The full sitrep for Op #Bleedblue - amazing teamwork guys! 👍
Originally shared by Ingress Resistance India
Operation #BleedBlue
To be able to resist, is to be free. To lose the ability to resist is the same as living in oppression, as if in a datura induced dream. The ability to resist defines Our freedom, Our independence. 67 years ago our ancestors resisted alien control of our beloved nation. We became free and independent. Our forefathers fought for our humanity. Thanks to their Resistance.To celebrate this day, India's Independence Day, we continue their legacy of Resistance by covering the country in control fields to remind our fellow Indians of our history fraught with struggle for freedom and to help each and everyone of us to resist control of destiny by aliens in whichever shape they may transpire.
The OP was conceived by an L5 agent @pr1nc3 Siva Sagar Udatha. Like any new agent, he dreamt of covering the country in resistance fields. Unaware of all the challenges faced in executing an OP of this scale, he started to initiate contact with other agents across the country. The more experienced agents of RES India realized the zeal this young agent had and attempted to fulfill his dream. This Op is a tribute to our free nation and the decision to execute it on Independence Day was taken. The aim was to cover as much of the country as possible at the same time.
A team was formed and the OP was named #BleedBlue. Agents from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Maldives were ready in no time for execution.
Keys were exchanged over the following months. Plans were created, modified and finalized only to be modified and redone again.
The East
The day was fast approaching. The Seated Tigers in Visakhapatnam was made ready to be able to link across the country. The day before the OP saw the arrival of two ENL L8 players in Visakhapatnam. The Seated Tigers was destroyed by agent @Zaangetsu a day before the OP. This left the Visakhapatnam team with the challenge of recreating the portal with enough range to link to The Somnath Temple in Veraval, a good 1400 km away, without raising suspicion. The portal was deployed and jarvised and left overnight with the intention to flip it back and upgrade it just before the OP. The night was tense.
The OP started with @sasispartan and @hemuspartan setting out to clear the blocking links in the north of Visakhapatnam. The Portals that were required to make layers possible were upgraded and prepared for linking. Agents @sasispartan, @hemuspartan, @redyellowgreen and @AllIsMind arrived at The Seated Tigers and waited. As soon as the command to proceed was received The Seated Tigers was Ada'd, upgraded and linked to The Somnath Temple, Veraval setting up the base for the fields.@sasispartan and @hemuspartan departed to the north and @AllIsMind and @redyellowgreen to the west to make the inner layers. The first set of layers went up quickly between Vizag-Delhi-Veraval and Vizag-Delhi-Kolkata were topped off from The Seated Tigers.@AllIsMind and @redyellowgreen waited at The Seated Tigers for enemy agents to show up while the South Team set out to execute the remainder of the plan. Enlightened Agent @jsriz arrived to find our agents ready to defend the target. Handshakes done, the battle began (the battle on the ground continued as we took pictures to remember the event). Unable to take the portal down with ultrastrikes and XMPs @jsriz finally resorted to the use of a Jarvis Virus by which time, the planned OP had already been successfully completed.
MU Captured from Vizag: 288 Million
@sasispartan Sasidhat T
@hemuspartan hemanth taninki
@redyellowgreen mehta ankush
@AllIsMind Ashish Rawat
Basar and Hyderabad:
A link between Basar and Naldurg, West of Hyderabad stood as a cross for Alibaug to link to Visakhapatnam and Rajahmundary. The cross link blocked the entire southern half of the OP. We turned to our saviour @bheeshma(the agent who had famously made two 400+ km trips solo on his bike from Warangal during #Interitus ). With so much at stake, he came to our rescue yet again, agreeing to take up the 520+ km journey from Warangal to Basar and back. As the links passed close to Hyderabad, a team of agents was on standby in Hyderabad to take out any last minute cross links. Agents @kotaraj, @scremino, @kashyap09 waited patiently, unaware of all the action that was going on, for their part to come. Fortunately no cross links were made from Hyderabad and our links were up at the first opportunity.
@bheeshma ChandraShekar tumma
@kotaraj Nikilesh Kota
@scremino sumanth putta
@kashyap09 Kashyap Kompella
Agent @godassasin had prepared Rajahmundary for the incoming links from Alibaug and the outgoing link to Vizag.@godassassin was blanketed over by Sri Lankan Agents before he could complete the field to Vizag. The field was then completed from Vizag. Many thanks to @godassassin for keeping Rajahmundary ready for this OP.
@godassassin sudheer akkala
On his first ever Ingress trip, agent @horowitzski of Kolkata recently visited Vizag, 900kms away to make a crucial transfer-meet happen for this Operation. ADAs n Jarvis viruses provided to him by @AllIsMind helped upgrade the Kolkata anchor portal for the required range. Young agents @DrAkOwVsKii and @Morzaski were happy to help flip the portal for the L8 agents to upgrade.
On D-day agents @horowitzski and @barcalow were on field from noon, clearing all the cross-links across Kolkata. Starting from the South, i.e. Sonarpur, to the portals in the South West and then in the East where ENL had links to Kharagpur, out of the city, they were wiping clean the pathway for #BleedBlue links.
The Enl were also making fresh blocking links within the city that needed to be taken down. They headed straight to the anchor portal after clearing the entire link path. However, this was not the end of the hurdles. Agents on field had to face heavy rains leading up to the OP. Unfazed, they reached their destination portal and executed their part flawlessly.
MU captured from Kolkata: 133 Million
@barcalow soheb jamil
@horowitzski Huzaifah Akhter
@DrAkOwVsKii+Mohammed Mehmood
@Morzaski+Muzzammil Muhammed
West: Mumbai (Alibaug) and Pune
The Base link from Alibaug to Vizag for the Southern fields was to pass through the most active Ingress area in Pune. Agents were requested to keep the area link free for a week. They happily obliged and it was a pleasant surprise for Intel operators to see no Jarvis Viruses were required to clear such an active area. However, the new crop of ENL agents there, took full advantage of Res inactivity and put up a mess for our agents to clear.
Special mention for agents @namank008, @ScorpioVenom, @Goldi3, @LorenzM, @MonsterSnail who took up the challenge on a short notice. They took out every single blocking link at the right time under the Intel Operators’ precise guidance, leaving just enough clear space for the Alibaug team to throw links through Pune, to Vizag and Rajahmundary.
@namank008 naman kanwar
@ScorpioVenom Amit Nama
@Goldi3 Kunal Sonawala
@LorenzM Harshveer SAINI
@MonsterSnail Snehal Ghone
Alibaug, Mumbai:
Mumbai had an important role to play as all the major fields were to be anchored at Alibaug. The drive to the anchor portals was 3-5 hours long, one way. Expecting rainfall and bad roads, agents were required to start at least 2-3 hours ahead. The entire OP was dependant on Team Alibaug reaching well in time for other cities’ convenience. Agents started their journey early morning.
Agents @ShankyNirvanaa @SupremeKai&@SlimSano started at 0800 IST to meet at a local portal The Fountain, Mumbai ENL’s favourite portal. Without feeding much into the opposition’s suspicions, agents met with @MJuana and were headed for their next meeting point in Navi Mumbai. Agents @Jwala @Kalva @DartStrike @MH43 @mrsMH43 at Belapur were ready to join them and begin their journey to Alibaug. Maintaining silence on the COMM, they drove through rocky and kaccha roads, facing heavy traffic, taking pit stops to have a sip of Mumbai’s famous stress-breaking-essential Cutting Chai (street side Tea). As expected, the agents were delayed on their journey by about 2 hrs but with their early start, they were able to reach an hour before other teams across the country were ready.
Keys were exchanged with fellow agents such that everyone gets to make a field. To avoid any new crosslinks to come up from Mumbai Enl during the Op, agents patiently waited for the final confirmation from Intel Operators that the last cross link was down and Vizag-Veraval base link was established. On receiving the Go Ahead they quickly launched their scanners to make their presence felt, capturing and upgrading portals swiftly to make layers on the base link. The first field went up, covering one of the most active Ingress City in India, Mumbai. Soon, the Faction COMM was flooded with queries over the field and its remarkability.
Meanwhile, agent @SupremeKai was standing on the last anchor portal of Alibaug making it alive for agent @batzee from Sri Lanka who was waiting to thread a needle through South India.
The Alibaug Team successfully completed their 9 layers of fields worth 310 Million MUs covering their beloved home Mumbai. It was a scene to watch for the local crowd when the Alibaug team erupted with joy, celebrating their fields!
City coordinator for the OP, agent @DartStrike was waiting on further instructions to complete their last field with Maldives. On receiving the Go Ahead from Sri Lanka and Maldives, the Alibaug team put up the final field worth 67 Million MUs.
Field Agents
@MJuana Meghna Kunnath
@mrsMH43 Jyoti Jadhav
@DartStrike Ashish Shelke
@MH43 Rahul Jadhav
@ShankyNirvanaa Shashank Jain
@SupremeKai Nikhil Samre
@SlimSano Sanoj Menon
@Jwala Raj kumar meena
@Kalva piyush bhanushali
@Qdalz Amberdeep Singh (Intel)
*Integral Key Transfers:
Special mention for agents’ prompt help in arranging key transfers between India and SriLanka for the success of BleedBlue.*
@finagler+Carlton Jacob
@InsaneSmurf Siddharth Bandhu
@ov3rcast Ali Ghasia
@SaintBilleJoe Varun Kumar
@ShankyNirvanaa Shashank Jain
MU Captured from Alibaug: 377 Million
North: Delhi and Nepal - “Houston, we have a Problem”
Daadha Echo Water Tank is one of the most well known portal ever since it came into existence near Greater Noida, the city famous for India’s first and only F1 track. And yet again it was chosen to be the North India anchor. The biggest hindrance coming forth for using Daadha was a huge green field done with the nearest anchor in Neemrana 100 kms South West of New Delhi.
It was easy to chalk up a plan involving Daadha, but it was not going to be easy fulfilling it, on account of players’ unavailability due to prior commitments. On the eve of OP day, Delhi NCR and Daadha’s involvement seemed impossible and it was indeed jeopardising the whole Operation.
Neemrana - @LorenzM’s persuasion at its best, on the night of 14th Aug agent @runvijay rose to the occasion and volunteered to go to Neemrana. Inventory starved, he set out early in the morning for a farming session at Lodhi Gardens, filled up his coffers with XMPs, levelled up and got ready for a 2.5 hrs long and lonely bus ride to Neemrana in the humid North Indian weather supported just by a can of RedBull and some 50+ Smurfs on tenterhooks, across the Indian Subcontinent. While the onward journey to Neemrana was in a comfortable AC Volvo, which on the hindsight actually prepared our tiger for the long walk to the portals without anyone giving him a lift. On a previous occasion, agent @dpest had managed a hitch hike a bike ride to the portal Ancient Step Well. And thus Neemrana was reclaimed.
Sohna - The number you are calling is currently switched off is what we heard when a call was made to check on @TheGautamGupta. All hopes had sunk and the trip to Neemrana was almost going to go waste…. and suddenly @TheGautamGupta popped up on the HO. With his juice starved phone plugged into his laptop, charging in flight mode and his mom’s phone for communication, he set out to KR Mangalam University Portal near Sohna, Haryana. A joyful message was sent to the Command Center Daadha is back in Business. It sure did bring the Cibaca Smile to a lot of faces!
Daadha - At the Daadha Anchor @CaptSaxena @OhmResistance had some deja vu moments of the U8 OP which shook the entire Ingress Community around the World and numerous other OPs done alongside scanner to scanner. Eagerly awaiting the blocks to go down and despite threatening calls from home (somehow wives always behave like the Enlightened) both the agents ensured completion of the OP without a hitch.
Nepal - Across the border in the Himalayan Country of Nepal, @samit22 braving the heavy rainfall waited eagerly under an umbrella for his turn to throw links to Daadha, Kolkata, Gaya & Nainital. Following Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi’s footsteps we have further strengthened our links between India and Nepal. Thank You so much @samit22 for your support in this OP.
Lastly Execution is the Key to any Operation or rather Keys are key to execution of any Operation. @MrBojanglesKY, a colleague of @CaptSaxena, from Kentucky was visiting Delhi followed by a visit to Nepal. He very gladly transported keys for this OP. Thank you Corey!
@MrBojanglesKY- Corey Johnson
@samit22- Samit Ghimire
@runvijay- Jaisurya Jai
@TheGautamGupta- Gautam Gupta
@OhmResistance- Bipul Keshri
@CaptSaxena- Rohit Saxena
Numerous other NCR Smurfs for their unending support
MU Captured from Delhi & Nepal - 422.62 Million
South: All of South India with Sri Lanka and Maldives
South India: Threading a Needle
As part of Operation #BleedBlue , RES Bangalore, Tamil Nadu and Kerala were asked to execute a massive cleanup operation to allow the creation of a 1400km-long link from *Markas Puttalam in Puttalam, Sri Lanka to Alibag Beach Entrance in Alibaug, Maharashtra*. South India is by far the most active region on the map. It was always going to be difficult, but it was a challenge we felt we were up to.
The operation was to occur over 3 geographical regions:The Southern States of Tamil Nadu and Kerala; areas around Bangalore city; and North Karnataka.
Leading up to #BleedBlue :
The South was already locked in a series of controlled blocks that isolated the ENL stronghold of Coimbatore. We made full use of this. Links were to be taken down from 4 locations: Erode, Chennai, Tanjavur/Trivandrum and Trichy. The links erupting from Erode and Thanjavur/Trivandrum were friendly. There existed five enemy links from Trichy to Madurai.
Green links Kolar-Panaji, Magadi-udupi, Magadi-Mysore were to be taken down around Bangalore city. There was a friendly link from Mandya the previous day. Luckily, the portal was taken down by some hapless Enl agent.
Further North, friendly crosses were set up from Dharwad on 13th August by Bangalore agent @Drag0nwarri0r, who left for Koppal the next day. Bangalore agent @pBrane replaced him to jarvis the crosses.
Chennai agent @pulsecoder007 set up an extra block from Vandalur to Gundlupet on the morning of the 15th and was on standby to Jarvis it on requirement.
Agents took position at 1830hrs on the 15th: @gow25 in Erode, @KarVe in Thanjavur, @anishsheela in Trivandrum, @pulsecoder007 in Chennai. From Bangalore, agents @SlickThief, @SanpoKenjuu and @gyromitrin drove down to kolar to make an l7 farm in the toad stronghold; while @SM0KESCREEN made the journey to Magadi to clear the only other cross links around the city. @pBrane was on standby to jarvis our blocker at Dharwad. Enemy links from Trichy to Madurai were taken down by @KarVe on the 14th and the remaining by @KidAlpha earlier in the day on the 15th.
Everything was set till the last minute, when some ENL linked to Mandya from his home portal, threatening to foil our plans. Agent @APIND, who was on standby, rushed to the portal, took down the link and guarded it to prevent further crosslinks. Agent @SunStr3aker joined @APIND at the portal soon after as @APIND’s battery was low. The Northern fields were up by this point. Intel broke. A further delay of a few minutes was caused due to this, as old links were still showing. On verifying that the links in fact did not exist, the signal was given- all crosses went down smoothly, the Sri Lankan team linked and we were covered. The needle was threaded.
@anishsheela Anish Sheela
@KarVe Karthik Velayuthan
@KidAlpha Joel Sherwin
@gow25 gow tham
@pulsecoder007 Kishore Kumar
@SM0KESCREEN Sachin Rampure
@SlickThief Allan Moses
@gyromitrin Pawan Kumar
@Sanpokenjuu Ajay Balakrishnan
@pBrane Samuel Rajkumar
@APIND achyuth kalyan
@SunStr3aker Dinesh MN
@Drag0nwarri0r Avinash Desai
@D1nk4n Anivar Aravind
@stalactite Rahul Ashok
Sri Lanka
The plan was for Sri Lanka to select a portal and link it to portals in Kolkata, Visakhapatnam and Alibaug. The selected portal was also to be linked to the Maldives to help the Maldives link to Alibag to cover the West coast of India.
The Sri Lankan leg of #BleedBlue was critical as India were depending on #ResistanceLK to cover the bottom half of the country. Markas Puttalam ( was selected as the portal from Sri Lanka. The plan involved linking Markas Puttalam to Kolkata, Visakhapatnam and Alibaug. It was also to be linked to the Maldives to help the Maldives link to Alibaug to cover the West coast of India.
A few days prior to the 15th of August #ResistanceLK realized that a few links of our own from Valvettithurai (in the North of the island, close to Point Pedro) to Kilinochchi was blocking our links to Kolkata and Visakhapatnam. Agent @Deenster took up the task to travel to the Jaffna Peninsula to take them down! On the 14th morning he headed to Jaffna, and after approximately 12 hours of traveling the three blocking links were Jarvised and taken down. The path was now clear!
While he was returning to Colombo on the 15th morning agents @thinir, @batzee, @dumira, @CrazySuda, @MagaMaruwa, and @kevin9 gathered in Colombo around noon to head to Puttalam. They reached well within the expected time and sat down and relaxed until Resistance India confirmed the clearing of blockers for us.
The blockers were cleared and the northern part of India was covered in blue. It was finally Resistance LK’s turn to show up. Markas Puttalam was linked to Visakhapatnam and Alibag which saw almost the whole of India covered in Blue. Just for kicks the agents decided to link Mansoon Villa ( also to Visakhapatnam and Alibaug and then Monsoon Villa to Markas Puttalam to create 3 more overlapping fields. All that remained was to link to Maldives from Monsoon Villa . Once the link was established, @ShankyNirvanaa linked from Alibaug to Male covering the entire southern half of India in blue. The agents in the field also decided to link to Addu along with the Maldives team to create another field which added the cherry on top!
Credits (on field):
@thinir Thilanka Niroshana
@Kevin9 Charles Aneslem
@dumira+Dumira Athukorala
@MagaMaruwa+Pasan Dias
@Batzee Amalan Dhananjayan
@CrazySuda Sudam Liyanage
@Deenster Shahidheen Hamzy
Off field agents
@chamith Chamith Nilanka Wijesinghe
@pasindu007 Pasindu Kw
@navin83+Navin Gunaratne
@Yakaa Yasiru Welandawe
@cc89+Chathura Chamikara
MU Captured from SriLanka: 260 Million
The role for the Resistance MV in this OP was to provide a pivot portal enabling coverage of the western coast of India with links originating from a portal south of Mumbai and from the western coast of Sri Lanka. The small island of Male’, the capital is home to more than 200 portals in just under 2 sqkm, which means a portal on average every 100m in whichever direction. Blocks and the ease of access for the enemy were the primary challenges.
On the eve of #Bleedblue , a flash mini OP took place covering the capital island with a control field between two of Male’s satellite islands Villingili and Hulhumale’, and Hakura island about 140km south of Male’. Agent’s @Phenol33, @Danielneo and @Senju went to Villigili island. Agents @triplockd, @estrul1an and Sri Lankan expatriate agent who came to Maldives specifically for the OP @Yajith were in Hulhumale’. Male’ island was completely covered.
The next day agent @Phenol33 went to Hulhumale’ island early in the morning to take part in a ground search operation for Resistance agent @moyameehaa, who had been reported missing IRL.@Phenol33 led the Hulhumale’ squad with the Sri Lankan expat agent @Yajith and coordinated the removal of blocking links north of Male’ island.
As the Indian and Sri Lankan agents got ready, the Male’ squad mobilized. With teams assigned to immunize portals, remove blocks, create control fields and gather to defend the primary pivot portal Boduga Monument.
The Male’ squad was led by the Fallen Commander General @psyph. @pysph took the lead with destroying blocks along with @AM1CO. Agent @0ptimus went on a lone rampage of sort as did @d1nd1n. Agent @VlET was on clearance duty in central Male’. Agents @triplockd and @estrul1an immunized the pivot portal Boduga Monument and met up with the Boduga defense team @GraveBone, @HEX4IRE, @Shubbaa. The Boduga defense team grew in number within minutes with agents @Danielneo @demhareesan @haesham @Senju. The clearance teams soon joined in. Little Sara, fondly called #ResistanceMV ‘s L1 resonator, appropriately sporting yellow attire and @wisam joined in the fun.
It being a weekend Boduga Monument area was a hive of activity with people celebrating India’s Independence Day. Little did they know that we were doing the same in support of our wonderful neighbors.
@Phenol33 Phenol Adhly
@Yajith Yajith Ajantha Dayarathna
@pysph Saif Latheef
@AM1CO Shafie Mohamed
@VlET thakuru viet kong
@triplockd toy razee
@estrul1an najfa razee
@GraveBone Ahmed Nazim
@HEX4IRE Abdulla Shaheed
@Shubbaa Shuaib Azeez Mohamed
@Haesham+Haisham Mohamed
@demhareesan+Ahmed Naseer
@Danielneo+daniel love
@Senju Ahmaday Azeez
@0ptimus Mohamed Siraj
@d1nd1n Shafiu Ali
@wisam+Wisam Mohamed and L1 reso Sara
Total MU - 1.57 billion
Largest East-West span - Kolkata to Veraval: 1871km
Largest North-South span - Nepal to Meedhoo Island, Addu Atoll: 3407km
Total area covered: 2,869,908 km²
Total Perimeter 8,148 km
Congratulations and many thanks to all the agents for this wonderful Operation #BleedBlue !!
Ingress Anne Beuttenmüller Joe Philley Brandon Badger
#ResistanceMV #ResistanceLK #ResistanceNepal #ResistanceIndia

Originally shared by Ingress Resistance India
Operation #BleedBlue
To be able to resist, is to be free. To lose the ability to resist is the same as living in oppression, as if in a datura induced dream. The ability to resist defines Our freedom, Our independence. 67 years ago our ancestors resisted alien control of our beloved nation. We became free and independent. Our forefathers fought for our humanity. Thanks to their Resistance.To celebrate this day, India's Independence Day, we continue their legacy of Resistance by covering the country in control fields to remind our fellow Indians of our history fraught with struggle for freedom and to help each and everyone of us to resist control of destiny by aliens in whichever shape they may transpire.
The OP was conceived by an L5 agent @pr1nc3 Siva Sagar Udatha. Like any new agent, he dreamt of covering the country in resistance fields. Unaware of all the challenges faced in executing an OP of this scale, he started to initiate contact with other agents across the country. The more experienced agents of RES India realized the zeal this young agent had and attempted to fulfill his dream. This Op is a tribute to our free nation and the decision to execute it on Independence Day was taken. The aim was to cover as much of the country as possible at the same time.
A team was formed and the OP was named #BleedBlue. Agents from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Maldives were ready in no time for execution.
Keys were exchanged over the following months. Plans were created, modified and finalized only to be modified and redone again.
The East
The day was fast approaching. The Seated Tigers in Visakhapatnam was made ready to be able to link across the country. The day before the OP saw the arrival of two ENL L8 players in Visakhapatnam. The Seated Tigers was destroyed by agent @Zaangetsu a day before the OP. This left the Visakhapatnam team with the challenge of recreating the portal with enough range to link to The Somnath Temple in Veraval, a good 1400 km away, without raising suspicion. The portal was deployed and jarvised and left overnight with the intention to flip it back and upgrade it just before the OP. The night was tense.
The OP started with @sasispartan and @hemuspartan setting out to clear the blocking links in the north of Visakhapatnam. The Portals that were required to make layers possible were upgraded and prepared for linking. Agents @sasispartan, @hemuspartan, @redyellowgreen and @AllIsMind arrived at The Seated Tigers and waited. As soon as the command to proceed was received The Seated Tigers was Ada'd, upgraded and linked to The Somnath Temple, Veraval setting up the base for the fields.@sasispartan and @hemuspartan departed to the north and @AllIsMind and @redyellowgreen to the west to make the inner layers. The first set of layers went up quickly between Vizag-Delhi-Veraval and Vizag-Delhi-Kolkata were topped off from The Seated Tigers.@AllIsMind and @redyellowgreen waited at The Seated Tigers for enemy agents to show up while the South Team set out to execute the remainder of the plan. Enlightened Agent @jsriz arrived to find our agents ready to defend the target. Handshakes done, the battle began (the battle on the ground continued as we took pictures to remember the event). Unable to take the portal down with ultrastrikes and XMPs @jsriz finally resorted to the use of a Jarvis Virus by which time, the planned OP had already been successfully completed.
MU Captured from Vizag: 288 Million
@sasispartan Sasidhat T
@hemuspartan hemanth taninki
@redyellowgreen mehta ankush
@AllIsMind Ashish Rawat
Basar and Hyderabad:
A link between Basar and Naldurg, West of Hyderabad stood as a cross for Alibaug to link to Visakhapatnam and Rajahmundary. The cross link blocked the entire southern half of the OP. We turned to our saviour @bheeshma(the agent who had famously made two 400+ km trips solo on his bike from Warangal during #Interitus ). With so much at stake, he came to our rescue yet again, agreeing to take up the 520+ km journey from Warangal to Basar and back. As the links passed close to Hyderabad, a team of agents was on standby in Hyderabad to take out any last minute cross links. Agents @kotaraj, @scremino, @kashyap09 waited patiently, unaware of all the action that was going on, for their part to come. Fortunately no cross links were made from Hyderabad and our links were up at the first opportunity.
@bheeshma ChandraShekar tumma
@kotaraj Nikilesh Kota
@scremino sumanth putta
@kashyap09 Kashyap Kompella
Agent @godassasin had prepared Rajahmundary for the incoming links from Alibaug and the outgoing link to Vizag.@godassassin was blanketed over by Sri Lankan Agents before he could complete the field to Vizag. The field was then completed from Vizag. Many thanks to @godassassin for keeping Rajahmundary ready for this OP.
@godassassin sudheer akkala
On his first ever Ingress trip, agent @horowitzski of Kolkata recently visited Vizag, 900kms away to make a crucial transfer-meet happen for this Operation. ADAs n Jarvis viruses provided to him by @AllIsMind helped upgrade the Kolkata anchor portal for the required range. Young agents @DrAkOwVsKii and @Morzaski were happy to help flip the portal for the L8 agents to upgrade.
On D-day agents @horowitzski and @barcalow were on field from noon, clearing all the cross-links across Kolkata. Starting from the South, i.e. Sonarpur, to the portals in the South West and then in the East where ENL had links to Kharagpur, out of the city, they were wiping clean the pathway for #BleedBlue links.
The Enl were also making fresh blocking links within the city that needed to be taken down. They headed straight to the anchor portal after clearing the entire link path. However, this was not the end of the hurdles. Agents on field had to face heavy rains leading up to the OP. Unfazed, they reached their destination portal and executed their part flawlessly.
MU captured from Kolkata: 133 Million
@barcalow soheb jamil
@horowitzski Huzaifah Akhter
@DrAkOwVsKii+Mohammed Mehmood
@Morzaski+Muzzammil Muhammed
West: Mumbai (Alibaug) and Pune
The Base link from Alibaug to Vizag for the Southern fields was to pass through the most active Ingress area in Pune. Agents were requested to keep the area link free for a week. They happily obliged and it was a pleasant surprise for Intel operators to see no Jarvis Viruses were required to clear such an active area. However, the new crop of ENL agents there, took full advantage of Res inactivity and put up a mess for our agents to clear.
Special mention for agents @namank008, @ScorpioVenom, @Goldi3, @LorenzM, @MonsterSnail who took up the challenge on a short notice. They took out every single blocking link at the right time under the Intel Operators’ precise guidance, leaving just enough clear space for the Alibaug team to throw links through Pune, to Vizag and Rajahmundary.
@namank008 naman kanwar
@ScorpioVenom Amit Nama
@Goldi3 Kunal Sonawala
@LorenzM Harshveer SAINI
@MonsterSnail Snehal Ghone
Alibaug, Mumbai:
Mumbai had an important role to play as all the major fields were to be anchored at Alibaug. The drive to the anchor portals was 3-5 hours long, one way. Expecting rainfall and bad roads, agents were required to start at least 2-3 hours ahead. The entire OP was dependant on Team Alibaug reaching well in time for other cities’ convenience. Agents started their journey early morning.
Agents @ShankyNirvanaa @SupremeKai&@SlimSano started at 0800 IST to meet at a local portal The Fountain, Mumbai ENL’s favourite portal. Without feeding much into the opposition’s suspicions, agents met with @MJuana and were headed for their next meeting point in Navi Mumbai. Agents @Jwala @Kalva @DartStrike @MH43 @mrsMH43 at Belapur were ready to join them and begin their journey to Alibaug. Maintaining silence on the COMM, they drove through rocky and kaccha roads, facing heavy traffic, taking pit stops to have a sip of Mumbai’s famous stress-breaking-essential Cutting Chai (street side Tea). As expected, the agents were delayed on their journey by about 2 hrs but with their early start, they were able to reach an hour before other teams across the country were ready.
Keys were exchanged with fellow agents such that everyone gets to make a field. To avoid any new crosslinks to come up from Mumbai Enl during the Op, agents patiently waited for the final confirmation from Intel Operators that the last cross link was down and Vizag-Veraval base link was established. On receiving the Go Ahead they quickly launched their scanners to make their presence felt, capturing and upgrading portals swiftly to make layers on the base link. The first field went up, covering one of the most active Ingress City in India, Mumbai. Soon, the Faction COMM was flooded with queries over the field and its remarkability.
Meanwhile, agent @SupremeKai was standing on the last anchor portal of Alibaug making it alive for agent @batzee from Sri Lanka who was waiting to thread a needle through South India.
The Alibaug Team successfully completed their 9 layers of fields worth 310 Million MUs covering their beloved home Mumbai. It was a scene to watch for the local crowd when the Alibaug team erupted with joy, celebrating their fields!
City coordinator for the OP, agent @DartStrike was waiting on further instructions to complete their last field with Maldives. On receiving the Go Ahead from Sri Lanka and Maldives, the Alibaug team put up the final field worth 67 Million MUs.
Field Agents
@MJuana Meghna Kunnath
@mrsMH43 Jyoti Jadhav
@DartStrike Ashish Shelke
@MH43 Rahul Jadhav
@ShankyNirvanaa Shashank Jain
@SupremeKai Nikhil Samre
@SlimSano Sanoj Menon
@Jwala Raj kumar meena
@Kalva piyush bhanushali
@Qdalz Amberdeep Singh (Intel)
*Integral Key Transfers:
Special mention for agents’ prompt help in arranging key transfers between India and SriLanka for the success of BleedBlue.*
@finagler+Carlton Jacob
@InsaneSmurf Siddharth Bandhu
@ov3rcast Ali Ghasia
@SaintBilleJoe Varun Kumar
@ShankyNirvanaa Shashank Jain
MU Captured from Alibaug: 377 Million
North: Delhi and Nepal - “Houston, we have a Problem”
Daadha Echo Water Tank is one of the most well known portal ever since it came into existence near Greater Noida, the city famous for India’s first and only F1 track. And yet again it was chosen to be the North India anchor. The biggest hindrance coming forth for using Daadha was a huge green field done with the nearest anchor in Neemrana 100 kms South West of New Delhi.
It was easy to chalk up a plan involving Daadha, but it was not going to be easy fulfilling it, on account of players’ unavailability due to prior commitments. On the eve of OP day, Delhi NCR and Daadha’s involvement seemed impossible and it was indeed jeopardising the whole Operation.
Neemrana - @LorenzM’s persuasion at its best, on the night of 14th Aug agent @runvijay rose to the occasion and volunteered to go to Neemrana. Inventory starved, he set out early in the morning for a farming session at Lodhi Gardens, filled up his coffers with XMPs, levelled up and got ready for a 2.5 hrs long and lonely bus ride to Neemrana in the humid North Indian weather supported just by a can of RedBull and some 50+ Smurfs on tenterhooks, across the Indian Subcontinent. While the onward journey to Neemrana was in a comfortable AC Volvo, which on the hindsight actually prepared our tiger for the long walk to the portals without anyone giving him a lift. On a previous occasion, agent @dpest had managed a hitch hike a bike ride to the portal Ancient Step Well. And thus Neemrana was reclaimed.
Sohna - The number you are calling is currently switched off is what we heard when a call was made to check on @TheGautamGupta. All hopes had sunk and the trip to Neemrana was almost going to go waste…. and suddenly @TheGautamGupta popped up on the HO. With his juice starved phone plugged into his laptop, charging in flight mode and his mom’s phone for communication, he set out to KR Mangalam University Portal near Sohna, Haryana. A joyful message was sent to the Command Center Daadha is back in Business. It sure did bring the Cibaca Smile to a lot of faces!
Daadha - At the Daadha Anchor @CaptSaxena @OhmResistance had some deja vu moments of the U8 OP which shook the entire Ingress Community around the World and numerous other OPs done alongside scanner to scanner. Eagerly awaiting the blocks to go down and despite threatening calls from home (somehow wives always behave like the Enlightened) both the agents ensured completion of the OP without a hitch.
Nepal - Across the border in the Himalayan Country of Nepal, @samit22 braving the heavy rainfall waited eagerly under an umbrella for his turn to throw links to Daadha, Kolkata, Gaya & Nainital. Following Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi’s footsteps we have further strengthened our links between India and Nepal. Thank You so much @samit22 for your support in this OP.
Lastly Execution is the Key to any Operation or rather Keys are key to execution of any Operation. @MrBojanglesKY, a colleague of @CaptSaxena, from Kentucky was visiting Delhi followed by a visit to Nepal. He very gladly transported keys for this OP. Thank you Corey!
@MrBojanglesKY- Corey Johnson
@samit22- Samit Ghimire
@runvijay- Jaisurya Jai
@TheGautamGupta- Gautam Gupta
@OhmResistance- Bipul Keshri
@CaptSaxena- Rohit Saxena
Numerous other NCR Smurfs for their unending support
MU Captured from Delhi & Nepal - 422.62 Million
South: All of South India with Sri Lanka and Maldives
South India: Threading a Needle
As part of Operation #BleedBlue , RES Bangalore, Tamil Nadu and Kerala were asked to execute a massive cleanup operation to allow the creation of a 1400km-long link from *Markas Puttalam in Puttalam, Sri Lanka to Alibag Beach Entrance in Alibaug, Maharashtra*. South India is by far the most active region on the map. It was always going to be difficult, but it was a challenge we felt we were up to.
The operation was to occur over 3 geographical regions:The Southern States of Tamil Nadu and Kerala; areas around Bangalore city; and North Karnataka.
Leading up to #BleedBlue :
The South was already locked in a series of controlled blocks that isolated the ENL stronghold of Coimbatore. We made full use of this. Links were to be taken down from 4 locations: Erode, Chennai, Tanjavur/Trivandrum and Trichy. The links erupting from Erode and Thanjavur/Trivandrum were friendly. There existed five enemy links from Trichy to Madurai.
Green links Kolar-Panaji, Magadi-udupi, Magadi-Mysore were to be taken down around Bangalore city. There was a friendly link from Mandya the previous day. Luckily, the portal was taken down by some hapless Enl agent.
Further North, friendly crosses were set up from Dharwad on 13th August by Bangalore agent @Drag0nwarri0r, who left for Koppal the next day. Bangalore agent @pBrane replaced him to jarvis the crosses.
Chennai agent @pulsecoder007 set up an extra block from Vandalur to Gundlupet on the morning of the 15th and was on standby to Jarvis it on requirement.
Agents took position at 1830hrs on the 15th: @gow25 in Erode, @KarVe in Thanjavur, @anishsheela in Trivandrum, @pulsecoder007 in Chennai. From Bangalore, agents @SlickThief, @SanpoKenjuu and @gyromitrin drove down to kolar to make an l7 farm in the toad stronghold; while @SM0KESCREEN made the journey to Magadi to clear the only other cross links around the city. @pBrane was on standby to jarvis our blocker at Dharwad. Enemy links from Trichy to Madurai were taken down by @KarVe on the 14th and the remaining by @KidAlpha earlier in the day on the 15th.
Everything was set till the last minute, when some ENL linked to Mandya from his home portal, threatening to foil our plans. Agent @APIND, who was on standby, rushed to the portal, took down the link and guarded it to prevent further crosslinks. Agent @SunStr3aker joined @APIND at the portal soon after as @APIND’s battery was low. The Northern fields were up by this point. Intel broke. A further delay of a few minutes was caused due to this, as old links were still showing. On verifying that the links in fact did not exist, the signal was given- all crosses went down smoothly, the Sri Lankan team linked and we were covered. The needle was threaded.
@anishsheela Anish Sheela
@KarVe Karthik Velayuthan
@KidAlpha Joel Sherwin
@gow25 gow tham
@pulsecoder007 Kishore Kumar
@SM0KESCREEN Sachin Rampure
@SlickThief Allan Moses
@gyromitrin Pawan Kumar
@Sanpokenjuu Ajay Balakrishnan
@pBrane Samuel Rajkumar
@APIND achyuth kalyan
@SunStr3aker Dinesh MN
@Drag0nwarri0r Avinash Desai
@D1nk4n Anivar Aravind
@stalactite Rahul Ashok
Sri Lanka
The plan was for Sri Lanka to select a portal and link it to portals in Kolkata, Visakhapatnam and Alibaug. The selected portal was also to be linked to the Maldives to help the Maldives link to Alibag to cover the West coast of India.
The Sri Lankan leg of #BleedBlue was critical as India were depending on #ResistanceLK to cover the bottom half of the country. Markas Puttalam ( was selected as the portal from Sri Lanka. The plan involved linking Markas Puttalam to Kolkata, Visakhapatnam and Alibaug. It was also to be linked to the Maldives to help the Maldives link to Alibaug to cover the West coast of India.
A few days prior to the 15th of August #ResistanceLK realized that a few links of our own from Valvettithurai (in the North of the island, close to Point Pedro) to Kilinochchi was blocking our links to Kolkata and Visakhapatnam. Agent @Deenster took up the task to travel to the Jaffna Peninsula to take them down! On the 14th morning he headed to Jaffna, and after approximately 12 hours of traveling the three blocking links were Jarvised and taken down. The path was now clear!
While he was returning to Colombo on the 15th morning agents @thinir, @batzee, @dumira, @CrazySuda, @MagaMaruwa, and @kevin9 gathered in Colombo around noon to head to Puttalam. They reached well within the expected time and sat down and relaxed until Resistance India confirmed the clearing of blockers for us.
The blockers were cleared and the northern part of India was covered in blue. It was finally Resistance LK’s turn to show up. Markas Puttalam was linked to Visakhapatnam and Alibag which saw almost the whole of India covered in Blue. Just for kicks the agents decided to link Mansoon Villa ( also to Visakhapatnam and Alibaug and then Monsoon Villa to Markas Puttalam to create 3 more overlapping fields. All that remained was to link to Maldives from Monsoon Villa . Once the link was established, @ShankyNirvanaa linked from Alibaug to Male covering the entire southern half of India in blue. The agents in the field also decided to link to Addu along with the Maldives team to create another field which added the cherry on top!
Credits (on field):
@thinir Thilanka Niroshana
@Kevin9 Charles Aneslem
@dumira+Dumira Athukorala
@MagaMaruwa+Pasan Dias
@Batzee Amalan Dhananjayan
@CrazySuda Sudam Liyanage
@Deenster Shahidheen Hamzy
Off field agents
@chamith Chamith Nilanka Wijesinghe
@pasindu007 Pasindu Kw
@navin83+Navin Gunaratne
@Yakaa Yasiru Welandawe
@cc89+Chathura Chamikara
MU Captured from SriLanka: 260 Million
The role for the Resistance MV in this OP was to provide a pivot portal enabling coverage of the western coast of India with links originating from a portal south of Mumbai and from the western coast of Sri Lanka. The small island of Male’, the capital is home to more than 200 portals in just under 2 sqkm, which means a portal on average every 100m in whichever direction. Blocks and the ease of access for the enemy were the primary challenges.
On the eve of #Bleedblue , a flash mini OP took place covering the capital island with a control field between two of Male’s satellite islands Villingili and Hulhumale’, and Hakura island about 140km south of Male’. Agent’s @Phenol33, @Danielneo and @Senju went to Villigili island. Agents @triplockd, @estrul1an and Sri Lankan expatriate agent who came to Maldives specifically for the OP @Yajith were in Hulhumale’. Male’ island was completely covered.
The next day agent @Phenol33 went to Hulhumale’ island early in the morning to take part in a ground search operation for Resistance agent @moyameehaa, who had been reported missing IRL.@Phenol33 led the Hulhumale’ squad with the Sri Lankan expat agent @Yajith and coordinated the removal of blocking links north of Male’ island.
As the Indian and Sri Lankan agents got ready, the Male’ squad mobilized. With teams assigned to immunize portals, remove blocks, create control fields and gather to defend the primary pivot portal Boduga Monument.
The Male’ squad was led by the Fallen Commander General @psyph. @pysph took the lead with destroying blocks along with @AM1CO. Agent @0ptimus went on a lone rampage of sort as did @d1nd1n. Agent @VlET was on clearance duty in central Male’. Agents @triplockd and @estrul1an immunized the pivot portal Boduga Monument and met up with the Boduga defense team @GraveBone, @HEX4IRE, @Shubbaa. The Boduga defense team grew in number within minutes with agents @Danielneo @demhareesan @haesham @Senju. The clearance teams soon joined in. Little Sara, fondly called #ResistanceMV ‘s L1 resonator, appropriately sporting yellow attire and @wisam joined in the fun.
It being a weekend Boduga Monument area was a hive of activity with people celebrating India’s Independence Day. Little did they know that we were doing the same in support of our wonderful neighbors.
@Phenol33 Phenol Adhly
@Yajith Yajith Ajantha Dayarathna
@pysph Saif Latheef
@AM1CO Shafie Mohamed
@VlET thakuru viet kong
@triplockd toy razee
@estrul1an najfa razee
@GraveBone Ahmed Nazim
@HEX4IRE Abdulla Shaheed
@Shubbaa Shuaib Azeez Mohamed
@Haesham+Haisham Mohamed
@demhareesan+Ahmed Naseer
@Danielneo+daniel love
@Senju Ahmaday Azeez
@0ptimus Mohamed Siraj
@d1nd1n Shafiu Ali
@wisam+Wisam Mohamed and L1 reso Sara
Total MU - 1.57 billion
Largest East-West span - Kolkata to Veraval: 1871km
Largest North-South span - Nepal to Meedhoo Island, Addu Atoll: 3407km
Total area covered: 2,869,908 km²
Total Perimeter 8,148 km
Congratulations and many thanks to all the agents for this wonderful Operation #BleedBlue !!
Ingress Anne Beuttenmüller Joe Philley Brandon Badger
#ResistanceMV #ResistanceLK #ResistanceNepal #ResistanceIndia

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