Explore the world through time and share your #timelapse

Originally shared by Google Earth

Explore the world through time and share your #timelapse

Did you know you can now access nearly three decades of Earth imagery from space in an interactive map? Try it now, and use the search box at the top of the page to zoom to anywhere in the world: http://goo.gl/GARs1 

Share your favorite finds with both the hashtag #timelapse and map link (use the "Share this view" button below the map). We'll round up the best ones to showcase later — and there may even be a special sticker in it for you!

Learn more about our project with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and NASA over on the Official Google Blog: http://goo.gl/cqYDA


  1. if only it went back further...

    actually some places show amazing change, which is pretty neat to watch!


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