lead. At Measurement 2, the Resistance lead in this Anomaly overall by 1477, a decent margin, but one that could be quickly overturned by a burst of energy in Hamburg and continued expansion of the Enlightened position at the Satellite Sites.
#Abaddon 02: Cumulative Summary of Anomaly Conditions at M2:
Hamburg -
R:3646 - E:1670
Edinburgh - R:188 -
E:308Seville - R:226 -
E:650Zagreb -
R:226 - E:181
Total -
R:4286 - E:2809
: Hamburg - Measurement 2 ReportThe
Resistance captured this Measurement, 1698 to 504.
Resistance currently control this Primary Site, leading by 1976.
Portals Owned -
RES: 105 - ENL: 38 - [Value: 4 each]
Volatile Portals Owned -
RES: 33 - ENL: 22 - [Value: 16 each]
"Links Created -
RES: 58 - ENL: 3
[Values: 15 to 29 = 120, 30 to 49 = 250, >50 = 500]"
"Anchored Fields Created -
RES: 16 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 120, 15 to 24 = 250, >25 = 500]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals -
RES: 420 - ENL: 152
Volatile Portals -
RES: 528 - ENL: 352
Links -
RES: 500 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields -
RES: 250 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:Resistance - 1698 - Enlightened - 504
Total for this Primary Site:Resistance - 3646 - Enlightened - 1670
Measurement Time Details:Original: 1:35 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: ozNAi]Oc{iJ]z-
SHA256 of Padded String: 39dfa7874fb892f605288beec4859a515e4bf1d57ae6b2c7920c1bf9b929cbf9
Portal Ownership Details
E - Alster Cliff Restaurant
E - Alstervorland im Herbst
E - Bahnhof Hoheluftbrücke
E - Bildhauerei an Hochschule von Musik Und Theater
E - Chinese Art
E - Chinesischer Garten
E - Die Schwäne
E - Doppler Effekt Landschaft
E - Friede-mit-Euch-Haus
E - Gedenktafel Hauptsynagoge
E - Grimmige Löwen
E - Großer Speerträger
E - Hans Erich Nossak
E - Holocaust Stolpersteine Familie Jacob und Frieda Rieper
E - Holocaust-Stolpersteine Ernestine und Bertha Hirsch
E - Innocentia Park
E - Kargauer Stolperstein
E - Löwenkopf am Mittelweg
E - Löwenmaul
E - Miralle Saal
E - Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg
E - Orpheus Und Eurydike
E - Parkanlage Grindelberg
E - Spielplatz bei St. Johannis
E - Stolperstein
E - Stolpersteine
E - Stolpersteine Ahronheim
E - Stolpersteine Guttmann
E - Stolpersteine Heilbutt und Streim
E - Stolpersteine Herz Und Blumann
E - Stolpersteine Lasdun
E - Stolpersteine Meyer
E - Stolpersteine Mickelson
E - Universität Hamburg Sportfakultät
E - Venus Im Garten
E - Völkerkundemuseum
E - Zierfassade Rothenbaumchaussee
E - Zweitausendeins
E VOL - Airbrush Box Mural
E VOL - Barca An Der Alster
E VOL - Ceramic Design
E VOL - Die Eidechse
E VOL - Einkaufszettel
E VOL - Eiscafe Kaifu
E VOL - Gesichter
E VOL - Gänsebrunnen
E VOL - Hamburgs Schönste Fassade 2010'
E VOL - Historische Fassade Bismarkstrasse
E VOL - Hochbunker Eimsbütteler Straße
E VOL - Mit Faß
E VOL - Parkanlage Grindelberg
E VOL - Schanzenpark Nord
E VOL - Schröderstift
E VOL - Stehende
E VOL - Stolperstein Delbanco
E VOL - Stolperstein Familie Josias
E VOL - Stolperstein Straße
E VOL - Stolpersteine Wertheimer
E VOL - The World
E VOL - Zerstört No60
N - Asteroid
N - Außenalster Bronzeskulptur
N - Chinese Teahaus
N - Doris Diner
N - Fremde Völker
N - Hallerstrasse 6-8
N - Stolperstein Hertha Sommer
N - Stolpersteine Frank und Samson
N - U-Bahn Hallerstrasse Süd
N VOL - Bücherstube Stolterfoht
N VOL - Der Maler
N VOL - Engel Mit Löwen
N VOL - Klaus Kütemeier
N VOL - Metallised XM
N VOL - Stolpersteine in der Johnsallee
R - 13 Stolpersteine
R - 2 chinesische Löwen als Torwä
R - 9 Stolpersteine
R - Adler-Portal
R - Alster Park
R - Alte Rabenstrasse
R - Asia Statue
R - Asia Statue
R - AXA, Hochallee 16
R - Bezleboss is watching
R - Blechskulptur
R - Bunte Stadtvilla
R - Butchers
R - Chinese Wall Art
R - Colorful Boat
R - Das Metamorphose Ufer des Herrn Lienau
R - Der Eselreiter
R - Die Grübelnde
R - Die Liegende
R - Die Schreitende
R - drei Platten Brunnen
R - Eingang Parkanlage Grindelberg
R - Ev. St. Johanniskirche
R - Frau aus Holz
R - Frau Mit Großem Helm
R - Gedenkstein
R - Girlande Aus Stein
R - Glocke Von Harvestehude
R - Goldener Frauenkopf
R - Graffitti WC
R - Grindelhochhäuser
R - Historical Fassade
R - Historische Litfaßsäule
R - Holi Kino
R - Holocaust-Stolpersteine für Becker, Buttermann und Kopf
R - Hundelaufzone
R - Hände
R - Innocentia Park
R - Innocentia Park
R - Innocentiapark Hamburg
R - Isestrasse
R - Junge Ruhende Sappho
R - Katzenhaus
R - Kleiner Stehender
R - Kniende
R - Kuh auf dem Dach
R - Künstlerpavillon Innopark Gazebo
R - Lieb Sein
R - Little Stonehenge
R - Lockenkopf
R - Löwe Und Stern
R - Löwenkopf
R - Metagraffiti
R - Mikado Asiatica Gallery
R - Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg
R - Orthocentrum Hamburg
R - Park Grindelberg
R - Parkanlage Grindelberg
R - Parkanlage Grindelberg
R - Parkanlage Grindelberg II.
R - Plattenrille
R - Raven
R - Schreitende
R - Sorgenvolle Dame
R - Sphinx
R - Spielplatz Grindelberg
R - Stahlkunst
R - Stiftung Altenheim St. Johanni
R - Stolperstein
R - Stolperstein
R - Stolperstein Clara Deutsch
R - Stolperstein Dr. Adamy
R - Stolperstein Dr. Edgar Fels
R - Stolperstein Dr. Samuel
R - Stolperstein Heinrich-Barth-Straße
R - Stolperstein Klein
R - Stolperstein Pulvermacher
R - Stolperstein Recht Oppenheim
R - Stolperstein Walter Erich Cohen
R - Stolpersteine
R - Stolpersteine
R - Stolpersteine Basch
R - Stolpersteine Brauer, Behrens, Petrover
R - Stolpersteine Brummer
R - Stolpersteine Cohen
R - Stolpersteine Familie Behr
R - Stolpersteine Familie Heyn
R - Stolpersteine Familie Sarason
R - Stolpersteine Feldmann, Moczydlower, Hartogsohn
R - Stolpersteine Götz
R - Stolpersteine Hirsch
R - Stolpersteine Hoheluftbrücke
R - Stolpersteine Jakobsohn, Eldod
R - Stolpersteine Karlsberg
R - Stolpersteine Karlsberg
R - Stolpersteine Keibel
R - Stolpersteine Pincoffs
R - Teich
R - Theater im Zimmer
R - Torbogen
R - Tree Art
R - Tulpen Unter Dem Balkon
R - Vier Stolpersteine
R VOL - Abluftkringel
R VOL - AERA Graffiti
R VOL - Big Eagle Mural
R VOL - Denkmal der Bücher Verbrennung von 1933
R VOL - Denkmal für Heinrich Hertz
R VOL - Die drei Engel
R VOL - Ev.-methodistische Kirche Eimsbüttel
R VOL - Fassadenfrauen
R VOL - Gartenhaus Fontenay
R VOL - Gedenktafel Ida Ehre
R VOL - Graffiti Elisabeth
R VOL - Grindelberg Hamburg
R VOL - Gütiger Blick
R VOL - Heine-Denkmal
R VOL - Kindskopf
R VOL - Kirche Am Grindel - St. Andreas
R VOL - Kunst am Haus im Brodersweg
R VOL - Kunst Club Hamburg
R VOL - Li Hamburg
R VOL - Park der Harmonie
R VOL - Penthouse Wohnungen am neuen
R VOL - Postamt 13
R VOL - Salve
R VOL - Spanisches Generalkonsulat
R VOL - Staats und Universitäts Bibliothek
R VOL - Steelflowers
R VOL - Stolpersteine
R VOL - Stolpersteine Hartungstraße
R VOL - Stolpersteine Harvesterhuder Weg 55
R VOL - Türkrone
R VOL - Universität Hamburg Sportpsychologie
R VOL - Welle Des Lebens
R VOL - Zerstört No20
#Abaddon: Edinburgh - Measurement 2 Report
The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 150 to 126.
The Enlightened currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 120.
Portals Owned - RES: 31 - ENL: 21 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 8 - ENL: 8 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - ENL
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 62 - ENL: 42
Volatile Portals - RES: 64 - ENL: 64
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 44
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 126 - Enlightened - 150
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 188 - Enlightened - 308
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 1:41 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: _u2JFko--1:41---QO99^15h
SHA256 of Padded String: d3fb674d193793f573fba386aeb44a44e69e67f67b812dfc48c68e1f3b4709f3
Portal Ownership Details
E - "White Collar" Statue
E - Burial Ground of George Yule
E - Calton Hill from Holyrood
E - Calton Hill Ordnance Survey Triangulation Point
E - Calton Hill View of Old Edinburgh from Nel
E - Canongate Kirk
E - Canongate Venture
E - Dunbar's Close Garden
E - Golfers Land
E - Jacob's Ladder
E - John Thin Burial Site
E - Kennedy Templeton Wilson Memorial
E - Mural with Art Cow
E - Museum of Edinburgh
E - O Lord How Manifold Thy Works
E - Regent Road District Court
E - Rock House Gate
E - The Canonsgate Mercat Cross
E - The Edinburgh Akropolis
E - The Portuguese Cannon
E - Tollbooth Clocktower
E VOL - Adam Smith
E VOL - Future Sculpture
E VOL - Gardener's Cottage
E VOL - Mamma Roma
E VOL - Queen Mary's Bath House
E VOL - St. Paul's and St George's
E VOL - The University of Edinburgh
E VOL - Welcome to London Road Gardens
N - Edinburgh School of English
N - St. John's Cross
N - The Stones of Scotland
N VOL - Holyroodhouse Clock Tower
R - Behold How Good a Thing it is
R - Bull Head
R - Calton Hill
R - Calton Hill Commemorates the Auld Alliance
R - Calton Hill, Edinburgh
R - Collective Art Gallery
R - Entry to Original Royal Mile Sewage Tunnel
R - Far and sure I Hate no Person.
R - From Old to New
R - Graffiti Wall Street
R - Hume Walk
R - Improvement Act 1867
R - James Craig 1744-1795
R - Jenny Ha's Change House
R - Movie Store and Cafe
R - Of Fire and Ice
R - Old Calton Cemetery Sign
R - Regent Communities Bowling Club
R - Regent Road Park
R - Regent Road Park Viewpoint Plaque
R - Regent Road Robert Burns Memorial
R - Regent Road Tourist Information Sign
R - Scottish Veterans Plaque
R - Serving Scotland Saint Andrew's House Info Plaque
R - Simple and Sculpturesque
R - St Andrews House
R - St John's Street
R - St Mary's Street Post Office
R - Studio 24 Reaching Man
R - The Fallacy
R - Wavers Bell
R VOL - All Along The Firth Of Forth
R VOL - At the Foot of the Salisbury
R VOL - Calton Hill National Monument
R VOL - Calton Hill Nelson's Tower
R VOL - Edinburgh Bus Station
R VOL - Fire Me Up
R VOL - Lady Heads
R VOL - Regent Bridge
#Abaddon: Seville - Measurement 2 Report
The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 462 to 148.
The Enlightened currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 424.
Portals Owned - RES: 20 - ENL: 32 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 6 - ENL: 11 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 11 - ENL: 58
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 5 - ENL: 8
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 40 - ENL: 64
Volatile Portals - RES: 48 - ENL: 88
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 250
Anchored Fields - RES: 60 - ENL: 60
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 148 - Enlightened - 462
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 226 - Enlightened - 650
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 4:24 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: !kL4V6K%v!1S{y---4:24---COFi4r4Ru*](j
SHA256 of Padded String: 013adfa622e4831f55ce935bbb3b64a0433e470671a28c54696178ff04dd7488
Portal Ownership Details
E - A Carmen
E - Antiguo Mercado De Entradores
E - Antonio Mairena
E - Azulejo A Antonio Montes
E - Azulejo A Antoñita Colome
E - Azulejo A Armando Gutiérrez
E - Azulejo A Naranjo
E - Azulejo A Tavira
E - Azulejo El Cairo
E - Capilla De La Estrella
E - Capilla De Los Marineros
E - Capillita Del Carmen
E - Cristo De Las 3 Caidas
E - Escultura San Fernando
E - Estatua Rodrigo De Triana
E - Fray Bartolome De Las Casas
E - Fuente Solar Plaza de Cuba
E - Hermanos Cofrades
E - Iglesia Parroquial De Santa Ana
E - Juan Belmonte
E - Mosaico De La Virgen Del Carmen De Triana
E - Museo De Carruajes
E - Patio San Eloy Las Columnas
E - Placa Cristo Pureza
E - Plaza De Cuba Fuente
E - Plaza Del Altozano
E - Puente Isabel II
E - Puerta De La Redencion
E - Sevilla - Teatro de la Maestranza
E - Statue of S.A.R. Doña María
E - Teteria
E - Triana A Los Alfareros
E VOL - Azulejo A Demofilo
E VOL - Beautiful group of sculptures
E VOL - Cassius DIO statue
E VOL - Cross-cultural Centre
E VOL - Dideco Mural
E VOL - Estatua Pepe Luís Vazquez
E VOL - Fuente de Querubín
E VOL - Jardin del Laberinto Viejo
E VOL - Monumento Esfera Familiar
E VOL - Monumento San Fernando Ecuestr
E VOL - Puerta con Manos
N - Estatua de Manolo Vázquez
N - Placa Convento
N - Torre De La Plata
N VOL - El Mariachi
R - Azulejo Cincuentenario Accidente Tranviario
R - Azulejo El Alma De Sevilla
R - Azulejo Manuel Carriedo Condemor
R - Azulejo Taller Antonio Campos
R - Capilla Nuestra Sra. Del Rosario
R - Correos Pages Del Corro
R - Curro Romero
R - Don Miguel Mañara Fundador De La Santa Caridad
R - El Caballo Volviendo A Casa
R - Iglesia Hospital de la Caridad
R - Kiosco Paseo Colón
R - La Anselma
R - La Plaza de Toros de La Real M
R - La Torre del Oro de Sevilla
R - Monasterio Ntra. Sra. De La Consolación
R - Parque Infantil Farmacéutico Murillo
R - Triana - Monumento al Arte Flamenco
R - Wolfang Amadeus Mozart
R - Испания-Севилья-2002 год
R VOL - Convento de San Buenaventura
R VOL - Fuentes Del Zurraque
R VOL - Iglesia Evangelica Prosperidad
R VOL - La Giralda, Sevilla
R VOL - Niño De Madera
R VOL - Puertas De Bronce
#Abaddon: Zagreb - Measurement 2 Report
The Resistance captured this Measurement, 142 to 84.
The Resistance currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 45.
Portals Owned - RES: 21 - ENL: 14 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 5 - ENL: 7 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 29 - ENL: 8
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 3 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 42 - ENL: 28
Volatile Portals - RES: 40 - ENL: 56
Links - RES: 60 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 142 - Enlightened - 84
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 226 - Enlightened - 181
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 2:02 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: zH`v~ogn}u\0K[I"||'2;52:02-`pG[-B
SHA256 of Padded String: 7737cf613ed895f62cbd6834830a3f7b085f9db16a4820a6b27b4284da0cf9db
Portal Ownership Details
E - Dragutin Domjanić House
E - Etnografski muzej
E - Eugen Kumičić Statue
E - Evangelistička Crkva
E - Houly Clock
E - Judita Stone
E - Kazališni Sat
E - Leksikografski zavod Miroslava Krleže
E - Light Clock at HNK
E - Marko Marulić
E - Music Academy
E - Povijest Hrvata by Meštrović
E - Saint George and the Dragon
E - Well of Life
E VOL - Botanical Gallery
E VOL - Croatian National Archives
E VOL - Crvena Kapica
E VOL - Cvjetni Trg
E VOL - Dislajkaj mržnju
E VOL - Tower of Doom
E VOL - Velimir Deželić
N VOL - Ivan Gundulić
R - 4 Seasons
R - Akademija dramskih umjetnosti
R - Balcony Maiden
R - Boys on the Wall
R - Building from 1897
R - Croatian Museum of School
R - Don Frane Bulić Monument
R - Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
R - Fountain at MUO
R - Hat Saints
R - Herman Bolle Bust
R - Josip Kozarac Bust
R - Kallina
R - Mimara Museum
R - Mr. Fork
R - Muzej za umjetnost i obrt
R - Pravni Fakultet
R - Stuck Here Reading Statue
R - The House Of Gustav Krklec
R - Tiny Builders
R - Zazidane Glave
R VOL - Croatian National Theater
R VOL - Likum Graffiti
R VOL - Miroslav Kraljević
R VOL - Praying owl
R VOL - Zgrada na Svačićevom
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