

via Mala M A​ & Ranganayaki Srinivas​

Originally shared by Berndt Weissenbacher

The Kiss
African Elephant baby approaches its sister, Kruger National Park, South Africa

#wildlifewednesday Wildlife Wednesdays curated by Mike Spinak , Morkel Erasmus
#ElephantWednesday Elephant Wednesday curated by Louisa Catharine Forsyth , Diego Cattaneo , Matthias Haeussler
#WholeWildlifeWeek Whole Wildlife Week curated by Sandy Schepis , Dick Whitlock , Anette Mossbacher and Diego Cattaneo
#artistphtographeramateurorprofessional Artist , photographer , amateur or professional curated by jany viala and Krzysztof Felczak 
#hqspanimals HQSP Animals curated by Mark HELM, Eric Delcour , Jim Haner  , Marina Versaci , Sime Wareham 
#naturephotos YisforYellow curated by Lucille Galleli and Roswitha Böhmer
#photojournalworlwide Photo Journal Worldwide curated by andi rivarola
#pixelworld PixelWorld curated by Alberto Carreras
#plusphotoextract curated by Jarek Klimek
#BTPAnimalPRO - BTP Animal Pro . owned by Rinus Bakker , curated by Fredrik Larsson

This image is Copyrighted © 2014 Berndt Weissenbacher/BeKaHaWe.

If you like it, feel free to share this image as presented here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 licence (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) - no other use of this image is permitted without the express consent of the photographer.
