via Niantic Project
+Klue S. has confirmed that she is on the ground in Portland.
Will the #Persepolis Anomaly there affect her like the one following the events of #TimeZero did?
Originally shared by Klue S.
Yes. I'm here in Portland.
It's an odd feeling. The memories are there, but I feel detached from them. More like watching a movie than living an experience.
I know what many are thinking. Last time I was here, being near the Anomaly affected me. Yeah, it did. Will it this time? I don't know.
I don't have a strong opinion if it does or doesn't. I want to stop seeing the movie. I want to reconnect to the parts of me that... I don't know that I lost... but certainly that I have become distanced from.
I'm a sensitive. I've learned to accept that. I have a feeling folks like me are drawn to Anomalies like moths to the flame. We know it might burn us. But being surrounded by the energy there. It's where we belong.
I'll see many of you at #Persepolis tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it.
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