

Originally shared by Daniel Beaudoin (SK8ZION)

Here is a copy of the  #glyph   poster that was found within the vaults of the  #Recursion   anomoly in Austin, TX.  Thanks to glyphologist, Jon Harmon who passed this along to me.


  1. 6 symbols with the 7th being the point of origin...?  ;-)

  2. Several duplicate symbols: collective/shapers, creativity/idea/thought, breathe/self (though with different dots), stability/stay, attack/war, and those are just the ones that jumped out at me. Ok. Attack/war and creativity/idea/thought are highly related. Stability/stay are kind of related, but breath/self? Collective/shapers? I see calls for disambiguation in the future. (Or we could just regard this as an issue unworthy of more pedantic scrutiny and get back to work.)

  3. I actually like the way all, clear, clearall, open, and openall are graphically related. Nice.


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