Maintaining the field for 2 weeks is a pretty impressive feat. What's your secret, Agent Vidyasagarreddy V :-)

Maintaining the field for 2 weeks is a pretty impressive feat. What's your secret, Agent Vidyasagarreddy V :-)

Originally shared by Vidyasagarreddy V

Last Month was just Spectacular, probably the best since I started ingressing ...improved my stats quite a lot...made my first 8 digit Control Field n it lasted for more than 2 weeks boosting other stats associated with it n Global RES MU Count too.Distance walked crossed 1K and also got 3 Medals..
two Gold n one Interitus.
In detail
1. Created my first major Control Field worth 11 million MUs
2.That CF lasted for nearly 17 days boosting my Largest Field
MUs x Days to 190 Million MU-days n also Max Link Length
x Days to 4547 km-days
3.Distance walked crossed 1000 km n still going
4.Achieved Gold seer , Gold Recharger n Interitus
My favorite being Largest Field MUs x Days...I betcha 190 million is not a small number n very hard to achieve IMHO. Thanks to my fellow Bangalore Resistance agents for this...without them its just impossible to achieve this figure.
All I want is few more months like this to happen ;-)
agent @vidyasagarreddy

Ingress Niantic Project NIA Ops   Joe Philley
Brandon Badger Anne Beuttenmüller Matilde Tusberti Susanna Moyer Nikolas Moore Pooja Srinivas

#Ingress #Interitus #Resistance #ResistanceIndia #BAF #IngressReport #ResistanceBangalore


  1. Secret: Make field that is big enough to register good MU, but small enough that opposition will not take pains to take it down. Also, needs to be from remote portals, and with single layer. :D

  2. Its actually more than 2 weeks ...17 days to b exact...hmm no secrets its juz team work.... Juz like tat happened ;-) Good times :-)

  3. Sachin Shenoy hi...i partly agree with u bcoz one of the anchor being Tirupati my home town from where cf was made is very near to Chennai... Not a remote one ;-)

  4. Boost is the secret of his Fields !! MU Boost ;-P

  5. i feel good to be Resistance cos of these guys \m/

  6. Vidyasagarreddy V Woh. Interitus medal. You must have contributed in someway ,right?


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