

Originally shared by Ingress

Devra Bogdanovich explains her "successful" Portal Virus, which previously accelerated Portal Decay to 72 hours. Bogdanovich vows to continue working on her XM inoculation with support from the private sector.

From Britain, ENL Agent @Blackfield captures his 10,000th Unique Portal. In Utah, the PonyRiders blanket the entire state in blue. And in Florida, a XFac K and crown to support @PrincessKaela. We're sending you XM and well wishes for a speedy recovery, Agent.

The first #IngressFS events take place this Sat, Nov 1. #Darsana  Global begins with Cycle 2014.42, and #Darsana 03 occurs Sat, Nov 15. See all upcoming events at https://www.ingress.com/events:

#Darsana Global http://goo.gl/g4nLra

New Orleans, LA, USA http://goo.gl/fvv5sv
Oklahoma City, OK, USA http://goo.gl/LxA2XL
Santo Domingo, DO http://goo.gl/wlGmJI
Virginia Beach, VA, USA http://goo.gl/yvPYai

Share your SITREPs with the #IngressReport hashtag, then sign the release at http://ingress.com/report

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