via Niantic Project
+Paul School returns to a topic that he began to explore some days ago, thinking about the implications of a conversation between +Devra Bogdanovich and +Stein Lightman that he believes he heard while meditating.
Originally shared by Paul School
As promised, I spent some time thinking about the implications of what I heard the other night: Devra Bogdanovich and Stein Lightman speaking to each other during my meditation.
The events of #Shōnin led to Devra reforming (for lack of a better word). Her scattered XM Shards re-unified, and her memory, identity and persona were once again contained within the single network of living energy we call Devra Bogdanovich.
In her fragmented stage, we never heard from her, but once she became unified by the actions of Resistance agents around the world, she began to manifest in many forms. I believe she spoke to me, she appeared to many at the Shōnin Finale in Pasadena, and then appeared to Hank Johnson while he was shooting his television show.
Now, Resistance actions have similarly resulted in the reunification of Stein Lightman. I suspect that we will now begin to receive messages from him as well, I wouldn't be surprised if these messages were in the form of Glyphs. Frankly he has been so deeply exposed to the primal language that I suspect it has become the medium of his internal monologue.
But another thing has happened. Both #Shōnin and #Persepolis were controlled by the Resistance. If the old NIA way of looking at things is correct, that the Portals resonate at different frequencies (I don't know if this is a scientific fact, or a gross oversimplification, as I was not chosen to be a part of the Niantic Project), then both Devra and Stein are now present within that frequency. This might explain why I heard them speaking to one another.
They have been re-formed out of the fragments of themselves, and now occupy a shared layer of reality within the Portals.
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