

via Vic Gundotra

Originally shared by Virgil Dobjanschi

Google+ for Android: notifications when photos get awesome’d

Today’s new Android app is mostly about bug fixes and performance improvements, but we did squeeze in a feature that’ll make photos more fun: Auto Awesome notifications.

Auto Awesome finds sets of photos in your library, and creates fun new versions automatically (like animations, panoramas, or filmstrips). Starting today you’ll get notified on Android, iOS and the desktop whenever one of these gems is waiting for you.

If you’d like to see all of your awesome’d photos — in your library, or from your circles — simply tap Photos, then search for #autoawesome: plus.google.com/photos/search/%23autoawesome.

The update is rolling out now to Google Play (v4.1.1, http://goo.gl/xaxMx), so give it a go and let us know what you think!
