via Niantic Project
+Hank Johnson responds to those who have questioned why +Devra Bogdanovich warned him against traveling to #Persepolis to stop Jahan.
Originally shared by Hank Johnson
This is all new turf to me, and that's not usually the case.
What Jahan is doing, the strangeness of the ritual and the unexplainable XM activity around her... I knew what she was planning, but the how is... well... surprising.
I keep looking back to Devra Bogdanovich's warning.
Many have asked whether she had an ulterior motive. I won't ever know that truth, but after all we're learning about Jahan, I believe that Devra was acting in good faith. The unknown is the most dangerous place of all, and she knew more about what was coming than I did.
I can hear the fireworks in the distance. (Yes, I know I just partially compromised my location, but I figure 4 million square miles is a pretty loose target). Devra and I may not see eye to eye on some pretty major ideological issues, but I don't think Jahan and Devra would either. I've spend time in the military, so call me old fashioned, but there are certain core values that I believe define nations. Those same values also define individuals and they define the movements that comprise those individuals. At the end of the day, standing in opposite camps, Devra and I would and do respect each other for being true to our shared core values.
For her to protect me is not a breach of her identity or her beliefs. It's those core values at their purest.
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