A signal from +Hank Johnson as he enters the Valley of the Dead.
His message is broken, damaged by the power of the Anomaly Zone. Perhaps we can reconstruct it.
Originally shared by Hank Johnson
S?irling, morphing terrain.
I ?ave never entered??n anomalous?zone ?n th???for? before, ??ly as?I w?s be?ore.
Bef?re Jaha% and t^e*Shōnin ^tone.
I see%why it was so ^dd%a%d terrifyin* to Jah$$(* gu)rds in Afgha%istan.
%i%e$and s&*ce bec%me uncle!r.
Th& mind is tested.
J*h%$%seemed unf#zed th*u&h,%#hen we wa&k#% in#o the 13M%GNUS Nest.
@ ^on(t know whet%er that me%n&*s%e @s or %ad once !een a^sim(l%c&um or ^he(her%sh! h%) pr*cticed some @or% o& medi%ation to pr)tect herself.
The Anaz*tec guide )%o is )e$ding m( also seems ca&m.
He reaches @ut his rough, wea%ered hand.
I &a%e it.
I@ is*a^be$con in a con(us*ng storm.
$hiseled w%lls...
L&ke*?argon's??ural???r ?rajan's co?umn? ?u??recursive.
Rec?rsive ?i?es.
My hypo?hesis?abo?t th? An?zktec is not confi?med,?but it ?s getting clos?.
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