The full sitrep of the #Unight16 India Op. Impressive teamwork, Agents :-)
Originally shared by Ingress Resistance India
Operation Minion Flying A Kite: Ground ops in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Yunnan
South India:
Sometime in late Dec 2014, a few of us were pulled into a regional hangout and informed about a global OP to be carried out in the middle of January. We were told that it would be a repeat of #Unight8- p8s followed by BAFs. Our initial reaction was one of concern and apprehension. The ENL, after all, had seen all of this before. What were the chances we would succeed despite that? After some deliberation, we decided to go with it anyway.
Among the objectives of #Unight16 was that of maximum inclusion- we decided to pursue this to the fullest. The moment the idea was communicated to us, we contacted agents in Thiruvananthapuram- who had been eagerly waiting to do an op. Our initial pessimism was outweighed by the fact that we had not used Thiruvananthapuram in an OP before and the ENL would therefore be unable to predict our lanes. 35 layers over Bangalore were planned using Thiruvananthapuram-Koppal as base. Chennai and Madurai covers were also planned simultaneously.
The plan was made and the groups went silent. This op didn't seem to generate as much enthusiasm as we hoped; and reflected the nationwide slump we were in after a year spent winning anomalies and connected cells. We decided to do some ‘practice ops’ in the weeks preceding #Unight16 and this turned out to be a good idea. Approximately 5 days before the date of the operation, the group came alive and preparations began.
Two days to the operation, our lanes were clear and we looked all set to proceed; when a couple of green crosses appeared in Kerala. This was excellent! It gave us a chance to include our agents in [redacted], [redacted] and [redacted]! They were informed, and the operation rolled forward.
With barely 12 hours to go, we found out there had been a leak. ENL knew the exact time, date and nature of #Unight16. All teams were informed of this and the unanimous- if somewhat heavyhearted- decision was to proceed anyway. The plan was modified taking into account the fact that they would be trying to block us.
A team from Bangalore would layer from the Bangalore-Tirupati highway, while 2 teams from Chennai would field over Bangalore from Kanchipuram and Mahabalipuram. Yet another team from Chennai would cover Chennai from Mahabalipuram and @NytFury would cover Madurai using the Mahabalipuram-Trivandrum base from Pattukotai.
25th Jan 1000hrs: [Target CP 1530]
The city of Bangalore had just finished making p8s and travellers were ready to move out; when suddenly a green SAF was noticed over the city of Mysore, anchored at Hunsur, that blocked our plan. Was this just some minor op or part of a design to block us? We’d know soon enough. @oanonymous and @nosorrowftw immediately left to kill the blocking links. They were in position by 1200hrs, while @ARPP and @muzirian made their way to the only other blocker at Vallathol. Meanwhile, @nambolan, @ibmflash and @sreesu frantically cleared the path for incoming and outgoing links in Thiruvananthapuram. @SlickThief, @SM0KESCREEN, @Joshua4976, @NeoReborn, @VijiRodricks and @vizor666 guarded blocker-sensitive regions.
By 1345hrs, the Bangalore team consisting of @XtrikerVibes, @StarStr3aker, @UltraXtrikes and @silentrowdy were at the first anchor- Palamaner. The signal was given and the green crosses dropped. Base was made. @NytFury cleared the way and @XtrikerVibes made the first field. A second layer was added by @ibmflash from Thiruvananthapuram. Green ‘blockers’ immediately crashed onto the outside of our fields, making for a satisfying sight for those on Intel. A further 4 layers were added from the highway..
By 1430hrs, the Kanchi team consisting of @V3N0M41, @patchboy and @pulsecoder007 was in position and proceeded to prepare the anchors. At 1455, they began fielding; on foot- sprinting the entire distance! By 1506, 11 layers were up. At around the same time, the base for the Chennai cover went up and @sayandhan and @Trinetra began layering from Tiger Caves, 4km north of Mahabalipuram.
Parallely, the two teams in Mahabalipuram- going over the plan and finalizing preparations- were in a rude shock when the presence of a senior ENL in the vicinity came to light. The teams decided to go ahead with the plan without any modifications; putting faith in their numbers, outnumbering the ENL 8:1. Respective positions were taken in the Shore Temple and anchors were powered up at 1503. A packed Sunday in Mahabs made weaving between portals a Herculean task. Probably surprised seeing two fielding teams, the ENL made some desperate attempts at blocking.
Because of the crowd and presence of opposition, the Bangalore cover team consisting of @AllFlash, @Adhithya, @ruunker and @praveenc decided to commence fielding at 15:06 despite the fact that the Kanchi team had three more layers to go. Also factored into this decision was that @Nytfury was waiting in Pattukotai to cover the city of Madurai.
As anchors were powered and fields were thrown at an insane speed, the ENL caused trouble to the other team by making a cross to Pondicherry. To his misfortune, the portal he made the cross from happened to be an anchor for the team covering Bangalore and was immediately neutralized! The Chennai cover team (@X1N30HP, @Blaez and @beerbaba) commenced fielding and added 3 more layers over chennai. All was well. Beyond this feeble effort, the ENL was pretty much helpless as each anchor was p7 with three defensive mods and with people on site ready to defend.
Both teams completed their layers with around three minutes to go. But we weren't done yet! @Nytfury began making fields from Pattukottai.. Unfortunately he could only complete one layer before the checkpoint and made four more after.
The two teams were soon joined by the team from tiger caves and a quick l8 celebratory farm was whipped up at the shore temple cluster.
Total mu:
Chennai cover: 191million
Madurai cover: 8 million
Mahabalipuram Bangalore layers: 550million
Kanchi layers: 462 million
Bangalore-Tirupati highway layers: 150 million
On ground:
North India, Nepal and Yunnan: #BreakTheScanner
This would be the first time Resistance India and Nepal collaborated with Resistance China and Resistance Bangladesh. Considering the fields would be over the densely populated Gangetic plains and delta, we knew the MU count would be phenomenal to say the least. This leg of the OP was named #BreakTheScanner.
We were joined by the newly formed Resistance community from Dhaka, Bangladesh and this would be their first ever Operation. The spirit of #Unight16 was to involve every agent at every level in the game, and we obliged.
Anchors for the BAFs were chosen at Lhasa and Yunnan in China, Visakhapatnam and Delhi in India, and Kathmandu in Nepal. Kolkata and Dhaka teams would cover Kolkata before we covered the entire country of Bangladesh.
A week before D-day, crosses were accessed and the process of clearing lanes and holding them was underway. @Elememtal caught a 5hr overnight train from Haridwar to join the operation in Delhi. In China, a 4 membered Team took a 550km long drive and another agent a flight to reach the anchors in Xishiongbanna.
Day of the OP:
Kolkata Dhaka BAFs - The debut of Resistance Bangladesh.
From Kolkata, @horowitzski and @AyalaR7 travelled to Haldia and Burdhwan respectively. @barcalow and @rawhydde stayed back in Kolkata to keep the opponents busy as Bangladesh agents @Aumi and @SILIWalker got ready for their very first Op. At 1400hrs agents reached positions and immediately the ‘Go’ was given and Kolkata was covered in 5 layers of beautiful blue fields. The OP had commenced. The Scanner would soon be broken.
Delhi, Yunnan, Lhasa, Nepal had clear lanes now. Agents were enroute to their allocated locations and anchors were lighting up. With far too many cross links surrounding the Vizag anchor, the team of 7 agents met an hour and half before the Op and divided themselves for lane clearing tasks in various directions. Having anchors in Ingress active cities like Vizag and Delhi meant we had to restrict ourselves from cleaning too early and give enough time for the on-alert ENL to respond.
After a week of little to no activity by the Resistance in Vizag, the COMM was now flooded with agents dropping cross links everywhere to make way for BAF links. Cleaning had started while Nepal went to work. @AllIsMind with his trusted friend Zushan Ali playing the transporter, took a drive to the Enlightened infested areas of Vizag outskirts to do some pest control. @redyellowgreen, @hemuspartan and @greenkiller had the daunting task of jarvising 9 portals in as short a timeframe as possible. @bulebustor, @aayu5hhh and @AnHell7 waited at the anchor ‘The Seated Tigers’ to flip, upgrade and shoot links.
To everyone's amusement, @redyellowgreen jarvised a cross and drove through traffic signals at top speed to reach another one only to find it just decayed moments ago.
@greenkiller and @hemuspartan finished their tasks efficiently and were headed to the anchor.
Bangladesh finished their fields covering Kolkata right on time for the remaining cities to begin. Target CP 40 minutes away, Delhi team made the first link to Lhasa, preparing the base for Nepal fields. With ready anchors, now network problems ensued in Kathmandu, Nepal and agents tried everything possible to make their fields before they got covered. The network issue was so severe that not a single link had been made in 15 mins and no contact with Nepal Team was being established. We hoped and prayed the Nepal team score one in as we prepared to cover them.
With the CP getting close it was now or never.
The anchor in Vizag was flipped and made ready to link. Yunnan immediately linked to Vizag and Lhasa and Vizag linked to Delhi. With a heavy heart, Dispatch gave the signal and @bulebustor from Vizag shot the link to Lhasa covering all of East India with entirety of Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. However, to our great joy and relief the field from Nepal went up at the same time.
The single link by agent @bulebustor closed two BAFs and captured a record breaking 454 Million MU. At this point reports started coming in of ghost links and laggy and crashing scanners. Team Vizag’s job was done, and the teams in Delhi and Yunnan set about completing their layers. Displaying supreme coordination amidst all kinds of server issues, they made 5 layers covering the western half and 4 layers covering the eastern half of the OP before the checkpoint.
MU count:
Kolkata cover from Bangladesh - 131,033,167
Nepal Layer - 135,34,631
Lhasa Yunnan Vizag Layers - 868,118,776
Delhi Vizag Lhasa layers - 1,276,320,973
Additional Layers after CP - 700 million
Agent Names:
Special mentions:
For not making any links.
Zushan Ali for being the amazing Transporter.
Lhasa: (keeping the portal live and sending us keys)
Dispatch: @MonsterSnail
Insane key transfers: @varjaaks, @LucbethD, @Iriyadays, @subhell
Central India:
In Central India, a blueprint was drawn for the eager agents of Hyderabad to make fields from Bidar to Rajahmundry and Koppal.
The week leading to the Op, teams were made to clear crosses and field from a remote town of Bidar. A day prior to D-Day, a proactive ENL player took down one of our friendly crosses and put up 2 of his own. Agents @teddyrabbit, @bmanoj and @worldvoice set out to take down a cross at bhuvanagiri and other crosses that the ENL were making.
With the same apprehension and concern over the fact that ENL was aware of our intentions and were on alert for the weekend, 4 agents from Hyderabad (@Magiee, @Ntakado, @toadhacker and @chegu) began their journey to Bidar in the morning. @bheeshma took down crosses at Warangal. @kashyap09 drove down to Suryapet and patiently waited to remove blockers on team Bidar’s signal. As @smokinguns jarvised a P7 carrying the final cross at Patancheru at 2.25pm, team Bidar was set to begin.
They had reached well before 2pm. After overcoming network issues at the fort in Bidar, @Magiee linked Rajahmundry and Koppal at 2.30pm. @godassassin completed the field from Rajahmundry earning 18 million MU.The 2nd and 3rd layers were made by @Ntakado and @Magiee before the CP. Thus Hyderabad was covered and our goal was achieved.
MU captured: 54 million
Agents on ground:
Intel: @JSR2012, @Avis007
Pune and Mumbai:
While Hyderabad had commenced fielding in Bidar, agents in Pune @ZimabuEter, @Knightfighter, @BellaTricks were clearing lanes to add more fields over Hyderabad and Pune using the same base. @LorenzM, @AgentEvo and @Agentkarlos were enroute to Lonavala when they were informed of cross links that had appeared for a different field planned over Mumbai. @LorenzM happily obliged to take his team on a slight detour to make way for the Mumbai field.
30 minutes to CP they reached Lonavala and waited till lanes were clear.. Network issues, slow scanners and ghost links made it a frustrating wait for the team to be able to create any fields. 40 minutes passed.. Checkpoint passed.. After many attempts a cover over Pune was finally made. Further west, agents @Deepaksingh and @kalva made way for @KSJoshi to cover Mumbai under a 12.5 million MU field well in time for the CP.
On ground:
Intel: @Avis007, @MonsterSnail
Travelling agent @fastAvinn was given some keys to enable a cover over the city of Satara. He made the base on reaching Koppal and @Amster007 completed the field.
MU captured: 5.5 million
On ground:
TL;dr here is a summary:
The subcontinent has a large number of scattered Resistance communities. Our aim this time was to bring them all together and in the process fulfill the condition of maximum inclusion as part of #Unight16.
To make things a little more challenging, we set ourselves an additional target: to cover every ENL area in the country simultaneously. Coimbatore, Madurai, Bangalore and Kolkata were covered. So were Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Satara, Hyderabad, the whole of Bangladesh and Nepal; and 70% of Myanmar. Thiruvananthapuram, Rajahmundry, Vizag and Delhi were used as anchors. Almost every ingress-active zone in India was either covered or used as an anchor. Agents from the few excluded locations participated in other ways.
The result was an ingress festival of sorts: Dhaka agents appeared in the Kolkata cell score, Delhi in Lhasa, Chennai in Bangalore, Pune in Hyderabad, Yunnan in Vizag, Vizag in Nepal. Boundaries of language and nationality melted; as did those of distance and linkability. 25 different RES communities took to field simultaneously; all with a common aim: to make Unight16 a memorable experience for every agent involved. We do believe we succeeded.
• Total MU across checkpoint: 3.67 billion
• Peak MU: 4.42 billion
• No. of agents involved:101
• No. of disparate RES communities involved: 25
• This was the first OP in which RES India and Nepal worked with RES China.
• First collaboration between RES communities in India and Bangladesh.
• First Multiplayer and International OP ever for RES Bangladesh.
• World record MU past a checkpoint from a single operation.
• Most MU from a single RLA field that we know of(delhi-lhasa-vizag): 243 million
• Most MU captured with a single RLA link(@bulebustor): 454 million
Was this a crazy amount of work that took months and months of preparation and several weeks without sleep? Not really ;)
Joe Philley Brandon Badger Anne Beuttenmüller John Hanke Verity Seke NIA Ops Ingress
#Unight16 #Sitrep #ResistanceIndia #ResistanceNepal #ResistanceBangladesh #ResistanceChina #HeExtends #IngressReport

Originally shared by Ingress Resistance India
Operation Minion Flying A Kite: Ground ops in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Yunnan
South India:
Sometime in late Dec 2014, a few of us were pulled into a regional hangout and informed about a global OP to be carried out in the middle of January. We were told that it would be a repeat of #Unight8- p8s followed by BAFs. Our initial reaction was one of concern and apprehension. The ENL, after all, had seen all of this before. What were the chances we would succeed despite that? After some deliberation, we decided to go with it anyway.
Among the objectives of #Unight16 was that of maximum inclusion- we decided to pursue this to the fullest. The moment the idea was communicated to us, we contacted agents in Thiruvananthapuram- who had been eagerly waiting to do an op. Our initial pessimism was outweighed by the fact that we had not used Thiruvananthapuram in an OP before and the ENL would therefore be unable to predict our lanes. 35 layers over Bangalore were planned using Thiruvananthapuram-Koppal as base. Chennai and Madurai covers were also planned simultaneously.
The plan was made and the groups went silent. This op didn't seem to generate as much enthusiasm as we hoped; and reflected the nationwide slump we were in after a year spent winning anomalies and connected cells. We decided to do some ‘practice ops’ in the weeks preceding #Unight16 and this turned out to be a good idea. Approximately 5 days before the date of the operation, the group came alive and preparations began.
Two days to the operation, our lanes were clear and we looked all set to proceed; when a couple of green crosses appeared in Kerala. This was excellent! It gave us a chance to include our agents in [redacted], [redacted] and [redacted]! They were informed, and the operation rolled forward.
With barely 12 hours to go, we found out there had been a leak. ENL knew the exact time, date and nature of #Unight16. All teams were informed of this and the unanimous- if somewhat heavyhearted- decision was to proceed anyway. The plan was modified taking into account the fact that they would be trying to block us.
A team from Bangalore would layer from the Bangalore-Tirupati highway, while 2 teams from Chennai would field over Bangalore from Kanchipuram and Mahabalipuram. Yet another team from Chennai would cover Chennai from Mahabalipuram and @NytFury would cover Madurai using the Mahabalipuram-Trivandrum base from Pattukotai.
25th Jan 1000hrs: [Target CP 1530]
The city of Bangalore had just finished making p8s and travellers were ready to move out; when suddenly a green SAF was noticed over the city of Mysore, anchored at Hunsur, that blocked our plan. Was this just some minor op or part of a design to block us? We’d know soon enough. @oanonymous and @nosorrowftw immediately left to kill the blocking links. They were in position by 1200hrs, while @ARPP and @muzirian made their way to the only other blocker at Vallathol. Meanwhile, @nambolan, @ibmflash and @sreesu frantically cleared the path for incoming and outgoing links in Thiruvananthapuram. @SlickThief, @SM0KESCREEN, @Joshua4976, @NeoReborn, @VijiRodricks and @vizor666 guarded blocker-sensitive regions.
By 1345hrs, the Bangalore team consisting of @XtrikerVibes, @StarStr3aker, @UltraXtrikes and @silentrowdy were at the first anchor- Palamaner. The signal was given and the green crosses dropped. Base was made. @NytFury cleared the way and @XtrikerVibes made the first field. A second layer was added by @ibmflash from Thiruvananthapuram. Green ‘blockers’ immediately crashed onto the outside of our fields, making for a satisfying sight for those on Intel. A further 4 layers were added from the highway..
By 1430hrs, the Kanchi team consisting of @V3N0M41, @patchboy and @pulsecoder007 was in position and proceeded to prepare the anchors. At 1455, they began fielding; on foot- sprinting the entire distance! By 1506, 11 layers were up. At around the same time, the base for the Chennai cover went up and @sayandhan and @Trinetra began layering from Tiger Caves, 4km north of Mahabalipuram.
Parallely, the two teams in Mahabalipuram- going over the plan and finalizing preparations- were in a rude shock when the presence of a senior ENL in the vicinity came to light. The teams decided to go ahead with the plan without any modifications; putting faith in their numbers, outnumbering the ENL 8:1. Respective positions were taken in the Shore Temple and anchors were powered up at 1503. A packed Sunday in Mahabs made weaving between portals a Herculean task. Probably surprised seeing two fielding teams, the ENL made some desperate attempts at blocking.
Because of the crowd and presence of opposition, the Bangalore cover team consisting of @AllFlash, @Adhithya, @ruunker and @praveenc decided to commence fielding at 15:06 despite the fact that the Kanchi team had three more layers to go. Also factored into this decision was that @Nytfury was waiting in Pattukotai to cover the city of Madurai.
As anchors were powered and fields were thrown at an insane speed, the ENL caused trouble to the other team by making a cross to Pondicherry. To his misfortune, the portal he made the cross from happened to be an anchor for the team covering Bangalore and was immediately neutralized! The Chennai cover team (@X1N30HP, @Blaez and @beerbaba) commenced fielding and added 3 more layers over chennai. All was well. Beyond this feeble effort, the ENL was pretty much helpless as each anchor was p7 with three defensive mods and with people on site ready to defend.
Both teams completed their layers with around three minutes to go. But we weren't done yet! @Nytfury began making fields from Pattukottai.. Unfortunately he could only complete one layer before the checkpoint and made four more after.
The two teams were soon joined by the team from tiger caves and a quick l8 celebratory farm was whipped up at the shore temple cluster.
Total mu:
Chennai cover: 191million
Madurai cover: 8 million
Mahabalipuram Bangalore layers: 550million
Kanchi layers: 462 million
Bangalore-Tirupati highway layers: 150 million
On ground:
North India, Nepal and Yunnan: #BreakTheScanner
This would be the first time Resistance India and Nepal collaborated with Resistance China and Resistance Bangladesh. Considering the fields would be over the densely populated Gangetic plains and delta, we knew the MU count would be phenomenal to say the least. This leg of the OP was named #BreakTheScanner.
We were joined by the newly formed Resistance community from Dhaka, Bangladesh and this would be their first ever Operation. The spirit of #Unight16 was to involve every agent at every level in the game, and we obliged.
Anchors for the BAFs were chosen at Lhasa and Yunnan in China, Visakhapatnam and Delhi in India, and Kathmandu in Nepal. Kolkata and Dhaka teams would cover Kolkata before we covered the entire country of Bangladesh.
A week before D-day, crosses were accessed and the process of clearing lanes and holding them was underway. @Elememtal caught a 5hr overnight train from Haridwar to join the operation in Delhi. In China, a 4 membered Team took a 550km long drive and another agent a flight to reach the anchors in Xishiongbanna.
Day of the OP:
Kolkata Dhaka BAFs - The debut of Resistance Bangladesh.
From Kolkata, @horowitzski and @AyalaR7 travelled to Haldia and Burdhwan respectively. @barcalow and @rawhydde stayed back in Kolkata to keep the opponents busy as Bangladesh agents @Aumi and @SILIWalker got ready for their very first Op. At 1400hrs agents reached positions and immediately the ‘Go’ was given and Kolkata was covered in 5 layers of beautiful blue fields. The OP had commenced. The Scanner would soon be broken.
Delhi, Yunnan, Lhasa, Nepal had clear lanes now. Agents were enroute to their allocated locations and anchors were lighting up. With far too many cross links surrounding the Vizag anchor, the team of 7 agents met an hour and half before the Op and divided themselves for lane clearing tasks in various directions. Having anchors in Ingress active cities like Vizag and Delhi meant we had to restrict ourselves from cleaning too early and give enough time for the on-alert ENL to respond.
After a week of little to no activity by the Resistance in Vizag, the COMM was now flooded with agents dropping cross links everywhere to make way for BAF links. Cleaning had started while Nepal went to work. @AllIsMind with his trusted friend Zushan Ali playing the transporter, took a drive to the Enlightened infested areas of Vizag outskirts to do some pest control. @redyellowgreen, @hemuspartan and @greenkiller had the daunting task of jarvising 9 portals in as short a timeframe as possible. @bulebustor, @aayu5hhh and @AnHell7 waited at the anchor ‘The Seated Tigers’ to flip, upgrade and shoot links.
To everyone's amusement, @redyellowgreen jarvised a cross and drove through traffic signals at top speed to reach another one only to find it just decayed moments ago.
@greenkiller and @hemuspartan finished their tasks efficiently and were headed to the anchor.
Bangladesh finished their fields covering Kolkata right on time for the remaining cities to begin. Target CP 40 minutes away, Delhi team made the first link to Lhasa, preparing the base for Nepal fields. With ready anchors, now network problems ensued in Kathmandu, Nepal and agents tried everything possible to make their fields before they got covered. The network issue was so severe that not a single link had been made in 15 mins and no contact with Nepal Team was being established. We hoped and prayed the Nepal team score one in as we prepared to cover them.
With the CP getting close it was now or never.
The anchor in Vizag was flipped and made ready to link. Yunnan immediately linked to Vizag and Lhasa and Vizag linked to Delhi. With a heavy heart, Dispatch gave the signal and @bulebustor from Vizag shot the link to Lhasa covering all of East India with entirety of Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. However, to our great joy and relief the field from Nepal went up at the same time.
The single link by agent @bulebustor closed two BAFs and captured a record breaking 454 Million MU. At this point reports started coming in of ghost links and laggy and crashing scanners. Team Vizag’s job was done, and the teams in Delhi and Yunnan set about completing their layers. Displaying supreme coordination amidst all kinds of server issues, they made 5 layers covering the western half and 4 layers covering the eastern half of the OP before the checkpoint.
MU count:
Kolkata cover from Bangladesh - 131,033,167
Nepal Layer - 135,34,631
Lhasa Yunnan Vizag Layers - 868,118,776
Delhi Vizag Lhasa layers - 1,276,320,973
Additional Layers after CP - 700 million
Agent Names:
Special mentions:
For not making any links.
Zushan Ali for being the amazing Transporter.
Lhasa: (keeping the portal live and sending us keys)
Dispatch: @MonsterSnail
Insane key transfers: @varjaaks, @LucbethD, @Iriyadays, @subhell
Central India:
In Central India, a blueprint was drawn for the eager agents of Hyderabad to make fields from Bidar to Rajahmundry and Koppal.
The week leading to the Op, teams were made to clear crosses and field from a remote town of Bidar. A day prior to D-Day, a proactive ENL player took down one of our friendly crosses and put up 2 of his own. Agents @teddyrabbit, @bmanoj and @worldvoice set out to take down a cross at bhuvanagiri and other crosses that the ENL were making.
With the same apprehension and concern over the fact that ENL was aware of our intentions and were on alert for the weekend, 4 agents from Hyderabad (@Magiee, @Ntakado, @toadhacker and @chegu) began their journey to Bidar in the morning. @bheeshma took down crosses at Warangal. @kashyap09 drove down to Suryapet and patiently waited to remove blockers on team Bidar’s signal. As @smokinguns jarvised a P7 carrying the final cross at Patancheru at 2.25pm, team Bidar was set to begin.
They had reached well before 2pm. After overcoming network issues at the fort in Bidar, @Magiee linked Rajahmundry and Koppal at 2.30pm. @godassassin completed the field from Rajahmundry earning 18 million MU.The 2nd and 3rd layers were made by @Ntakado and @Magiee before the CP. Thus Hyderabad was covered and our goal was achieved.
MU captured: 54 million
Agents on ground:
Intel: @JSR2012, @Avis007
Pune and Mumbai:
While Hyderabad had commenced fielding in Bidar, agents in Pune @ZimabuEter, @Knightfighter, @BellaTricks were clearing lanes to add more fields over Hyderabad and Pune using the same base. @LorenzM, @AgentEvo and @Agentkarlos were enroute to Lonavala when they were informed of cross links that had appeared for a different field planned over Mumbai. @LorenzM happily obliged to take his team on a slight detour to make way for the Mumbai field.
30 minutes to CP they reached Lonavala and waited till lanes were clear.. Network issues, slow scanners and ghost links made it a frustrating wait for the team to be able to create any fields. 40 minutes passed.. Checkpoint passed.. After many attempts a cover over Pune was finally made. Further west, agents @Deepaksingh and @kalva made way for @KSJoshi to cover Mumbai under a 12.5 million MU field well in time for the CP.
On ground:
Intel: @Avis007, @MonsterSnail
Travelling agent @fastAvinn was given some keys to enable a cover over the city of Satara. He made the base on reaching Koppal and @Amster007 completed the field.
MU captured: 5.5 million
On ground:
TL;dr here is a summary:
The subcontinent has a large number of scattered Resistance communities. Our aim this time was to bring them all together and in the process fulfill the condition of maximum inclusion as part of #Unight16.
To make things a little more challenging, we set ourselves an additional target: to cover every ENL area in the country simultaneously. Coimbatore, Madurai, Bangalore and Kolkata were covered. So were Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Satara, Hyderabad, the whole of Bangladesh and Nepal; and 70% of Myanmar. Thiruvananthapuram, Rajahmundry, Vizag and Delhi were used as anchors. Almost every ingress-active zone in India was either covered or used as an anchor. Agents from the few excluded locations participated in other ways.
The result was an ingress festival of sorts: Dhaka agents appeared in the Kolkata cell score, Delhi in Lhasa, Chennai in Bangalore, Pune in Hyderabad, Yunnan in Vizag, Vizag in Nepal. Boundaries of language and nationality melted; as did those of distance and linkability. 25 different RES communities took to field simultaneously; all with a common aim: to make Unight16 a memorable experience for every agent involved. We do believe we succeeded.
• Total MU across checkpoint: 3.67 billion
• Peak MU: 4.42 billion
• No. of agents involved:101
• No. of disparate RES communities involved: 25
• This was the first OP in which RES India and Nepal worked with RES China.
• First collaboration between RES communities in India and Bangladesh.
• First Multiplayer and International OP ever for RES Bangladesh.
• World record MU past a checkpoint from a single operation.
• Most MU from a single RLA field that we know of(delhi-lhasa-vizag): 243 million
• Most MU captured with a single RLA link(@bulebustor): 454 million
Was this a crazy amount of work that took months and months of preparation and several weeks without sleep? Not really ;)
Joe Philley Brandon Badger Anne Beuttenmüller John Hanke Verity Seke NIA Ops Ingress
#Unight16 #Sitrep #ResistanceIndia #ResistanceNepal #ResistanceBangladesh #ResistanceChina #HeExtends #IngressReport

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