Eid Mubarak 😊
Originally shared by Ingress Resistance India
Occasion of Eid, it was a perfect day to do an OP.
Sanchit Saxena Snehal Ghone Rohit Saxena got together to make the best use of Agent @B00MCLAP's(Bhupendra Singh) visit to Lucknow over the extended weekend.
Quick plan was put in place, keys exchanged and handed over to the Agent in the nick of time just before he was to board the train to Lucknow. The plan was perfectly executed starting 11:30 AM 25 Sep 2015. Good Job Agents.. Eid Mubaarak!
Ingress Ingress Resistance India #Ingress #OPEidMubaarak Pooja Srinivas

Originally shared by Ingress Resistance India
Occasion of Eid, it was a perfect day to do an OP.
Sanchit Saxena Snehal Ghone Rohit Saxena got together to make the best use of Agent @B00MCLAP's(Bhupendra Singh) visit to Lucknow over the extended weekend.
Quick plan was put in place, keys exchanged and handed over to the Agent in the nick of time just before he was to board the train to Lucknow. The plan was perfectly executed starting 11:30 AM 25 Sep 2015. Good Job Agents.. Eid Mubaarak!
Ingress Ingress Resistance India #Ingress #OPEidMubaarak Pooja Srinivas

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