145 km! WOW!
What's your #IngressFit record?
Originally shared by Veronica M (vtghf)
IngressFS Report | Cell PA03-ROMEO-11 | 6 June 2015
Despite the cool, foggy start to the day, by noon the fog had cleared and the sun was shining on agents as they gathered for a social hot chocolate at Charlie Brown cafe in Dickson prior to the start of the scoring period.
Once again there was a fantastic and nearly equal turn out from both sides with a good mixture of returning FSers and new faces registering before the scoring period kicked off at 1:00 PM. Between them, the 52 agents who headed out to claim the Australian Capital Territory brought in over 3.7 million AP in the two hours. This month also saw nine agents reaching the new levels of 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 13, well done agents!
This month agents were joining in the global #IngressFit challenge, looking to increase their distance walked stat alongside the regular chase for AP, level gains and this month's mini game based upon resonators deployed. Final totals were 74 km walked by The Enlightened and 71 km walked by The Resistance giving an impressive 145 km walked in the city of Canberra.
At the end of the day the final scores were:
Highest Levelling Agent (1pt)
The Canberra IngressFS Perpetual Trophy awarded to mixedupworld of The Resistance who gained 3 levels and 78,031 AP. Also gaining multiple levels was runner up SorryLeoIsLate of The Enlightened who gained 2 levels and 65,016 AP
Highest Individual AP Gain (1pt)
With his 229,695 AP, the highest AP earner on the day was punchypirate of The Enlightened
Team Levels Up (1pt per level)
An awesome effort by both teams to level both junior and senior agents.
The Resistance leveled up 7 times
The Enlightened leveled up 5 times
Highest Team AP Gain (1pt)
The winning team was The Enlightened with 2,389,287 AP versus The Resistance with 1,331,898 AP
Highest Team Average AP Gain (1pt)
The winning team was The Enlightened with an average 85,331 AP versus The Resistance with 55,495 AP
*Highest Increase in resonators deployed (No points, but a pretty sweet keyring)
Enlightened agent MissNicc took out the prize with 714 deploys with runner up dragonsister from The Resistance deploying 593 resonators.
The Final Score
The Enlightened 8 points
The Resistance 8 points
A fantastic effort from both teams made this once again a highly successful and enjoyable event. Be sure to join us in Canberra for the next IngressFS on July 4th!
#IngressFS #IngressFit #Resistance #Enlightened #SitRep #CBR #Canberra #Ingress
What's your #IngressFit record?
Originally shared by Veronica M (vtghf)
IngressFS Report | Cell PA03-ROMEO-11 | 6 June 2015
Despite the cool, foggy start to the day, by noon the fog had cleared and the sun was shining on agents as they gathered for a social hot chocolate at Charlie Brown cafe in Dickson prior to the start of the scoring period.
Once again there was a fantastic and nearly equal turn out from both sides with a good mixture of returning FSers and new faces registering before the scoring period kicked off at 1:00 PM. Between them, the 52 agents who headed out to claim the Australian Capital Territory brought in over 3.7 million AP in the two hours. This month also saw nine agents reaching the new levels of 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 13, well done agents!
This month agents were joining in the global #IngressFit challenge, looking to increase their distance walked stat alongside the regular chase for AP, level gains and this month's mini game based upon resonators deployed. Final totals were 74 km walked by The Enlightened and 71 km walked by The Resistance giving an impressive 145 km walked in the city of Canberra.
At the end of the day the final scores were:
Highest Levelling Agent (1pt)
The Canberra IngressFS Perpetual Trophy awarded to mixedupworld of The Resistance who gained 3 levels and 78,031 AP. Also gaining multiple levels was runner up SorryLeoIsLate of The Enlightened who gained 2 levels and 65,016 AP
Highest Individual AP Gain (1pt)
With his 229,695 AP, the highest AP earner on the day was punchypirate of The Enlightened
Team Levels Up (1pt per level)
An awesome effort by both teams to level both junior and senior agents.
The Resistance leveled up 7 times
The Enlightened leveled up 5 times
Highest Team AP Gain (1pt)
The winning team was The Enlightened with 2,389,287 AP versus The Resistance with 1,331,898 AP
Highest Team Average AP Gain (1pt)
The winning team was The Enlightened with an average 85,331 AP versus The Resistance with 55,495 AP
*Highest Increase in resonators deployed (No points, but a pretty sweet keyring)
Enlightened agent MissNicc took out the prize with 714 deploys with runner up dragonsister from The Resistance deploying 593 resonators.
The Final Score
The Enlightened 8 points
The Resistance 8 points
A fantastic effort from both teams made this once again a highly successful and enjoyable event. Be sure to join us in Canberra for the next IngressFS on July 4th!
#IngressFS #IngressFit #Resistance #Enlightened #SitRep #CBR #Canberra #Ingress
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