Hangout Muter App let's you disable enter/exit sounds in a Hangout. Very cool!

Hangout Muter App let's you disable enter/exit sounds in a Hangout. Very cool!

via chee chew

Originally shared by Denny Gursky

Ever get annoyed with join/leave sound notifications in large video calls? Install Hangout Muter app! That's a very tiny application I wrote which has a single purpose: mute those annoying sounds.

The moment the app is started it mutes notifications. You can turn it into persistent setting (between video calls) if you check 'Autoload and autohide on startup' setting (as a bonus the app won't steal screen real estate).

Install it via the link below, agree to terms, etc, and it will be in your apps sidebar in all the following video calls.

#hangoutapps   #howtohangout   #googlehangouttips
