Originally shared by Susanna Moyer
I'll be at the #Persepolis Anomaly in Washington DC.
It's been a while since I've been in that area. Many memories there... some good, some not so good. But without a doubt, a large part of who I am was forged in the shadow of the Capitol.
Much is happening around us. Jahan is descending (ascending?) on Persepolis. What happens there may influence the future in ways we can't even begin to understand yet. Hank Johnson claims he will stop her. But the truth is, I don't think he knows what it is he is trying to stop. Jahan is acting on faith, reinvigorating this ancient N'zeer technology. Hank Johnson is acting on faith, assuming that this can only be a bad thing. I am hoping some of that faith can be replaced with evidence as we learn more.
I wonder what the package Dad gave to Hank contains. He certainly hasn't made an effort to share the contents with me yet.
In DC, Agents are taking part in a GORUCK HQ challenge. Yes, I've heard the rumors that this may part of an NIA or IQTech Research training program, and no, I can't confirm them.
Looks like my work's cut out for me. See you all there, and be sure to tune in next week for an update on the struggle to control the #LightmanShards.
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