Planning on broadcasting your hangouts? Here's your chance to learn from the experts!

Planning on broadcasting your hangouts? Here's your chance to learn from the experts!

#CoolHangouts   #hangoutsonair  

Originally shared by Sarah Hill

How to host a Hangout On Air?:  G-10 Summit Tomorrow
Now that you've got your own broadcast station, how do you use it?  How do you vet guests?  How do you find story ideas? How do you host your own show?  We're gathering a group of News "Hangchors", Hangout Hosts and  Developers to share information on everything from useful extensions to how best to wield Google Plus as a crowd sourcing tool for your show.  We're taking questions from the stream with Google Moderator.  You can submit yours here. 
Hangout happens TOMORROW AT 12:30 PM PST, 2:30 CENTRAL, 3:30 EASTERN  Event announcement to follow.
