Just installed this... pretty cool!
Originally shared by Matt Waddell
Another demo app for Hangouts: Live Meme
v1.1 of the Hangouts API is now rolling out publicly (http://goo.gl/2lGQY)! Using the new features, folks like Moritz Tolxdorff have already built great apps like Hangout Lower Third. My hacky contribution is a demo app -- Live Meme -- that overlays meme-looking text on your live video. (see screenshot)
To install Live Meme, just start a hangout with this link: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_?gid=925601837461. Enjoy!
Known issues: 1) text will appear backwards to you, but it'll look normal to everyone else; 2) your browser needs to play nice with HTML5
Pooja Srinivas thanks for sharing. I tried one of his other aps yesterday. Lower third . Very nice.