Mumbai Enlightened strikes back! :-)

Mumbai Enlightened strikes back! :-)

Originally shared by Savio Scott

Operation Thanks
#Mumbai, ,

This is the best I could do at keeping it short!
So here goes.

This one’s for the Mumbai Resistance. Hence, it’s called Operation Thanks!
It couldn’t have been Possible without the awesome effort of agent JimmyScorpz (resistance), who submitted this portal named ‘Rock Cut Caves-Gorakhgardh’ atop a hill which is amongst a very scenic and captivating landscape.
Thanks to the participating agents
Stephen Menezes   aka stephensrm
Vijay Raj aka NeoMaster
Ankit Srivastava  aka AlfSierra
Ketan Ghamande  aka KetanGhamande
Savio Scott aka scottzilla (myself)
It all started when the Mumbai Resistance posted their Sitrep about the same portal on G+, which we thought was quite descriptive and helpful on their part. However, as we would later find out that the details weren’t even close to sufficient. I’m surely not giving out anything useful myself ;)
What started of as a simple portal take-down became a multi-million MU operation which would take us through a journey of insurmountable experiences of physical and mental endurance. The take-down operation was suggested by +Ankit Srivastava which was later taken over by +Vijay Raj who planned the acquisition of the required key’s and field agents that would be present at the required Anchors.
Link to the Portals:
Jai Mundeshwari Mata Mandir,72.677067&z=17&pll=19.924742,72.677067
Rock Cut Caves-Gorakhgad,73.539903&z=17&pll=19.192057,73.539903

It was thus decided that the initial 7 agents which later came down to just 4, would travel to the target portal ‘Rock Cut Caves-Gorakhgad’. Following instructions from the resistance post we decided to meet at 7am at Kalyan Station on the outskirts of Mumbai, from where we’d travel by road, using various means of transport available. The closest that one can get to the portal on any form of transport is a treacherous and unforgiving 1.5km and 1000feet. Cutting the details down to just the Trek and climb took us a good 3hrs and 30mins (that neither of us would like to relive), only to later realize that; what goes up a mountain, must come back to humanity.
On reaching the site which is, as the Resistance sitrep suggests (yawn) exactly 2000feet over sea level, we unpacked our eatables and drinkables which were 1xbottle of water and couple of packets of biscuits which we picked up otw. Much to not so much of a surprise there was only 2G network with only a brink of internet connectivity on a very specific (unspecified) network. Thus leaving us 4 with only 3 phones that had network and since the data packets weren’t as many we decided to go at it 1 at a time by tethering off the phones that got network.
Since the portal already had 3 R8’s we decided to Jarvis the portal and put an additional 3 R8’s and a RMH to help us procure as many keys as we could. The link Amps were also provided by the Resistance along with a VRS. All this took nearly an hour as you could imagine the efficiency of the network we were dealing with not to blame them as we were in fact in 1 of the most uninhabitable locations I have visited so far.
Anyhow, once the portal was green we signaled to our help in Vasai above mentioned agent stephensrm who was given the task of connecting exactly 7 portals in vasai to ‘Jai Mundeshwari Mata Mandir’ in Wadhwan. After receiving a confirmation from Stephen, Vijay started the linking from Gorakhgad. First link was established and then it wasn’t until 20mins later that he was able to create the first CF. The count for the first CF was just shy of a million MU’s, and that was good news as it was the inner most CF and knowing that the rest were going to be bigger.
Due to a miss calculation one of the agents threw a link to 1 of the non-anchoring portals which disallowed us to create the planned amount of 7 CF’s. However, we were more than content to know that the commutative figure was well over 6 million Mind Units.
It was the success of this operation that gave us the strength and courage to bring ourselves down the mountain. And it brought to us a feeling of brotherhood and trust that would see us through the most difficult times.
Once again, a genuine thanks to all who made this journey possible.
Link to the Resistance Siterep by Nikhil Samre aka SupremeKai:

Ingress Enlightened - Mumbai
Ingress Enlightened India

Pooja Srinivas
Anne Beuttenmüller
Kira Kroger
Joe Philley
Brandon Badger 


  1. And the green MU graph line went 0.5 mm above the ground for the first time xD


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