via Niantic Project​

via Niantic Project​

+Susanna Moyer claims that +H. Richard Loeb's  quest to end the connection between +Klue S. and +A Detection Algorithm has come to a head, but uncharted territory lies ahead...

According to Moyer during her Behind the Scanner interview, to separate these two minds would be like attempting to separate two similar liquids that have been mixed together.


Originally shared by Susanna Moyer

P. A. Chapeau aka H. Richard Loeb is planning to move forward with his attempt to break the connection between Klue S. and A Detection Algorithm.

He asked me for help. That's what some of you saw at the end of the last Ingress Report. I don't know how that piece of B-roll made it into the final cut, but stranger things have happened before.

He wanted my help to bring Klue to him. She wasn't in a good state.

I don't know what happens next. It's not going to easy, and it's not going to be safe. I wish them good luck, but I really don't know how this is going to end...
